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Everything posted by TheFlyingDemocrat

  1. Hey Forum, I'm relatively new to the game (got it 2 days ago) and I can't seem to find a gun. Would any of you guys know good buildings, places or cities to find weapons and ammo in Chenarus? Thanks :lol:
  2. TheFlyingDemocrat

    spawning in knocked out

    Hi Forum, I don't know what it is with this patch, but the game has become a lot more buggy know. Recently I died and when I tried to join another server, It still said I had blood even though I got killed. Every server I spawn in I have 5000 blood, but am knocked out with an hourglass that doesn't turn black. Additionally, I can't access the main menu in game or type in the chat box; my game is completely frozen. What should I do? Thanks :) :beans: :beans: :beans:
  3. Hi Forum, I'm confused. When I opened six launcher today, I had to install the latest patch, but when installed; six launcher still displayed it as Shortly afterwards I tried to join the new but I could not get past the loading screens. After doing some brief searches on the forum, I got a mixed bag of results, some are saying that I need to download it manually,others say six launcher needs to update, and Rocket said something about not releasing the patch yet for six updater. In any case I'm confused. So I guess I'm asking you guys: What's the easiest way to resolve this issue? Thanks :lol: :)
  4. TheFlyingDemocrat

    where do you guys find good weapons?

    Deer stands dude, I just found an M16 m203; find a deer stand in the brush on the Dayz map and server hop till you find a good weapon :D
  5. Hi Forum, I've been playing DayZ solo now for the past few days, but I find it a lot harder to survive on your own. If any of you guys are looking for someone to team-up with feel free to add me. The only thing is that I don't have a mic so we'd need to use game-chat. Steam ID: TheFlyingDemocrat I gotta warn you though, I'm a bit nooby :)
  6. TheFlyingDemocrat

    Looking for partner or group!!

    I'll add you dude, my steam id is TheFlyingDemocrat. I'm relatively new to this game though if you don't mind :)
  7. TheFlyingDemocrat

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    Being a newbie, I don't mind spawing without a weapon. Though, when they are almost impossible to find; it just makes the game a little frustrating when you've been wondering around for hours just to find a wide variety of chem lights and road flares.
  8. Hi Forum, I just got this kick@#* game today, but I can't seem to get into any servers via six launcher. Every time I try to join a server I get a message stating; "Bad version, server rejected connection." Although in the title of each server, it states that they are up to date with my exact version. Is this error just an issue with the server in general? If so, what working servers would you recommend to a newbie? Thanks guys! :lol:
  9. If your looking 4 some guys to play with, you can add me on steam @ TheFlyingDemocrat, but I'm new to this game and looking for someone who would be willing to help me out a bit. THANKS
  10. TheFlyingDemocrat

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey, I'm Steve; aka Speirs (in game) I'm a cod player, who decided to give this game a try.