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About arthurdepartuur

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  1. arthurdepartuur

    Takistan on DayZ Commander

    its a huge dessert
  2. arthurdepartuur

    [Stop with the slurs already. -Max] in a bush.

    thats the fun of the game
  3. arthurdepartuur

    2 Dutch guys looking for company

    iets jonger als 15 is toch ook goed? het gaat er toch om dat je volwassen bent? XD
  4. arthurdepartuur

    Tent Disappearing Bug?

    i have the same damn problem :( just found a pick-up stole the shit out of it put it in a tent, server restarts, tent is gone :( ( the pick-up by the way aswell )
  5. arthurdepartuur


    if you dont like the game just stop it...
  6. arthurdepartuur

    Why did I respawn at the coast?

    maybe u where at a "non-hive" server
  7. arthurdepartuur

    Keep getting stuck at "Loading" screen

    i have the same problem... but how can i manually do that?
  8. arthurdepartuur

    Hacker got 4 - 6 shots , he dont die

    only 2 of them hit him.... but its still strange
  9. arthurdepartuur

    Covering your vehicle up

    it can, there is a arma 2 building thingy for that http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/A2/Objects/compositions/#document at page 2 there is a nice one... btw, this is a list of some things that are already in arma 2
  10. arthurdepartuur

    stacking sandbags?

    how about stacking sandbags or something like that? so u should be able 2 make a house kind of thing, i know u haters are there, but its hard 2 find such much sand bags so its not that op, doors could be a option 2 but im not sure about it...
  11. arthurdepartuur

    Realism ideas

    the fishing should be like in skyrim, im not a huge skyrim fan but its a good aspect of the game
  12. arthurdepartuur

    Got idea for next map

    the boats have 2 be more usefull, they will have 2 add something like big container ships 2 find at see, kind of like the crashed helicopters