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Everything posted by boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

  1. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Forum Moderators Wanted!

    UK/M/37 Happy to help where and when I can I run my own community as well, well it kinda runs its self. Point being I know my way around a bulletin board. More info's on me can be found by clicking on the About.me in my sig.
  2. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    PCF - UK Group/Community

    [align=center] PCFormat UK group (of around 4500 members) is now starting up dedicated group for DayZ so we can direct events and info to only those that are interested. Join us at : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/PCFDayz As this group matures along with the game coming out of alpha we will set up a server. Who are we? We are a privileged group to have such trusting friends such as PCFormat magazine who are sponsored by Multiplay and whom allow us to directly administer and run their game servers . Please feel free to make use of our current resources including Teamspeak 3. We are a group of gamers who prefer spend the time we have for gaming in a environment which favours quality over quantity and most of all fun. This is encompassed in our single golden rule: NO DICKS The core of the community comms is based at PCForums which you find a link to in my sig. We are not a clan & we're not exactly teens either. We are a 'mature' bunch of gamers and we require no financial commitment in the form of donations etc toward the other game servers we are currently running nor do we require any commitment based on level of activity. Join us, we're nice. [/align]
  3. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    PCF - UK Group/Community

    Seeing a lot of request for UK players/groups and this had sunk into the depths. Check us out, we already have 9 regular players which play as two groups and can and would be happy to accommodate a few more groups. Cheers
  4. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Where do you play DayZ?

    Here is where I spend my free time. If find the tablet easy to use as a map, its a little lame I know but Im no boy scout and need the help. Lets see yours.
  5. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Where do you play DayZ?

    Nice man cave dude. Im not allowed one, well not one I can put my PC in as the wife reckons she would never see me!
  6. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Animal diversity and wilderness predators

    This game is already hard enough with the random and rare Bigfoot encounters. He mostly roams around black forest and as far north east airfield. When you're in that area you can sometimes hear him calling for his mate. More so if its a full moon. Skip to 4.20 in the video below http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AJa3zDbK3g
  7. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    THE Firewood thread

    Wood as a item should be removed. Building a fire place was fine as it was I just assumed that the delay and sounds when building was my character gathering up wood etc. I understand they are testing ideas here but I hope this doesn't go to show that with each new feature it will require more and more micro management of thing that bring little benefit to the game play. e.g. items required to eat beans Beans Can opener Spoon Find bean, find can opener, open can use spoon.
  8. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Temperature isn't the problem... it's starvation.

    Wood as a item should be removed. Building a fire place was fine as it was I just assumed that the delay and sounds when building was my character gathering up wood etc. I understand they are testing ideas here but I hope this doesn't go to show that with each new feature it will require more and more micro management of thing that bring little benefit to the game play. e.g. items required to eat beans Beans Can opener Spoon Find bean, find can opener, open can use spoon.
  9. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    [SUGGESTION] Raw meat = Zombie bait

    As title really. Be nice to be able to lob a raw steak and it have a radius of attraction for zeds, say 10 meters. They smell it/see it and wander over and start munching for 30 to 60 secs. While eating they should have a lower rate of awareness, say a 30% handicap on their current level but if alerted they will stop eating their meat steak starter and go for the main course, you. So what do you think. Good, bad or wftbbq?
  10. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Where do you play DayZ?

    Nice pics. Keep e'em coming The booze on my desk is a Limited edition Johnny Walker Black and the squat shaped decanter hold Mount Gays Rum. Help calm my nerves. :)
  11. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Where do you play DayZ?

    No mate, just that logo. I'll ask my bro on TS next time I play.
  12. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Where do you play DayZ?

    ^ Pc orgy. ;)
  13. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Where do you play DayZ?

    Ive no idea what the mat is, sorry. It was a present from my brother.
  14. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Actual Cinematic Trailer (Unofficial)

    Nice work. It should be on main page
  15. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    Reserved slots (up to a max of 50% of available slots) The amount of servers would dramatically increase if this were implemented as it would provide a more of a incentive for the community to pay for hosting a server and with the 50% reserve slot limit it would support the mod as well.
  16. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    DayZ Stories

    I went north ,up on the hills, over some really tussocky grass, a style, then a drystone wall next to a bubbling stream... Sorry, I'm rambling...
  17. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Something i noticed..

    My guess would be that as the USA sleeps the server are not getting hit with 1000 users hitting enter over and over again to get in Trying a euro server at 4am GMT would confirm this.
  18. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk


    £10 says It will become a book of badly drawn cocks or spammed with the word C*** in under five minutes.
  19. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    -STmovement mod for better indoor movement Thats great! Just googled it and checked the vid on you tube
  20. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    1) Global chat nerfed....forever 2) Maps on every bus stop 3) All electronic loot requiring batteries (like laser targeter in ARMA2) 4) Maps with notes on. (find in body bags) 5) Loot tied to time of day- night loot better than day loot 6) Zeds with eye shine (like a dog/fox/rabbit) to help spot at night 7) Boobs
  21. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Why does this game have so many idiots?

    Ive travelled a lot and found one true constant that also transpires to be true for the internet. The percentage of assholes* is same everywhere. *definition of asshole is someone who acts like a jerk to anyone they don't know
  22. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Dogs: Discussion

    ^ Playing fetch with a road flare :)
  23. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    DayZ Cinematic Screens

    Nice screenies. Good luck with that. Watermark the public ones? Example
  24. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Dogs: Discussion

    k.i.s.s. and it will rock. As with everything in DayZ, it will be a choice. You wont be FORCED to own a dog.
  25. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    cool eh? just call me Mystic Meg. Want to buy some lucky heather?