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Everything posted by boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

  1. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    New server set up help

    Ive set the difficluty as I stated in my original post, but Veteran defaults to 3D off I want veteran with 3D on. as for the name, how do I get assigned a number? UK??
  2. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    [GUIDE] City Sized Maps - WIP

    so.. whos going to be the first to do a custom map complete with street view? :D
  3. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

  4. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Remove broken bones and make it a death blow.

    Should be Bandages + Wood = Splint Run speed reduced 50% for 20 mins
  5. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Idea: Could the medic update the first post to add their country. eg . Boomsling - UK
  6. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in the UK dude so I'll probably be in bed, kids get up at 5.30am, the little bastards, so I try to get my head down by 11pm. If I'm not sorted by the weekend can we make a man-date then?
  7. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Can you help me? Ive added you on steam. Im a stand up guy...usually...the broken leg doesn't help support that statement ATM but you know what I mean.
  8. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    What do YOU make for the DayZ community?

    'I give pleasure to the world becasue I have such a beautiful ass'
  9. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Official DayZ Font

    you are welcome
  10. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need help, stuck here: Broken leg need morphine I have 2 blood bags , if you administer one to me you can take the other to help someone else. PM for server. Thanks
  11. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Official DayZ Font

    Ive found one Ive been using here: ( see pic in 1st post) http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=14796 Its called Gulag Decay Its a bit squashed but if you set the character height to 150% in photoshop its a very good match. Font attached [attachment=1250] Also available from here: http://www.fonts2u.com/gulag-decay.font
  12. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Two annoying things.

    Here's two more: Post #1 Post #2 :P
  13. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Mountain Dew

    Ive got 2 cans, need morphine.
  14. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Morphine, I need a shot dude. Can you hook me up? Chernarus has run dry. Ive got plently of coke.
  15. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk


    Just mod the display users then to only show certain groups. i.e. mods only. Also removing the MyBB link from the bottom of this forum is pretty poor, I know such action with phpBB would revoke any official support. I highly suspect removing the 'Powered by myBB' is against myBB's terms too.
  16. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk


    Could you also get rid of cloudflare, trust me it's rubbish for forums with such dynamic content and it only slows the forum down. That was a post of mine from about a month or two ago.... lol at the you do back up dont you?!? ;)
  17. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I got owned by a small wall. I went prone near it and heard a crunch. Instant loss of around 4000 blood and broken bones. No morphine to be found anywhere! Ive crawled around 2km looking in high probability areas, deer stands mainly as Im near a group of 3 and it never spawns. Also when joining a server it seems to throw me to desktop by minimizing the game?
  18. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    DayZ Replacement Shortcut Icons

    DayZ Replacement Shortcut Icons One light and one dark to suit your desktop wallpaper. Preview:
  19. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Will you increase the spawn rate of matches? Ive got 2 cans of mountain dew but no matches.
  20. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Fix for

    Found this online and it made everything ok. Click here and then click the button Hope this helps the ragers, moaners and generally impatient. :D
  21. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Hotfix Build - MIRRORS

    Post yours up here: DOWNLOAD LINK : https://rapidshare.com/files/194392990/DayZ.zip TORRENT: http://www.pc-forums.co.uk/hotlink/latest.torrent TORRENT : http://the-tour.org/downloads/games/dayz/latest.torrent Contains: Code_v1.7.1.4 Equip_v1.3.2 Weapons_v1.3.1 Please only post the link, confirmation of link or reports of broken links. TORRENT : http://the-tour.org/downloads/games/dayz/latest.torrent
  22. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

    [align=center]POST REMOVED. GET THE POINT! [/align]]
  23. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

    mirror: https://rapidshare.com/files/194392990/DayZ.zip
  24. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Make a 'YOU ARE DEAD' screen

    Lets make a new 'You are dead 'screen Can be funny, gruesome, done in paint or a work of art in photoshop. Be creative. Just for fun, who knows might even get used. Post here: To kick things off.
  25. boomnet@blueyonder.co.uk

    Make a 'YOU ARE DEAD' screen

    . Bean wars are never pretty....