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About sienihemmo

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  1. Personally I don't care because my eyes are usually on the surroundings, either scanning the horizon while running between towns or checking around corners in one.
  2. sienihemmo

    So, when do you shoot?

    Here's how I operate: 1. Always keep an eye on the chat for FoF inqueries, especially when in towns. 2. If suprised (suddenly spot a player within around 50 meters), immediately assume hostile and open fire. 3. If you spot another player first, acquire FoF. If no response is given and you remain unseen, attempt to sneak away. If you are seen, take hard cover and assume hostile. 4. If player who has spotted you starts advancing on you, give final warning. If there is no response and the player keeps advancing, assume hostile and/or foreign. Take hard cover and open fire. 4. If FoF is acquired, let the other player approach you. Do not approach the other player as he might be trying to lure you into an ambush. Be especially wary of players with clantags, mostly bandits form clans. The important thing is not to take unneccessary risks, but still give other player a chance. And in case it wasn't obvious, if someone opens fire on you, hit the deck and return fire. And if for some reason you don't know what terms "FoF" or "hard cover" mean, shame on you.
  3. sienihemmo

    Reply to Rocket about zombie AI

    At present, I think of the zeds as more of an enviromental hazard in a PVP survival game, rather than the actual point of the game. They are mostly just an annoyance, and only become actually dangerous when you're either in a house with only one exit (with not enough ammo to deal with them), or when there are literally dozens of them in narrow city streets (when you can't run and gun so easily). Anything else and they are easily dealt with.
  4. sienihemmo

    DayZ Memes

    First 3 pages were pretty good, after that it sort of dozed off to people that have no idea what a meme actually is
  5. I'm willing to bet that people who say (in this thread) that the night is perfectly fine the way it is, are using either NVG's or the gamma trick. I'm fine either way, make it brighter or don't, the gamma trick works fine so far so I don't really care. Would be nice if I had some colors on the screen at night though. Now that I think of it, the maxed gamma+HDR has pretty much the amount of darkness I'd like there to be, maybe around 10-20% darker than that. Because then there's light enough to move and see near you (meaning like 10 meters and a bit blurry), but still dark enough that you need some kind of light source to see farther and clearer.
  6. What time of the year is it ingame? If it's summer then I still think the night should be shorter. Though it might look more like fall, what with the yellow leaves and whatnot. And I wouldn't be suprised that everywhere in the world has more light in winter than Finland. We only have like 3 hours of daylight in winter :) Well maybe not 3 hours, but thats how it feels when you spend most of the day indoors.
  7. I find it really fucking annoying that the night comes so early, I mean in Finland the sun sets around 11pm (even after that you can see clearly without any street lights), and yet the FI 3 server is dark by 8pm, and I mean pitch black. I think that's bullshit since I usually play games from around 6 pm to somewhere around 12pm. So I only have a few hours to play before I'm pretty much forced to switch games. I don't really mind the dark personally since I'm always carrying a gun with a flashlight (Remington usually), but the rest of my group has AKM's and CZ550's so they all log off for the night, just when I get started. Oh, by the way, flashlights don't increase zed aggro at all, 5 meters away proned with a flashlight? No problem. I think it's pretty balanced that way, since flashlights are soooo easy to be spotted by players and unlike chems and flares, you can't throw a flashlight on the ground so it's always showing exactly where you are. But seeing how Rocket is with de-incentivizing playing at night, I'm guessing it's gonna be changed at some point to aggro as much as flares or something. Though I'd like the not-aggroing flashlights to stay because it allows for more tactical gameplay, with one or two players showing light to the rest of the group. Anyways, playing alone is BS to me because I'm a team player. So easy to get onehitted to unconciousness by a zed and bleed to death. And I fucking love that because if you play alone, you have to be so goddamn careful of zombies because you have no helping hand, no backup, nothing. All it takes is one lucky zombie and your ass is zed grub. Not to even mention hostile players.
  8. sienihemmo

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    A bit of offtopic here: This forum is starting to grow in to a flaming inferno of people getting annoyed by Rocket calling them "carebears" because of a playstyle, and other people trolling and calling them pussies and whatnot. You'd be wise to start handing out warnings for flaming soon, or you might have a riot on your hands. Great patch so far though, can't wait until the clothes come out.
  9. sienihemmo

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    What's this then? My groups camp is 2 kilometres into a forest and we have to go find a FARM to get wood? I'll forgive you though, because there isn't any loot yet outside of buildings. Pretty crap though, that from now on I can't light a fire at night just to bring light while I empty my gear to the tents, eat, drink and chill while waiting for groupmates to arrive. Not without keeping like 10 stacks of firewood in a tent, anyways.
  10. sienihemmo

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Asking if someone is in Cherno is already dumb enough. Of course someone is in Cherno! Most likely a bandit with a sniper rifle. xD Well yea. If anyone actually is there, he'll be getting the fuck out because someone else is there instead of letting everyone know about it, or he'll answer and try to lure you into a trap.
  11. sienihemmo

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    I'm connected to my normal server just fine' date=' but there are between 1 and 50 zombies only, so no loot is spawning. It's been that way all day. [/quote'] Yea last night the server was @ 0 zombies. Eventually it went 30, untill people started killing them. Any idea what causes that? Is it because people are camping in cities? Maybe in the woods? Or is it an issue with the main/game server? It's some kind of bug that causes loot and zombies to stop spawning, it only takes a server boot to fix it though.
  12. sienihemmo

    Server Blacklisted: UK11

    that seems like an advantage tho, not "cheating" worthy? It's caused by some bug that stops zombies AND loot from spawning, so not really an advantage. Happens on FI 3 all the time, all it takes to fix it is a server boot like Colonel_Black mentioned.