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Everything posted by Grodenn

  1. Grodenn

    Auto Move/Run Key?

    Damn didn't even think of that :D thank you <3 now I'm off to make some macros.
  2. Sounds like you should go for that other game and leave dayz alone, thank you.
  3. Grodenn

    An Argument for Money

    While I can agree that it would be realistic to find money all over the place I don't think that is something we need in the game. Reason for this is simple, if there would be a zombie apocalypse in real life money would have no value what so ever. Why? First of inflation you really don't have to study economics (I have though ;))to understand that there would be some insane inflation when 90%+ of the population dies and that 10% or what ever that is left have access to all the money that was there before. This would mean that a million dollars is barley worth a can of beans and then you get to the question why would you go around with something that has a low value and no real use what so ever? You can't eat it and you can't use it for anything except maybe as toilet paper and something to start the fire with but you don't need a few thousand 100 dollar bills for that (or what ever currency you may want). So if it was implemented to be realistic the money in the game would have to take up backpack slots for storage which basically mean that they are completely useless. Money only have the value people think/say it has, it is completely worthless and at the same time worth more than anyone can imagine, it is all about trust for the currency. There are many examples of these type of scenarios happening in real life (when currencies basically implode) and that is without the majority of the population dying out. Basically money in it self is a worthless item inside the game and I don't think it would fit the game. With that said rocket have actually talked about adding some nonsense items to the game that we as players could decide to use as a currency if we wanted to (which I find a bit more interesting tbh).
  4. Grodenn

    Level up,Colonies,Life Regen

    Why the fuck would you like to remove the most awesome feature of this game, permadeath? Go back to playing some MMO like WoW or something it prolly suits you better (I'm not saying that as an insult WoW was actually a good game ones).
  5. Grodenn

    Idea for Stand Alone DayZ

    Why do people keep posting shit like this? Why on earth would anyone want that shit system in a great game like this. This game is awesome because it has a new concept of freedom and completely remove all elements that decide who you are before you start the game, let's keep it that way.
  6. Grodenn

    Police car and Amublance

    Say what? m24 medium yield and in a cop car? Le* fuck.
  7. Pretty sure items despawn after a few minutes when you place them on the ground btw
  8. Grodenn

    So, DayZ is being remade?

    The low fps delay and bad/laggy servers does break the feel a lot, I love the feel when you play on a good server that is actually perfect sadly they are few.
  9. Grodenn

    So, DayZ is being remade?

    I think it's more about that clutch feel, your movement with the mouse is represented well in the game without delay. I found that some servers you do actually get really nice character movements and that connection with the screen that you expect from any game. But on most servers it is slightly laggy and not that 100%. Arma is simply a very bad optimised game and I really hope RV4 is a lot better (looks very promising at all the E3 videos I watched so far) because if you do not have that clutch and fluid movement you feel disconnected from the game and that can be very irritating (pretty much break the experience).
  10. Grodenn

    Snipers ruin the game. NT

    Really? :D I think most players getting killed in Kamenka are grateful for your services
  11. Grodenn

    Passing out on login

    ^ This
  12. one problem I see though is that you are unable to take control of the place when the clan/player is offline. This is very easy to exploit by having "the key" on a second character that never logs in or something similar. Also if you stop playing all of a sudden no one can take over that area again.
  13. Grodenn

    Still think this is a good game?

    Glitches and bugs that kill you and take your gear Many of the bugs came with arma so not a dayz problem. Yes there are also loads of bugs within dayz but if you didn't expect that when you downloaded the game you must be either fucking retarded or 12 years old. It is a mod in ALPHA stage if that doesn't scream "this game is full of bugs" I don't know what will. Hackers owning most servers Counter strike was also full of cheaters that didn't make it a bad game, also any popular game will have tons of cheaters there is literally not a single popular online game that doesn't. Veh's and bases being stored off map Eh? This have been fix, they are removed if placed outside the map as far as I know. Logging during PvP Yepp very sad that people want to cheat/exploit there was an attempt to fix this in the last patch and we will prolly see a solution in the next. Tents not saving Same as the first one... Community eating itself alive To be fair which community doesn't? and we get dogs.. He is working on dogs still I bet we will see a REAL GOOD youtube vid about dogs, telling everyone how amazing DayZ is because it has bandits, excuse me.. dogs.. I'm sure by the time a dog loving zombie fan has a chance to see the youtube vid, rocket will take them out to better fit his vision. His or BiS now? Also, since we in ALPHA, does that mean your STAND ALONE game won't have an alpha or beta? Wizard, please tell me how you turn this mod into a standalone ? Can someone please tell me that we WONT be downloading DAYZ THE STAND ALONE *ALPHA* in 6 months and be doing this all over again? It is rather obvious that you have no idea what an alpha is and why you have one, go educate yourself before posting some retarded shit on the forums. I don't care about gear, re-spawning, pvp or zombies.. I just want a good game with or with out dogs. Okay? So WHY THE FUCK are you here in the first place? Alpha testing is apparently not something for you so don't bother with it and go buy some other game, preferable on console so I never have to deal with you again...
  14. Grodenn

    Standalone Dayz???

    You are obviously gonna have to pay for the Dayz standalone nothing else will happen in regard too price of other games ^^. I can't understand why people are but hurt over that? Rocket have hinted at a price of something like 15-20 USD or EURO (cant remember which) and that is a rather low price for a game anyway. This is one of the few games I can honestly say I wouldn't mind paying a lot for, I mean the fucking brilliance in this game is just retarded. I'm really exited about today's announcement and I can't wait to get my hands on the alpha/beta of the standalone! :D
  15. Grodenn

    Gear in inventory

    Yeah the inventory UI is a bit confusing at first, some (seriously, retarded) person designed that at BI and it could be way more simple.
  16. Interesting idea about the ammo could be a nice change but I really don't think we need more backpack slots if anything we should have less, or add a weight system to items that decide how much you can carry.
  17. Grodenn

    1 million player soon!

    not yet ^^
  18. Grodenn

    Zombies Too Annoying

    Agreed there need to be big hordes of zombies, walking around the streets of cherno/elektro should be a feat in of it self! How are they hard to loose in the forest? It is one of the easiest places to get rid of them...
  19. Grodenn

    Suggestion to stop bad players, hoppers, etc

    While I do agree we need to stop alt f4ing exploiters I think death is slightly to harsh, it will happen that people DC for legit reasons even in a fire fight. What I do think though is that your char should stay in the game for like 20-40 seconds if you DC. First of all it is way easier to make that change than to code a propper definition of combat that isn't buggy. Also even if you are staying idle for 20-40 seconds it doesn't mean you will have to die, specially if you have team mates defending you (which is not gonna happen if you are using the DC as an exploit). The cooldown to log back on is a good idea though.
  20. Grodenn

    Zombies Too Annoying

    I agree the zombies are just annoying but you want to make them even more retarded? Wow the zombies need to be deadly not just annoying they need to pose a real fucking treat... Right now it feels like some dumb retarded AI I don't even have to care about because they are so easy to just outmanoeuvre. This game definitely don't need to get easier we need way way way harder zombies and gameplay in general.
  21. Grodenn

    Death needs penalties. Suggestions welcome

    He have also said he want to make death more devastating, I don't think he was talking about death punishment when he said he didn't want a punishment system in the game. Rather he don't want to punish any type of game play style (like bandit/survivor for example).
  22. Grodenn

    Death needs penalties. Suggestions welcome

    I think this is a very interesting idea not the first time this have been suggested though but still very interesting. I would love to see how it would play out, maybe it wont work at all maybe it will? There have been other suggestions hinting at more like a 12h respawn timer which is a pretty devastating long time. But question is would it inflict some sense of a moral behaviour with players? Would killing feel like a morally wrong thing to do? In the end it might just be a very annoying feature but I really believe we need to try this out when we are in the alpha stage. I also think that your stored items need to be affected when you die, like deleted or what not (this is probably not the best solution though). Actually I just got an idea what if your tents get marked on the in game map for everyone too see (when you are killed). Even if this is not the most realistic thing it would punish you rather hard for dying, (maybe unfair for a group base to get relieved if one member fucks up?) it would also make the in game map useful.
  23. Grodenn

    How to aid in stopping KoS!

    I think you are looking at it at the wrong angle, marking people is not a good solution. First of all we need to acknowledge what the REAL problem is. It is very simple, when you encounter another player there is a few choices you can make. A. Ignore the player. B. Try to kill the player. C. Approach the player (try to start a conversation, with what ever intention) So if we break these scenarios down to risk/reward of the outcomes. A. Potential risk of getting shot at if the other player spot you, No reward. B. Potential risk of getting killed if you fuck up, huge reward opportunities (the reward can also be roughly estimated before hand). C. Huge risk of getting killed, rather low rewards. Simply the best way to play this game for maximum risk/reward ratio is being a bandit, all other play styles are less efficient simple as that. This is the TRUE problem of the game atm, what we need is a much closer risk/reward ratios in these scenarios (at least between B and C). Question is how is this done in a propper way that doesn't break the game in both feel and freedom. My best bet is new ways to interact with other people, stuff like blood bags, they are a really nice item that does encourage player interaction. But we need more stuff like that, none mandatory items that gives extra bonuses. I have read stuff in other threads for example about sharing food/water for full effect, or limit the toolbelt slot so you must specify your character in a specific field within the game (needing other players help to do other stuff for you). Not to the extent that it would break the lone wolf play style but enough to encourage player interaction. I also think your life within the game needs more value, right know it doesn't really matter that much which is also a problem. I'm not sure how to do that though but it should be a more emotional experience in killing another player than just another stat on the scoreboard. I think that the shot on sight would go down a bit if your life had more value in some way. I would also want to point out that none of these things will ever break the game for a bandit style of play, I my self do currently play as a bandit I like it but I don't think I will ever be anything else unless the reward for not being a bandit was greater than today. (I'm obviously aware that this will not completely stop every single shoot on sight engagement but that is exactly what I was going for. I still want the shoot on sight game play to exist while at the same time open the field for other type of viable game styles). Edit: Fixed a spelling error.
  24. Grodenn

    Waterbottles...Should hold multiple 'drinks'.

    Well yeah could be a good change BUT then water bottles need to be rather rare item considering how overpowered it is going to be (already a really good item). I would say a rarity of like MAX 5-10% of the player base have them on them at any one time, actually even less than that would be better for balance sake.