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Everything posted by fenrix

  1. most i ever had was 120 and 9 bandits. the 10th one got me :P
  2. fenrix

    Food and water being used offline

    Im a game modder, animator, 3d modeller myself working on zombie games, Ive thought about this kind of stuff before :D im pretty sure there are plans to do something similar going by some of the stuff ive seen from pcgamer article and stuff.
  3. id host one if i had the money myself. I know how to set it all up and everything. so if anyone has the money but not the knowledge give me a yell :)
  4. fenrix

    Do *NOT* Spam Connections

    then perhaps hive needs to be re-written to allow people into a game BEFORE it gets thier info's just have it stick them in some kind of arena while they wait with some crap gear so they can hunt eachother then throw them into the main area once it knows who they are thats what i would do.
  5. fenrix

    Porting Dayz into SP-COOP Campaign

    "by" yourself i said! dayz, full of murderers and pervs!
  6. fenrix

    LAN server setup

    im not lofty. i found out when my server did some strange things while i was testing it. and it is possible. to set it up for lan only so no one can see the server. I would not be surprised if people are already doing it.
  7. fenrix

    Food and water being used offline

    the issue is not about dying, the issue is that the game affects your character when you are not playing. this is silly without more additional persistant effects on your character. eg: because we use food when offline time must be passing. this means for example. our characters should heal blood while offline, characters should recover from injury, wound effects while offline. but they dont. means there are inconsistancies. which is why alot of people get annoyed. either you go all the way on everything or you assume time does not pass and therefor character is unaffected and in stasis while player is offline. I'm sure people would not mind our player using up food if he is healing/recovering from a hard days surviving. at the moment, logging off simply rewards player with a loss of resources and nothing to show for it. if we assume player is resting though which is what they are doing, why not add that effect to the character. sillyness. but still alpha, so who is to say its not planned already.
  8. fenrix

    Humanity should reset on death...

    why is it a bad idea? you lose everything else from your gear, your a different person... why are you still the same ammount of monster? a better way might be you give people who were bandit less humanity at start but not negative. like lowering thier resistance to being evil or something.
  9. fenrix

    LAN server setup

    there is a way to play it on a lan privately but you still need hive and the server components to do it. its pretty easy too. but I won't say because devs prob'ly wouldnt like it. suffice to say you still need hive and an instance ID. and you still need to run everything so your stuff gets sent/received from the hive servers.
  10. fenrix

    Porting Dayz into SP-COOP Campaign

    depends how much your really really really want to play by yourself :P
  11. fenrix

    Porting Dayz into SP-COOP Campaign

    theres some stuff on google code i think it is from the hive player code, so someone is working on it presumably. it would be easy enough to get a database working so the game can run but making sure your treating the data right could take a while. after all theres some hacky stuff going on to make some of the stuff for the mod work.
  12. fenrix


    we could kill some bandits and sell long pork steaks to pay server costs... mmm long pork. seriously you should be able to be a cannibal in dayz i would :D
  13. fenrix

    Having server issues. Need help

    well its just your hives that arent working... tried replacing them with fresh ones from the zip?
  14. fenrix

    Having server issues. Need help

    try re-installing vb maby or trying just 32 bit, hive runs fine on server 2008 running 32 bit mode. maby a compatability issue?
  15. fenrix


    might donate to help you cover some server costs then :D ill see what i can scrounge
  16. fenrix

    Having server issues. Need help

    you could have a look and make sure you allow the hive.exe's through your firewalls maby, sometimes you don't get the option. i mean i doubt thats the issue but you never know.
  17. fenrix


    Nah ive run servers for years, I don't do favouritism, better to convert the people who are able to get into the server into my minions :) and make them allll want to play in it
  18. fenrix


    well get him to update the server hosting rules already. and i did shift it up to 25 but it couldnt handle it. 12 it was reasonably stable and happy. too many virtual boxes running sapping my bandwidths :P I heard rumors of a lite server client or some such, that going to allow smaller servers/lan servers?
  19. fenrix


    I will not be running it anymore, I had set it up to test out bandwidth and see if I could use a spare server rig I had handy. but was a little to laggy. not that having Freeborne complaining to the devs after 5 minutes of testing the server helped much. it also does not mention minimum slot count anywhere on server setup rules so I had no way of telling what minimum was acceptable. but I agree from an mmo standpoint yes 20-30 is probly minimum you can get away with. but with all the other australian servers impossible to get into due to no free slots, i really didnt think anyone would mind the extra 12. If anyone else wants to set up more aussie servers give me a yell if you need help with server setup/administration i guess. my spare rigs just not upto the task.
  20. fenrix


    working on it but can't promise much with my limited resources. all depends on how stable I can get what I'm working on.