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Everything posted by fenrix

  1. People are basically bullet lemmings atm. walk off beach into bullet. die the ones who make it up the beach tend to just sit there shooting the people who come up behind them because the people infront of them shot at them on thier way up. continuous cycle. way to break it? method 1. spawn people inland occasionally method 2. introduce a "safe" area/server/servers to allow newbies to learn the ropes and make friends. method 3. give the PVP'ers something more dangerous than newbies with makarovs to deal with. I only suggest the above because this is supposed to be a survival game. deathmatch is not survival. tears or no tears. people are not playing it as though the game is a zombie simulation. they are playing it to shoot other humans in an environment were it is easy to get the better of thier fellow humans into a position of power that is nearly impossible to break. a dude with a sniper rifle on a hill will never be threatened by single people with makarov's you can argue that it is human nature to take advantage where they can find it and be totally ruthless where survival is all that they are thinking about. that is fine. but people are not doing it for beans. they are doing it for enjoyment. and while yes this may happen in the real world with phsychopaths and murderers. I seriously doubt there are as many closet axe murderers as people seem to be trying to suggest. Me? like any smart survivor I got what I needed and got the hell out of dodge and am living deep in the forests hunting wild animals and drinking rainwater. thats what I would do in a real zombie outbreak, not sit near cities shooting everyone I saw. All you have to ask yourself is this. are you playing the game or are you trying to survive the way you would in the real world? if your playing then your the one responsible for the shit thats happening. :P
  2. fenrix

    Devz, get your shit together.

    There are issues. But I am confident they will be fixed. But I think I speak for everyone when I say that the state things are in now is only hurting the mod. Publicising it and advertising it should come secondary to getting things working. mainly because... well its like selling a shiny new ferrari thats covered in rust and has no engine under all the paint. yes. alpha. people do not usually openly advertise in alpha for this very reason. the main issues right now for most people are the hackers. yes there are lots of server glitches. but thats alpha. and no one really minds that much. hackers are a result of alpha. proper script security is not yet in place but the devs by now have enough information to stop the majority of current hacks. they are not doing so. the question is why have they not released patches to fix some of the obvious vulnerabilities? Rocket might be away but that doesnt mean we cannot have patches or fixes. I think everyone will agree. hackers need to be dealt with and fast. the vulnerability of this game is bringing more and more of them. the fact the forums just got hit as well as developer email shows your like a wounded man treading shark infested waters. its only a matter of time till the next one comes and takes an investagative bite. I fully expect to be abused for this post. with things like. oh they are working on it you dummy. and quit complaining its alpha. my answer to that is. yes. it is alpha. which is why the security vulnerability needs imediate attention. how can you even be sure stuff on your database and glitches with servers and all that. is not a result of hacking? fix the hacking, then fix the glitches. otherwise any information your using to find bugs. is being poisoned by the presence of hackers.
  3. fenrix

    Filming Server - Crew Only

    you do not need the server files to run a modded server. all you need is the mod files and a mission that can tell the mod what it needs to know in order to authenticate players when they join. the server files are all for running the database software. I wont link one as the last link to it got removed so im fairly sure id get jumped on if i did. also authed servers are better anyway. uptodate and save your character. whats not to like?
  4. fenrix

    Any ETA on fixing lag?

    bet he is reading Day by Day Armageddon. that book is so much like DayZ its not funny. srsly check it out peeps. good read.
  5. fenrix

    Filming Server - Crew Only

    local mode: no Invisible servers: possibly (you have to know Ip addresses and the devs could stop them just by making sure the sanctioned servers are running and visible) Local hacked servers (eg ones running a homebrew database) ive only seen one and it was running 1.5.6 still and was broken as anything with no one on it. think he was testing it. a locally run server does not require the dayz devs permssion as it requires no database access, the only thing the developers really control. I doubt it will be possible for long the database is pretty well integrated into most of the mod. singleplayer modded servers designed using the singleplayer mod to allow non database reliant servers. there are a few already. only they are hacky and do not save location/inventory. best option is running vanilla dayz on official servers. but there are options. longer the mod is out, more there will be. depends how determined people are to have thier own way really.
  6. I think your only option would be to do what many do and announce a server restart when you want to play, tell your mates to start clicking ready and restart it. thats what most servers do but dont admit thats why they restarted it. and tbh thats not really an unfair thing anyway, everyone inside knows its going down and will be clicking rejoin just like your clan, its pretty much down to luck who gets in. its what people do now and most people do not seem to mind. tho that means once you have given your mates a chance to get in you dont restart it until they are all in. cos thats just lame. long as you give people enough time to be ready for restart and make up a good enough excuse when your restarting it. no one will care. or just turn it off and then on and fake a server crash, no one will even notice. :P and i have just outed about 95% of server hosts by saying those tecniques. good luck proving it devs :D no way to stop them doing that.
  7. theres plenty of money vipeax, rocket just isnt crying for donations like alot of mods do. hed be rolling in it from people who feel like paying for something they play. but then he would have a responsibility to the donators. and that way is the way of the money men dictating what you do which rocket doesnt like. easy way to solve server rule issues btw. someone come up with a local database solution. then your not stuck using the hive. I dont see any of you whiners getting your hands dirty fixing what you see as a problem. deal with it.
  8. fenrix

    Filming Server - Crew Only

    from what ive seen the 20 ones i know about only one is using a local database hack of some kind. and is broken as hell. im talking about using the singleplayer mod of dayz for filming stuff. you can make that one work multiplayer with a tiny bit of scripting. just does not save when you leave. so good for single play sessions, if you quit and come back you start from 0 again. plus you can easily enough edit the mod its self to change starting weapon loadouts ect. using singleplayer mod. so making movies is pretty easy. not that I would. im too lazy. any mod where you change the core game stuff though generally would not be hooked up to the main database because its not signed or on the white list. but yeah to be honest. its not like its a big deal, when this goes to release. what are the chances they wont wipe the databases clean anyway? maintaining integrity through each update with changed stuff must make a crapton of work for rocket as it is. however. it would be quite easy for server owners to mess with the database as it is, which is why there are so many controls on who does what to each server. which is why a locked 10 man server is a bad sign for database integrity/non cheaty ness.
  9. fenrix

    Filming Server - Crew Only

    heh, and I was told running 25 player minimum was a rule. look at that, its running 10 slots. standards much? if your going to shut down people and run the servers as you want you have to actually do it. not get too involved with "E3" to do admin work. you have hundreds of server admins with their own hands tied unable to admin their own servers properly and... your too busy? this. is a problem. plus if they want to film in dayz it takes about 5 seconds to make the dayz single player mod work over lan... just saying. i mean you do not care about saving your stats if your filming so it would work perfectly. I already know of about 20 servers that run local dayz for this kind of thing. all they do is block the arma2 list servers using firewall and direct connect via IP
  10. fenrix

    DayZ Australia 5 Server Info

    I used to be 5, should be open now. as I do not run one anymore
  11. Gotta love it. what did you expect really? were not allowed to do anything with servers. but if we know rocket its ok cos were buddies. rediculous. I mean I could understand if it was a test server where actual dedicated playtesting/bug finding was being done or whatever but... private so they can stream themselves playing dayz in a controlled environment? whats the point, dude gets shot while streaming, BAN. I mean until a dev/mod steps in this is all just hearsay and rumour but methinks, its about time a dev gave those guys a bit of a talking to. taking liberties with server rules that no one else is allowed to do. just not on if you expect everyone else to do what you say.
  12. Nvidia Gefor Intel i5 2500 3.3ghz 8gb ram windows 64bit home Geforce GTX 550 ti 1gig Running Steam version of Arma CO with Latest Beta patch. (launching using Spirited Machines Arma II launcher) I could throw the code but its easy to get to, just get a PBO extractor, and grab the code. then have a look. Im not good enough a scripter to say for certain what im seeing. im just learning so i might be wrong. but it looks like after being hit, the hit flash/bleed out does not disable correctly sometimes. and instead starts looping. No vid, sorry I dont have fraps handy at the moment.
  13. hah. and you thought this was communist russia no one is equal as long as one has teh powars!.
  14. you know if you really wanted to throw a cat in amongst the pidgeons so to speak and shake things up a little... wildfires in the towns. just periodically have one burn to the ground forcing everyone to run like hell. after all, there are firefights, exposions and all that happening, plus no one to put out the fires. stands to reason somethings going to get out of control eventually forcing players to move to a new area will really help put people out of thier comfort zones. some of these players in cities must have nice little camping spots set up and places where they just lurk. burn em :P Thats what I would do for a game mechanic. periodically shake things up in some way. keep people guessing. say dynamically ramp up zombie spawns in an area or spawn a small group of AI soldiers to camp a particular area with heavy firepower. something like that. in a true survival atmosphere, things change and thats what makes it hardest. if you want people to really fight for survival. you need to keep them from getting into a comfort zone.
  15. people will probly not give you server logs for 2 reasons. 1. they do not show cheaters doing stuff usually. 2. they contain private player information to do with database UID ect. your better off talking directly with the developers rather than server hosts. drop them an email or 5
  16. yeah i checked and generally it goes away within a few seconds like it is supposed to. but sometimes it can linger for 3-4 minutes. it is a 1second pulse of the screen that brightens it and de-saturates it. it is part of the normal wounding effects. but it is glitching out and very distracting depending on your monitor, gamma settings ect. the pulse loops for some time and sometimes does not go away until you have been injured again. this is because it is not being turned off properly in script. bug.
  17. buncha pansies whining in here. go team up, work as a team and organise a fight back on the murdering fools, gather gear and guns and just mow em down en masse as they come crawling up off the shoreline. jeeeeeze.
  18. had a look at the day z code to see if there was some kind of script fail happening. looks like its actually supposed to do that o.o
  19. its a timed thing that happens when you get hit i think. spotted it in the damage scripts somewhere. Im running latest beta and i saw some graphical tweaks in there. my guess is some kind of incompatability with beta perhaps. for me its a hdr pulse not a particularly bright flicker. just strips all the colour away and brightens for a moment then repeat.
  20. fenrix


    what happened before? working on it :) (not dev affiliated tho, just goin off stuff rocket has said)
  21. fenrix

    Dayzmod DB

    uh.. why? theres like 50 different items you do not really need a database. also spamming your site with adverts HAH! noob
  22. fenrix

    Volunteer Community Server Team

    oh mojo you awesome person you. +1 id help out if I wasnt busy running other servers :P and not arma ones sadly. siigh
  23. yeah you start in wilderness to the south west of the map, right near the edge, if you start in that treed area. try find east and walk out, it takes AGES though like 10-20 minutes. I did it once and took me an hour and a half because i got lost -.-
  24. fenrix

    Kicked from server?

    wait... he kicked you for being racist.... while being a racist himself... o.0 I don't even... sometimes I wonder why the great admin in the sky allows certain kinds of people to not be kicked... from life...