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Everything posted by fenrix

  1. unless server names are consistant with the majority of dayZ servers there is a chance you are joining an unofficial server. my advice quit your whining and join a propper one rather than some tiny private one proudly displaying clan affiliation.
  2. actually they are private servers running modified missions based on Kronzky's work. they do not save characters. dont worry about them. they do not even run the database EXT that lets you connect to the central hive.
  3. fenrix

    Mass database is great in theory but...

    its doable mind you Motorola. depends how you set up your infastructure and how much access you have to the game engine core code. Eve online gets about 40,000+ players simultaneously due to the way they structure their servers and game world. eg: for example. some solar systems run entirely on their own server with 2000+ players and the server can ramp up the power and re-enforce its self if user load increases dramatically. others with one or two run multiple instances on the one server box. they all get interconnected and allow players to traverse the entire galaxy as part of a single persistant universe. its all up to how rocket approaches the issue. i mean if rocket opened up other parts of the game world as different servers and you could travel between them then persistancy is maintained and they each become part of the same world rather than instances of the same place. I doubt chernarus could really be any fun with more than 200 people on it myself. it would be too crowded. but if you added a ferry to one of the other island maps for instance. allowing you to walk to the ferry in game then join the other server by taking the ferry. now that is possible. and awesome. :) certainly how I would expand content and give bored players something to do.
  4. fenrix

    Mass database is great in theory but...

    anyone who has played on a server that has a local database for any game will know it is WAY faster than a non local database. I expect rocket will do distributed databases once he has things sorted out. this does not mean seperate from the main database but would mean the distributed ones might be on the same machine as the gameserver or part of a sub network of servers for say a country. if the db for dayz was on the local server it would take something like 10 seconds give or take to get you in game. as opposed to the minutes many players spend currently waiting for thier login request to be processed. the main bottleneck is basically the central hive. so it is likely what will happen is rocket will de-centralize it and have satelite databases that periodically update eachother while the game server its self deals with logins. this way the local db can keep players on its books if they play there all the time to reduce the time spent loading them into the server. the main issue presumably is allowing players to go from one server to another in a completely different location and still be in the same spot reliably. Im confident rocket will figure something out. regardless of how he does it. but I doubt its possible to run dayz on a single central server particularly efficiently
  5. I know plenty who run private ones from home. I also know of several using custom databases o.o they have little to no impact on the dayz community, id say at least 50% of people on private servers do not have legit copies of arma. the others just want to play with a small group of friends with no interruptions which while fun is not what dayz is about. I think in about a month there will be a reasonably powerful second database option appearing. thats going to have an impact on dayz. I wonder if the devs are aware of it.
  6. from what I read the other day from... matt? they are implimenting a new system soon to help ease the process. at the moment, many of the emails people have been using to contect the developers are not being checked at all due to the sheer volume of mail.
  7. fenrix

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    wow just wow. I dont even... your not even banning the right people you stupid twat.
  8. one of the more important reasons they do not like home servers is this. several of the developers are raking in shitloads of money by hosting servers for people. simple.
  9. fenrix

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    Hell. I agree though I would ban people for DC'ing mid fight... if i could prove they were doing it consistantly or jumping back in behind me and killing me. But only if the devs said it was ok first. Im for letting admins have the ability to run servers the way they want myself. but as long as admins are beholden to the dev team you prettymuch gotta ask them before you institute this kind of banning practice. it doesnt work the way your trying to do it. ban first ask later. no. Bans are a bad thing for a persistant world server system.
  10. I doubt it if this "mod" is actually a mod. if it is as I suspect techinically a game and property of BIS. which i suspect is the case then yeah maby. but if thats the case. its a bit pretentious pretending the game is a mod. the reason I think it is property of BIS is because its made mostly by rocket who is currently employed by BIS. its is common practice that anything created by a companies employees while on the job or while using the companies products is technically considered property of the company. in which case. this is not a mod at all. but BIS is a bit more progressive than some companies so they are probably just using thier influence to watch rockets back and keep the mod protected because they might sign it on as a stand alone or addon for arma 3. but because its not signed up or copyrighted or anything there probably is no point pulling some kind of legal crap other than to scare people into stopping. because i mean everything about arma mods is so open to modding that you would be on shakey ground with any kind of IP claim i mean especially seeing as dayz actually liberally takes stuff from other mods even whole scripts and uses them... using other peoples work like it does not leaves the mod wide open and unprotected. being alpha thats pretty common. I wouldnt expect rocket to take legal threats to people until beta due to the fact the scripts arent all made by him. and I doubt BIS will say yay or nay to officially taking up the mod until beta either. I mean. In my mod were using tons of resources not made by us. but were in closed alpha. because we dont want to be open to this kind of stuff. (not modding arma. im a source bunny :D) until I can prove all the content is owned by me or is only owned by say the engine creators as part of thier modding packages then technically there would be no way for me to legally claim copyright. <--- see counterstrike stuff and music is not owned by us. replacing it as we go though :D
  11. in case you are not aware duke, the server in question is not reliant on the main hive to run. he can do whateverthehell he like mate. black listing him from the hive would at least stop him grabbing new joiners info off the central database. but regardless the server will keep running, keep updating and keep letting regular users join it. so yeah. doubt devs can do anything about it unless they go insane with their security.
  12. fenrix

    Youtube Production Server

    posting links to the issue you are asking about loyd is considered by some of the moderators to be against the rules and threads like this get deleted. My thread about the subject got deleted some time back. they do not intend any kind of off database servers to ever exist. the only way to run a private one that the developers consider "acceptable" seems to be to create a private locked one that is connected to the database eg: bashurverses server. which never ever has any film crew just the owner of the servers by himself farming stuff. suffice to say there are options. go find em.
  13. fenrix

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    sounds like a shithole, why would I play there?
  14. you know techincally is the most stable build available at the moment. also. if you replace everything but your 1.6 code you get to keep those sweet ass zombie animations :D
  15. fenrix

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    agreed, show some respect for people for crying out loud. also As a server admin it is your job to have a tough skin, reacting by swearing and abusing people as well as banning people whilly nilly Is not the way to go about running a game server. I mean jesus. from your posts it sounds like you hunt down people and kill them all the time and if they DC on you, you ban them. that just shows that your main aim is to get your eepeen off in any way you can, either through killing someone forthier hard earned gear or banning them from your server. I suspect your server is already on the developers watch list. Even if banning people for DC'ing when getting shot at is not against the rules. no developer has actually said it is bannable. they said it is annoying and they are working to fix it, not to just ban anyone who dc's on you. after all you dont know why they have dc'ed. just wait till the disconnect timer is activated in a few days. then all your problems will be solved. have some patience. and respect your player base. or it will come back and bite you.
  16. fenrix

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    im just looking at wildguns responses and facepalming. what the hell kind of admin talks like gutter trash? It's easy to see rumors of abusive behaviour from you guys are quite accurate
  17. yeah aint gonna happen man. devs do not support modified playing environments for dayz and actively work against them.
  18. hope he makes his hive available, getting really sick of the way server owners are treated round here. apparently they are even blacklisting servers that run modded mission files and are not connected to hive. pretty lame.
  19. of course the reason they dont hand such things out willy nilly is supposedly hackers or other modders getting thier hands on the server files. good luck with that btw. Im surprised your not on the list already o.o
  20. actually cm. if the server immediatly goes down after someone dies. it does not have time to send the update to the hive to tell it that said player died. = person never actually died despite being killed. hive updates are slow enough that you can pull it off if you are ready to go.
  21. fenrix

    Umm...vip slot for me?

    just restart it and lock it for a few mins to test it, then unlock it. after all asking the devs for permission to make sure your server is running properly is silly.
  22. fenrix

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    just saying, all of the abuse is coming from clan run servers. mainly because they are used to a certain ammount of control over the servers they run. generally this kind of stuff would be fine in any regular server. but with dayz its against the rules, mainly of course because the mod is persistant across all servers. *not saying I agree with the devs attitude about that, just saying clans are an issue if you want to run the servers the way they are being run*
  23. fenrix

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    simple solution, clans should not run servers.
  24. fenrix

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    but what if you have to take an emergency toilet break in the middle of a firefight? also what server... I feel like getting pointlessly banned by an admin raging at the world today.
  25. I and others reported these guys weeks back. But for me I only reported them because they stripped character data from the main hive and saved it on thier own one on character login. so its "private" but its got access to the hive so it can grab your main character too... anyhow. private hives? nope nothing wrong with them, nothing illegal about them and also. there never will be anything illegal about them or modding the game. sorry to burst your fantasy bubble. It is simply not possible to take legal action against someone for modifying and changing your work if they are making no money out of it. no matter WHAT your ELUA might say. (dayZ has no ELUA for alpha testers nor can it, being a mod the owner has no rights over the code and scripts he is modifying.) the only thing rocket really owns is the hive and database connection code/dll So unless someone reverse engineers the compiled code then... no. far easier to grab it at script level where its plain as day what is what and intercept it. which is likely what they did. simple as that gentelmen. down the road, arma 3 , sure if BIS signs him up. right now? nope no legal protection, the only thing he could do is ban the owners from the hive or remove them from the whitelist. which. lets be honest. is harsh, considering this "game" is actually a mod its self. Still Id prefer the Official version of things any day. im just concerned this one has main hive access as well. which should not be allowed for security reasons. (private and unconnected to main hive? sure no probs)