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Heatlock (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Heatlock (DayZ)

  1. Heatlock (DayZ)

    How to give an item to someone?

    Always have to drop, or at least in the current version of the Alpha.
  2. Heatlock (DayZ)

    We Showed A Guy The Fastest Route To Cherno

    Has nothing to do with saying friendly, the fact he is asking directions and doesn't have an agressive stance towards you should say enough.
  3. Heatlock (DayZ)

    We Showed A Guy The Fastest Route To Cherno

    Class you just suck, Don't come up with that you want to be a better person. Read your own comment here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159067-i-am-friendly/ And you are wondering why they do that? Might be a good time to look in the mirror cause you already know the answer. You are just doing the same.
  4. Heatlock (DayZ)

    How to use ammo boxes??

    Jep you have to remove the mag unless you have 2 mags just hit R to reload the other mag so you can load ammo in the empty one.
  5. Heatlock (DayZ)

    How to use ammo boxes??

    There are 2 ways, 1: Drag the box on your hotkey bar and then equip it, then drag ammo from the inventory screen on your mag and choose load ammo.(There are 10 slot and when equiped you can't see them all) 2: More tricky put it on the ground and use tab to view the box contents this shows all of them, tricky part is that if the server crashes or you DC your box is gone along with the ammo.
  6. Heatlock (DayZ)

    Server DE6 Tents gone

    Can the admin from Server DE6 tell me what happend with the Tents on the server? My tent dissapeared and close to my location was someone else his tent which is also gone. I haven't died and used my tent everyday also worth mentioning is that I had a spare tent in my inventory but that one is gone aswell. Above is as information and not a complaint. Greetings
  7. Heatlock (DayZ)

    Server DE6 Tents gone

    Hey Ban thanks for the information will contact the server admin. Only thing to do now is find out who the server admin is lol. Found it.
  8. Heatlock (DayZ)

    Passout on Server Entry

    Same here and this is after dieing and starting a new character. Everytime I get in a server I go knock but not for 5 minutes I think.
  9. NB: Used the search function but nothing turned up. I see a lot of times that players are asking what server they are in. Just hit "I" and hold it, a window popup with the amount of zombie kills you have, but more important on top of that window you can see the server name.
  10. Heatlock (DayZ)

    Tip: How to see what server you are in.

    That's correct Luke seems on some servers the whole function behind the "I" doesn't work. Don't know if it's a bug or the intention by a server admin though.