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Everything posted by chad57

  1. What? You want a big patch of fixing all of the bugs that exist atm? Keep dreaming.
  2. chad57

    If you are new to Dayz READ THIS

    2? Why 2? I don't like the even number so I'll pass.
  3. Sure, keep hoping. Anyway Sami, big thanks for giving up the new clothing for me. Try getting NVG and GPS while figuring out your way back to #00 Ubi. :P Or busy in Lingor island? I feel sorry Jac. Do you have any idea where the killer was?
  4. chad57

    Upcoming Patch

    Relax, the team has a full plate already and they are working on it.
  5. No worries, this what makes us good at starting over. No need for the offerings, but I'm afraid I can't let you in. For now. No problem, keep up the hope high. B) I'd be glad to welcome you in, but sorry I'm afraid I can't do that at the moment. Apartments and fuel stations are dangerous. Imagine that girl's thought. "I think I'll hunt in night so it will be safer. Oh look, a fuel station! Wait a second, I can hear a car from the distance. Oh damn oh damn oh damn it's passing by. What the? Did they see me? Why the hell are they reversing their car? Holy sweet my God, they are coming out from the car, I can hear the doors being slammed. Maybe I can hide over he---" That's it. THAT is why you should not go there.
  6. chad57

    SG #00 PMC Dayz Server (singapore)

    Nothing beats the smell of gunpowder in the morning. Anyway you should update the first post of this thread soon Joe and maybe put your Paypal address on. It'll ease things for you. :D
  7. You can kill them after I kill them first. Good going, keep it up man. I'll make sure to let my boys know about you. --- --- --- And remember, apartments are dangerous.
  8. Good one Lie. TmG, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I can't afford any place for new face in the group now. Due to recent base robbery, we can't risk accepting any new person at the moment, thank you for your interests. Hang around in the thread for further updates. --- --- --- Due to recent base robbery, we've lost too many assets to risk with accepting new people. Activity sweep of current members will be held and further instructions will be given personally by myself. This is not a big problem, but we've been in this situation too many times and I'm pretty sick of this. Stay safe and happy hunting.
  9. chad57

    Spectacularly stupid!

    Rabbits give me the creeps, especially in open fields.
  10. There you go, you have my beans, for showing me the helo crash site. :beans: Feel sorry about your death, it's just too crazy to happen unless you're playing a game in alpha state. You got a bike right? No mercy, no regrets. That's how we roll.
  11. chad57

    How it possible ?

    DayZ hates you, even before you started playing this the first time.
  12. It takes about the same for you however you move to another place with same exact distance.
  13. chad57

    Moved to middle of nowhere, what do I do?

    Actually, THERE is something you can do. Do you have in-game map? If you do, open it and shift+click to Kamenka, from there you will find out that you're located way west out of Chernarus' map. If you don't have any map, find out where's north by looking at the sky in night time. You can Youtube it about how to do it, and head east if you find it. Sometimes it's only 9 km, but sometimes it's 30 km away from civilization.
  14. And I'd be like, "Oh shit a military tent camp, did't see it this morning. There must be some soldier guys around here, maybe they can give me a ride out of Chernarus. Oh wait it's just random spawn of tent camps."
  15. chad57

    Server kills everyone simultaneously

    Get used to it. DayZ hates you.
  16. I say you couldn't hear the footsteps on the ladders because it was covered by the sound of flare it made.
  17. chad57

    2 looking for a group

    Put your playtime/real world location, it will be handy for finding the fittest group.
  18. Well maybe if there was no shooting happened, they could give you guys a ride home. :P Added. :rolleyes: See? I told you better fortune ahead, you just literally showed me where to pick up a NVG from the ground. Check your inbox. Some days ago I added it already to my Steam, but I think it may be the wrong one. You can just add me; chad_frisco. And then comment some on my profile so I'll know it's you. Stand by for the time being. Been playing DayZ much? I can't find you on Steam, you can add me instead; chad_frisco
  19. chad57

    Anyone near Vybor wants camoflauge cloth?

    Nevermind, she said she is female.
  20. chad57

    Dear Bill Murray of US 1145.

    Only to find he was killed by this stubborn guy.
  21. Done. :rolleyes: How did you figured out that those were their names? Did you have a chance to talk with them? --- --- --- I started this morning with my weapon gone, pistol gone, all of my tools gone, and my BACKPACK too. But DayZ forgot that I was near NWAF, looted some dead bodies, take something from here and there. And vuala, I'm geared again. DayZ hates us, you know?
  22. Much better loot ahead. Keep hunting. We always have a place for a good guy like you, welcome.
  23. Neat guide, people should read this first if they have no idea where to start planning their new rig.
  24. chad57

    Steam Group for all players in DayZ

    Best wishes for the group!
  25. chad57

    My five minute survival

    Don't be too gloomy. We were all there.