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Miroslav (DayZ)

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About Miroslav (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Not Telling
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    Davalos twins

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  • Bio
    He said " Hi folks, Im completly full of shit and how do you like that?

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  1. Miroslav (DayZ)

    Feedback on status of infectious diseases in DayZ

    Will there be water purification tablets or even systems in game then?
  2. Miroslav (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Can anyone explain me what is this rolling community update/build? Is it community "addon" on the 1.7.3 patch?
  3. Weapon wishlist: Tokarev SVT-40 Sturmgewehr 44 (STG44) Gewehr 43 PTRS/PTRD-41 HS2000/Springfield Armory XD Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 (FG42) M1 Garand Lahti L-39
  4. Miroslav (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    At the dam on Namalsk needing morphine and blood bag. My skype is njubornek
  5. Miroslav (DayZ)

    UK 206 Server Thread

    Oh Ryan, y u so american :lol:
  6. Miroslav (DayZ)

    UK 206 Server Thread

    Edge, read PM's!
  7. Miroslav (DayZ)

    UK 206 Server Thread

    No, they can only be flaten by a veichle. I think I will start to call you and your squad the O RLY guys
  8. Miroslav (DayZ)

    UK 206 Server Thread

    Oh Smashy :(
  9. Miroslav (DayZ)

    UK 206 Server Thread

    I'd say 100% yes. People are really kuntish, my experiences are when we agree that there will be no shots fired at each other they shoot me and also few days back I had a guy with nothing and he was chased by zombies, he says to me on chat, we can be friends, I said ok and killed zombies, after that he starts hammering me with hatchet and storys go on and on Just a bit to add to this story. If you lay new tent you will be able to get stuff in. You can't save tents that are made in .4
  10. Miroslav (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Between Kamenka and Komarovo, I was with a guy that had nothing on, shot some zombies and he got hatchet out and hammered me once or twice. I got 5.5k blood so I need a blood bag and possibly painkillers. Skype: njubornek
  11. Miroslav (DayZ)

    Traders and Traitors

    Well, not really a trade, but guy named Gladox has given me M4 holo, 5 HE rounds/5 Smoke rounds and around 15 Flare rounds. +1 for him!
  12. Miroslav (DayZ)

    UK 206 Server Thread

    That was a fun night in Cherno. First, found some satchel charges so gave it a go on fire station with placing them on 1st floor. 20-ish minutes later a wild bandit appears and I get my first satchel charge kill! I was really hoping that it would blow up whole fire station but it seems that you need more than 1 to set it off.(Players name was TinkleBerry) Secondly, heared veichle going around in Cherno, loaded NATO rounds, seen veichle and as I stood up, got shot with M4, I guess it was silenced M4 as it took less than 3k blood but nice shot for SD from 200+ meters. Then I was pinpointed and waited and waited. Saw the guy once and it wasnt really enough for me to get a shot (first day playing with AS50, zeroing :( ). He tried to intimidate me by shooting near me so I assumed he had more buddys(I guess veichle guys) waiting on other sides. I didnt move at all and after 30+ min of waiting I decided its time to log off and go to bed, gave them last chance to shoot me with going on the platform where I was when they shot me. Good fun!
  13. Who do I need to contact about gear you are having? Publik cant get any PM's and probably isnt on his steam last few days. If anyone is from the Freeside and knows status of items in stock, please add me on skype!
  14. Miroslav (DayZ)

    Looking for M4A1 Holo/203 rounds

    Got the gun, looking for HE/Smoke rounds
  15. Miroslav (DayZ)

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Met with Twonk for first time on his server of choice, we found a tent on a site that we were going to trade in. We agreed to put everything in tent and trade trough it that way. Somehow, M4 Holo despawned when he has put it in tent so I told him he can take all my stuff and just come back later with M4. Few hours afterwards he came back with M4 and 203 rounds. Perfect trade!