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About Torby

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  1. Torby

    My road to redemption

    Camo Clothin acquired. On about -87000 humanity. Ty for the support!
  2. Torby

    My road to redemption

    Working on getting Camo or Ghillie as we speak. Down to about -90000 humanity aswell :)
  3. Torby

    My road to redemption

    Will do. Let's hope people won't judge my book by its cover.
  4. Hello fellow DayZ players! As you all know patch has been released awhile ago. With this patch we saw humanity back on the debug monitor. When I first noticed my humanity I was in for quite a shock. I knew I was a bandit, since I played the sniper in our squad, and had racked up quite alot of murders. I also enjoyed the bandit side of the game, shooting first, ask questions later. My humanity was -110000. The only thing I felt when I saw the number, was shame. So I decided to turn over a new leaf, and become a good guy. My new mission is to get to the promised land of a Hero skin. I've already started out, patching up and helping survivors I meet on my endeavours. This is roughly were I'm at atm: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/2012081300001g.jpg/ I will also stop by the forums, to check if anyone needs any medical attention. I know I probably won't be whitelisted anytime soon, seeing I've been a bandit the entire time I've played this game. If you or anyone you know are in a pickle. Feel free to drop a PM or a comment down below, and I will try to respond to as many as I can. This post will also be updated with news on my humanity, and probably some stories along the way. I don't know if there has been more of these kinds of posts, just thought I would post it here to let you guys know that not every bad guy will stay bad, and that this game is constantly evolving. Hope to see you ingame! Torby.
  5. Torby

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sry for not answering mate. My mate logged in and helped me. Got killed by a sniper right after though :( Ty for the quick response.
  6. Torby

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in need of some serious medical assistance. I'm camped up in Chernogorsk, in the pub closest to the water. I have 3 k blood and in need of a transfuse. Steamid: Torban http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971269216/ Thank you in advance.
  7. There's dust down there.
  8. That one made me roll on the floor for a second.
  9. You have my beans, good sir. To go with that huge weener.
  10. And you joined right in :D
  11. What the actual fuck? Oh, I've got to contribute. When you calcuate distances around you for zeroing.
  12. How can you know I'm not heavily camouflaged? Btw, I'm making exceptions on the sole fact that I can. I can do whatever the fuck I want. And I do it well mind you. I don't mind dying. I like to analyze my death, finding out exactly what I did wrong, and how to avoid it in the future. I like your cocky attitude, I just hope you can back it up once you encounter us. 90% of "lone wolfs" fire one shot and then they alt-f4 like the little bitches they are.
  13. Believe me bro. If you ever encounter me, anywhere, chances are you'll die. You might get me, but my squad will most certainly get retaliation. Especially if you're a lone wolf. To your first point. Please don't take what I say out of context. I said I had a avoid-or-shoot policy. If I can avoid, I will, with the exception of sniping in Cherno ofcourse, which I only occasionally do. When I do, I'm totally aware that It's not exactly a fair fight, but the people down there knows the risk they're taking and they should be aware that there might be snipers around. The point you make about me only being used to killing people from afar in cities, are wrong I'm afraid. I'm spent hours looting airfields and such. Been in douzins of squadfights, were 5 of us are shooting at another 5 man squad. Please don't state things that you can only asume. I'll be watching out for you mate :)
  14. I love how peoples morals are all like black and white in this game. If you've sniped someone in Cherno. you're a douchebag. Some of the people looting in Cherno, aren't saints either. I've been killed by "friendly" and "innocent" people alot. Even when I had just spawned and all I carried was a bandage. As soon as they see me, they scream friendly. Only to shot me in the back once I let my guard down. It's not like everyone in the city have a noobtag on them. I have a strict avoid-or-shoot policy now. I also enjoy shooting people in cities with a sniper. Don't really feel bad anymore either, because I know they would've shot me the minute they saw me, if they had the chance. I welcome the OP to find me, if I'm ever in his server and happen to be sniping. I would enjoy the challenge of having a fair fight.