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Everything posted by sungbung

  1. this group sounds fun i have just applied :)
  2. sungbung

    Looking for Mature Friend. [Now]

    sorry if i hijacked this, if we both end up joining the same mumble, it might be more fun, haha.
  3. sungbung

    Looking for Mature Friend. [Now]

    hey caviano i would be interested in joining your mumble, i wasn't able to send you messages for some reason. I'm 23 and in US central time.
  4. I wandered for a great part of my first 4 hours of the game, walking around the coastlines trying to find my friends and loot. I had absolutely no luck finding either. Also, I died like 20 times :( However, during the fifth hour of gameplay, I just decided to venture inland. And then, I found a town filled with winchester guns and ammo along with plenty of food and drink. Knowing that I couldn't carry even a fraction of the ammo and food, I gathered up all the ammo in a second story building and started shooting at the zombies i previously snuck around. For a good 10 minutes I just had a train of zombies trying to come up the stairs while i one-shotted them all. And then I knew that not being able to play diablo 3 until my preordered copy arrives wasn't a big deal at all. This game is exactly what I was looking for ever since I played The Last Stand flash games and I am so glad that i bought this game.