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Everything posted by antoine_varin@hotmail.com

  1. antoine_varin@hotmail.com

    Admin Abuse US #500

    US #500 ( [VET][GMT-5] DayZ - BLS :: www.blacklistedsociety.com 218 Veteran DayZ Chernarus COOP Playing FULL 1.62.95170 Admin from server US #500 kept spawning several AS50, he announced it in the Chat also to lure player there in the super market in Elektro so they would kill anyone getting the gun, had several people using God mode. Even Admin said publicly they were spawning items in the chat if theres any log you can see it, I tried to take a picture but it didn't work. They blew up the hospital also with bombs or C4 or something that isn't a rocket launcher. Players in clan [bLS] are playing with admin as admin was a BLS member and is hosted by that clan. The 2 names i can see right now is [bLS] RikTA and [bLS] Duskoes, they Admin logged out after players said they would report. All happened around 12:30pm GMT-3 Please address this issue as it kills the whole gameplay.
  2. antoine_varin@hotmail.com

    Admin Abuse US #500

    He was using scripts to spawn rare guns, and said it over the chat, the admin had the sponsored server clan tag and was the only user able to use global chat. Too bad i couldnt get a picture..