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sic (DayZ)

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Everything posted by sic (DayZ)

  1. sic (DayZ)

    Preparing to Launch DayZ and nothing happens.

    I have attempted to run steam without admin privileges, but without success. The odd thing is when I attempt to load the game with task manager up, I never see the DayZ.exe populate the list. I do however see the BEservice.exe. Thinking that it may be a BattlEye issue, I attempted to re-install BattlEye manually and through steam by verifying the game files after manually deleting the BattlEye folder from the game install directory. Both of these attempts failed to solve my issue. I was trying to think if I have changed anything since the last time I played the game, but I'm positive I haven't other than a several Windows updates. I was looking forward to checking out the prison island... guess not.
  2. sic (DayZ)

    Preparing to Launch DayZ and nothing happens.

    Always have run it as admin.
  3. sic (DayZ)

    Preparing to Launch DayZ and nothing happens.

    Not trying to thread jack, but I'm experiencing the same issue and I realized the last thread I posted in has a green 'answered' icon next to the title, so i figured no one will go in there anymore. I'm still experiencing this issue even though I re-installed directx and vcredist. I've tried everything from uninstalling the game completely and re-installing, verifying game files, deleting the DayZ folder in Documents, deleting Dayz folder in AppData\Local, removing launch parameters, turning off firewall and anti-virus. I've run out of ideas... Are there any other options that I'm missing?
  4. sic (DayZ)

    Tried everything, NO LAUNCH

    I'm still experiencing this issue even though I re-installed directx and vcredist. EDIT: I've tried everything from uninstalling the game completely and re-installing, verifying game files, deleting the DayZ folder in Documents, deleting Dayz folder in AppData\Local, removing launch parameters, turning off firewall and anti-virus. I've run out of ideas... Are there any other options that I'm missing?
  5. sic (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anybody near the Cherno area that can help with a blood transfusion? I believe, I'm currently somewhere north east of Cherno. My screen was quite burry and shaking when I logged off because of my 2500 blood count.
  6. sic (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm still sick near Novy Sobor. Seems no one has antibiotics. :(
  7. sic (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    This is a really great system you have going here! I am at about 7k blood and dropping and a light cough has started. I'm about a half a mile south east of Novy Sobor and I realy need antibiotics. I'll be back on around 9 CT. I have no preference for which server. :rolleyes: