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About ncoXx

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    On the Coast

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  1. I think the Vendaar you still have not understood what I told you. Stop doing to spread lies or you'll get from me a complaint for libel. And do not think I am any one child here who says that that way. Let it be me or it goes final. I hope we have understood each other. LG ncoXx
  2. I think it's an impertinence what you put in the day .... you do not know us do not know what to do .... you .... you know purely garnix! ... Then, one probably would have been the standard way by first meant to questions like the one of us .... No, what did you do you have written the DayZ support and spread lies and that's more than a baseless insolence and defamation is called .... I expect from you first and foremost a Endschuldigung and then I tell you again like the concept of what we intend. If you continue to LIE and Disseminating but we continue to make bad ... I will take legal action against you ... because this is not kindergarten ... but .... the real life and then you have to adhere to. LG ncoXx
  3. ncoXx

    Waiting for Instance-ID

    I can not understand. We're a hired Sever the 18/07/2012 at 02:00 clock and get paid. We have to constantly come saturated Sever, do not work or be constantly restarts or a password on it is. So we do advertising for you, dear DayZ team. So why is it taking so long. I still expect an answer on this post. For I am very sad that it does not matter to you that we have "the players" our time and our money for nothing and nothing again throw out the window and not even a response from you. Maybe you think about it even once. Yours sincerely, ncoXx