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About grofit

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  1. -- Sorry if you get this as a duplicate, I posted originally without seeing the preferred format and couldnt find the original to edit, so please delete that and use this one -- Date/Time: 24th June 2012 22:00(ish) GMT What happened: Lost 3 Bizon rounds in my backpack, nothing else and have never lost anything before. Where you were: At the time near Berezino on the north east What you were doing: Off to try and find/build a car *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Had the ammo on EU 41, logged into UK 7 I think and it had gone (it was a kellys heroes one) *Your system specs: i7, ati 5730, 8gb ram (its a laptop) *Timeline of events before/after error: I had the AMAZING fortune of finding a crashed chopper the other day with 4 bizon mags and the sd... now the best weapon I have had to date so far has been an AK74 so this was like a godsend... Anyway last night was with some friends and we wanted to try to build a car, so after having to pick up lots of random parts I was putting alot of stuff into my backpack. 1 of the mags was down to about 75% capacity the other 2 were full. We ended up logging for a bit and coming back later and when I spawned in I just happened to notice I had more room in my backpack, and then realised the bizon mags have vanished :( luckily I kept one in my main inventory so I could use it but considering I have never even seen this ammo/gun before the other night when I find it, I am super gutted to have lost 3/4 of my rare ammo for no reason. I will probably die soon so its not the end of the world, but it seems quite a worrying bug as I have never lost any other ammo or items, so this may be a new issue.
  2. Not sure if this is possible with the engine, but I have noticed there are a couple of islands, and I hear there are boats in the game but are there any like big abandoned ships or anything. It would be cool if you could find goodies off the mainland, as I would love some new things to explore... I was going to suggest underground areas too, but I dont think the engine would support it...
  3. I have put a bug report down in the bug forum which I think needs moderating, but while I am waiting for that is no one else having problems seeing zombies since the latest patch? On Monday night I was playing on 1.5.6 killing zombies, then had to update to 1.5.7 and I thought nothing of it, as my friends were screaming that zombies were incoming but as I cannot see anything at night time anyway I thought nothing of it. Then last night I was playing and had a chemlight on and so did another guy near me, anyway again my friends said there were zombies outside the house, but I could not see them, and then they said they were coming right at us. I couldn't see or hear them and suddenly im in the middle of a gunfight with my blood going down with no visible enemy. I checked the floor for corpses as they were saying I was standing on one, and couldnt see it, so given that I cannot see the 10x as many zombies as there were I am unable to play for the moment. Is anyone else suffering from this? I have re-applied the patch files and I dont get any errors when loading/joining so I am a bit baffled.
  4. grofit

    MERGED: Gamma & Brightness

    As one of those people who HAS to put their gamma and brightness up to even see anything on screen I think some of you have eaten WAY to many carrots. I am all for keeping the dark dark, I use chem lights pretty much ALL the time as thats the only way I can introduce a SMALL amount of visibility to my screen. Without gamma and brightness whacked up all I see is black... I mean EVERYTHING is black I cannot distinguish the tops of trees and the sky. If I put up the brightness I then I can at least see where the tops of trees meet the sky. Even if I were to be on top of a clearing looking down onto a town below, I am lucky to be able to see anything other than black, it is literally like I am a blind man walking around. With the brightness and gamma up I can see the stars. Currently I couldn't see a zombie or person if they walked up and slapped me in the face, so this couldn't really get any worse, I would at least like to be able to see some sort of moonlight in open area, as in forests I can understand it would be really dark due to the foliage cutting out the light, but in the open there is no real reason why it would be blindingly dark. Again I just want to confirm I dont want it so I can see perfectly, I like the whole night time scavenging, as it makes some things possible that you cannot do in daylight, but it worries me when some people say they can almost see perfectly in darkness with their settings up, and I cannot see a damned thing with my settings up.
  5. I REALLY like DayZ, but I had never heard of Arma 2 before I heard about this game, and I have not even bothered and doubt I would play Arma II. So I would agree that if this mod is selling a HUGE amount of copies of their game they should be hopping on the bandwagon. I know of 10 friends who went out and bought this game just to play the mod after me showing them some movies of it, even putting up with the HEAVILY populated servers which take 30 mins to log in. A new MySQL server would cost them hardly anything compared to the amount of copies of ARMA II they would sell.
  6. Ah didnt know there were ATVs, I only bought the game this weekend gone and only to play DayZ. Googled but didnt find any information about single manned vehicles in the mod. If it already has ATVs I am happy, having bicycles would be epic, especially if you could ring a bell on it while cycling through town. (Going off topic) its funny how every time I think "it would be cool if this mod had X feature" then suddenly I find out it has, like tents, water pumps etc. Keep up the good work!
  7. grofit

    Game Suggestion: Walky Talky system

    Problem is using them for voice comms is pointless, as everyone will either use TeamSpeak/Vent/Skype etc for private voice comms, so as much as it would be great to use them as a way for in game voice comms between certain people, it would just not work. However using them as a Becon style system so you can alert other people on a channel seemed like something that may be slightly useful. It may sound complicated but its basically the same as having X amount of private chats and sending text macros between people, but others can snoop. It would be good even if you could just use them as a private text chat between people who meet up in game and don't share voice comms it would be useful. As I guess not everyone will be on the same voice chat channel if they use voice chat at all.
  8. No worries, would it be easier to substitute Horses for Motorbikes and saddle for wheels? It would just be nice for all those lone bandits/rangers out there to have something slightly easier to create than a car, but not as protective.
  9. Hello again, Here is another double edged sword idea that I thought may add new social options to improve grouping and friendlies, but at the same time also be used by bandits to snoop. So without boring you too much the idea would be that you can get a tool item (one that goes into your special pouch like matches, toolbox etc) which would be a walky talky. The idea being that the radios (cant be bothered saying Walky Talky all the way through), have multiple channels, lets say 24. Now lets say you are 2 of your buddies have them, you agree to use channel 18 so everyone turns their radios on and puts them to channel 18, now while on there in the context menu (the square bracket one) you would be able to do a set of predefined actions with it. Lets say the actions would be like so: 1) Send current position (assuming you have a map and compass) - Which would tell everyone else on channel 18 your coordinates, so they could go on their map and see where you were, or some indication to players where the persons rough location is. 2) Ask for help on channel (would put out a call for help again with a position if you had map and compass) - This would be much like the one above but the default text blurb that would appear on the console would notify you that it was in need of help. 3) Send noise - This one would just send noise down the channel which would cause radio crackling etc making noise. Perfect for when you are a bandit and know someone is nearby on your channel and want the zombies to lynch them. There are many other applications but lets just assume those are the ones for the moment, the idea is that although there would be some situations where some people may want to keep updated with their friends in game as to where they are assuming they get separated when zombies lynch them, or when someone has found a tent or something and wants to radio it in. The trick to it all though is that its not secure so anyone could hear in, so if you report something as found anyone else on that channel could hear it. The main social thing being it makes certain tasks easier such as grouping and requesting help from people (if you can find a radio) but at the same time opens you up to bandits or other looters, and in some cases could cause you to be compromised when sneaking if someone else knows your channel and wants to give your positions away to nearby zombies/players.
  10. Hi there, I started playing on friday and this is probably the best game (even though its technically just a mod) I have played in years. I was having a discussion with some friends and to be honest I think the game is perfect as it is, but if you were ever thinking of new features I thought of a few. Here is one of those "gems". As there are quite a plethora of vehicles in this game that are available if you can do them up, I was wondering how feasible it would be to included horses? We have other wild animals, and if you were to use the mechanic like cars so you would need to get a saddle from a farm and you could ride it for a while, and maybe have some horse feed like the fuel tanks for the car. This would probably cause more hassle for players than they are worth thinking about my previous experiences with horses in games, as they would give off more sound, make you easier to see, making you a generally easier target. HOWEVER! They would be great for people to temporarily ride long distances if needed, but again like everything in this game it would be a double edged sword.