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Posts posted by cobra0702

  1. Attention Survivors of Chernarus, US 1736 is back in action!
    My team and I have reinstated the ORIGINAL US 1736. This server is a dedication to the "Glory DayZ" the time period where we believe DayZ was at its finest. The pinnacle of DayZ has been revived. We need your help to resurrect this forgotten project and all its glory. Without further ado I give to you US 1736 - The Good Ole DayZ.

    In order to join this server you will need our custom DayZ Client files that you can download >here<
    Inside the .rar file are the instructions on how to extract and successfully join the server (Please read it)

    The server can also be remote connected to by the ip:  once you have launched the game following the instructions in the .rar file.

    This server is going to remain 100% Vanilla. No mods. Exactly the way DayZ was intended to be played.

    Our Goals (Including but not limited to):
    1. Provide a Challenging and intense gaming environment not for the faint of heart
    2. Establish a community and playerbase adequate of what DayZ Mod used to be
    3. Ultimately recreate the "Public Hive" with Private Servers

    We have put countless hours into recreating this amazing experience and it is finally ready to be open to the public. Keep in mind the project is still underway but we would like to have people continue to play and test the server.

    It is the support of the community that keeps this project going so ultimately the success is dependent on how many legacy players we can bring back to the best DayZ experience. That being said we still want new players who never were able to experience this revision to try it out as well. As we continue to grow, more servers can be created to extend the hive. We are looking forward to seeing you all on the server and we will have a forum up ASAP.




    Download Here!
    Virus Scan

  2.  aTLT5f1.png

    DayZ OverPoch Lingor Server IP:

    TS IP: TS3.Bambi-Killers.com

    Features include:


    -Right click on Bloodbag to use

    -Right click on toolbox to spawn bike

    -Right Click on Radio to open group management

    -Take Skins Script (Coming Soon)

    -Toggle SnappingPro when placing walls, floors etc.

    -Gas stations are refuel(free), repair(Cost gold) and rearm(costs more gold)

    -Tow/Lift Scripts (Coming Soon)

    -60 Meter Plot Pole

    -No Decay

    -Cinder Blocks are Indestructible

    -2 Hour Day 2 Hour Night (Coming Soon)

    -Trader City God Mode.

    -AI mission system

    -Active Admins

    -Custom Loot Table

    -Para-Drop Spawn

    -Custom Anti-Cheat


    -Custom UI


    How to join:


    Download Dayz Launcher from their website - http://dayzlauncher.com/


    Install it and when finished click the mods tab


    You will need Dayz Epoch | Dayz Overwatch 0.2.5 | Lingor 1.5 (NOT DAYZ LINGOR 1.3)


    When the download finishes for those three items head to your Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead folder,

    If you use steam it is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead


    Once there look for a folder called @Lingor

    Rename that folder to @DayzLingor


    When finished close the folder window and head to Dayz Launcher


    Click the Launch tab and launch OverPoch Lingor


    To find the server:


    In the Multiplayer Network Game List Click the Remote option on the bottom right of the page


    Paste into the address and the port should empty then click ok



    Custom UI :


    Trader Safezone:



    Better Map Icons:



    AI Missions:



    Vast Array of Vehicles:



    Radio Group Management:




    Deploy Bike:



    Snap Building Pro:

