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Posts posted by w4rgo

  1. First, ES123 is unique.

    700 kb of the 1470 kb of the mission file were wroten from scratch by my hand and will not be released.

    Secondly, this is the impresion of a group of glitchers, you can ask many players how Admins help them in ES123.

    By the way, you dont say you were banned because of insulting admins, in our server we will ban any unrespecting player.

  2. Hi,

    I would like to present you our server.



    *Map taviana 2.0

    *Base building for any player:

    -more than 35 objects available to build using materials ( tank traps, sand bags, wire fences, wood, scrap metal).

    -panels to operate all doors or individual door opening.

    -radar system to detect intruders in your base with loudspeakers.

    -future ( Dog guards for the base! and buildable kennels to get companion dogs) .

    -smelting, smelt tin cans to get materials!.

    *NPC patrols

    *New weapons: Mk16's,Mk17's, several new rifles.

    *Over 100 new buildings added to the map, over 60 warehouses that can be claimed by the players!

    *Antihack system.

    Read the rules in : http://dayz.frgames.es

  3. ROFL Seriously, this is your input? So, when you are testing, and a new piece of code gets added to the source stream and the application breaks horribly, you as an expert tester just say "Hooray! Let's keep on developing!". I apologize, can I come work in this magical place you do? Where code magically fixes itself by adding more and more broken components on top of the Main source trunk?

    Every place that I have worked at, removes broken source / components from the Main branch when the build or application breaks. We then FI (forward integrate) the code to a Development Branch for further development and testing. I realize that DayZ is "in Alpha", my concern is this:

    Rocket has made and insanely good game, I myself have purchased six copies of ArmA 2 CO since it came out (to pass on to friends, etc.). I understand that it is Alpha, but if he doesn't treat it more like a Release, or hell, even a Beta, his fan base will dwindle quickly. Gamers are fickle, and there are other game companies on the sidelines right now just ready to pounce on the market that Rocket has help flourish (zombie survival). If Rocket (or BIS, whoever) doesn't start following standard ALM practices, VERY quickly, the player activity will drop as fast as it rose and this game will die out to things like War Z.

    I don't want to see that happen, I want this game (and the future standalone) to be successful. So I'm throwing some experience in to the mix to hopefully help Rocket (and any others on his dev staff) to focus on following standard practices without all the "QQ" comedy posts so the game becomes as professional as it is fun. And Debiru, thanks for the laugh, I have a long day ahead of me and thinking of you as a tester in my team just makes me chuckle.

    As a nearly Computer Engenieer i give you my beans, and I pray god to have the magical pot that Debiru has.

  4. Can people please confirm if this is the case for them?

    Be SURE you updated ALL YOUR FILES.

    This is very important. The closed test indicated that nobody who was experiencing graphical glitches before was with this update, so if that is not the case I need to know ASAP.

    I Can confirm you that updating with SixUpdater (Like you recommended) these graphical glitches continue happening.

    Also some big rollbacks happens, (10km rollbacks)

