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About Squeezit

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  1. Has there been some sort of change that causes me and my 2 other friends to sit on a log in screen for a good ...Long time (we've tried a few different servers now waiting about 15 minutes on each server) only a couple of servers have been able to let us in so far :/ The rest just sit there and load forever and force us to force close DayZ/Arma Then they kick us out saying something about battle eye
  2. Come for a mass shooting! jk But no seriously, some bandits are probably looking at your post and thinking "I need to stake out this place with a sniper rifle"
  3. Squeezit

    Alt + F4

    I liked your post simply because you put "gleefully riding a bike through a field" I can only imagine you riding through a field of flowers on a banana seat bicycle :P
  4. Squeezit

    Mass Hacker Ban?

    Sweet, I recognize some of these names on servers that mass teleporting was done. <3
  5. Squeezit

    Survival. Not COD. -_-

    If this were a real apocalypse, I don't see people acting any different. Killing other survivors and stealing all their stuff. At best they might hold someone at gun point, steal all their belongings, then let them go. Which in a sense is almost the same as condemning them to death.
  6. Squeezit

    Survival. Not COD. -_-

    I haven't killed anyone yet, but I've seen a couple survivors. I ignore the ones who don't have a weapon, but I keep an eye on them incase they draw one. I hide from the ones with weapons and if they get close I keep my weapon ready. When they pass by me, I leave.
  7. Squeezit

    Alt + F4

    Ah I see, sounds like I'm better off pressing escape and disconnecting anyways, if I can manage to do it fast enough after getting warped. The last time the entire server got warped, I saw a jeep nearby, managed to run to it while everyone else was confused and getting shot at. Got in the jeep, drove away, bullet fire all around me, felt like Indiana Jones. Almost escaped but one of them took me out with an RPG or something.
  8. Squeezit

    Alt + F4

    I hear people talk about using it on Direct channel a bit, and a random group I teamed up with was talking about using it. I don't intend to use it against other players or anything, but the last time I was on a server with hackers I thought it was a good idea to do after they teleported me and the rest of the server into one spot and killed us all. So I tried it Alt + F4, but it didn't seem to do anything. I'm assuming this will disconnect me faster than pressing escape and disconnect, and I'd like to know simply so I can escape from a hacker if I manage to do it fast enough. Is there something I'm missing?
  9. Hackers can change you into animals or so I've read. Why not zombies?
  10. Squeezit

    Teleported then killed

    Maybe we should start screenshotting the player list after this happens
  11. Squeezit


    If that's the case, can I get a refund from steam?
  12. Squeezit

    Another Teleport

    My friend and I are on server 853 and the entire server is getting teleported. He's pretty sure it's the BangBros Cocklover and BangBros Coitus teleporting us and killing us all. Perfect for noobs like us to join a server like this My first gun, gone :( Oh and BangBrosMajorSchtz Missed that one.
  13. Squeezit

    What do youy do if you see a player

    I had no gun, and I was prone, so he'd shoot me before I could stand up or escape :P I was fucked either way
  14. Squeezit

    What do youy do if you see a player

    I'm the noob that gets shot not wanting to kill anyone :( I came across a guy with a sniper rifle. All I had was an arrow (and starting gear) no weapon yet. guy stared at me for a good minute. I sat there, no weapon in hand. Shot me anyways.
  15. Squeezit

    Need help at Kamyshovo, right of electro

    Hey I'm in the same area :D Except I need blood not morphine and I have like 2k blood, haha (If I had morphine I'd help you out)