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About xXxCrackSmokerxXx

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    North Carolina
  1. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    Rocket, please fix the timeouts

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought rule 1 of Dayz was "don't get attached to your gear". I feel your pain bro, just give grinding a break for a few days or a week and come back fresh.
  2. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    eternal loading.

    It used to be like 5-7 minute wait for me and now with this update it takes 1-3 minutes. MUCH more enjoyable after being spawned killed.
  3. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    Icons Not Working with Debug mode on

    If you read the change logs in your launcher, it will say what changes/bugs are happening or have been addressed.
  4. xXxCrackSmokerxXx


    some servers have global, most dont. There always is direct chat. hit the . and / key to change channels and type
  5. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    prepare mode

    The prepare mode is an absolute no. Bunkers, yeah but not chock full of food or items. They could say these bunkers are like vaults in fallout and thats where the survivors came from, say for in the meta. IDK if you've ever fired a pistol or rifle, but theres no way. you see how hard it is to hit something in game while WALKING? imagine it while running.
  6. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    The evolving enemy.

    Now, when I first started playing DayZ, It was just QQ about bandits, campers, and glitches. Now it's QQ about glitches, Hackers, weak admin, and the general sense of little progress in BE. Has anyone noticed the amount of spam in the forums? where are the mods? people linking porn, food, shopping and fake id's and passports? Really? Hacking went from hacked weapons to carpet bombs to hacked in vehicles to weapon crates to god mode/teleporting/thunder dome. Its just progressively getting more sophisticated, more apparent, yet unpunished. why is DayZ getting hit so hard? In game, and the forums? Now, i know it's hard to get proof for bans when they are so sophisticated that the are not showing up as events in the servers logs, but shouldn't you be able to tell someone is hacking in the logs if the event shows the player in different areas at getting there in improbable times? Every one dies in a server except a couple of choice people, it'd be obvious who initiated the .exe, right? To admins, I know you're swamped with this stuff all the time, but instead of "hey, do this admin!" , what can we do for you? How can us fellow bandits and survivors help you to save the game? Aside from "not hacking" and "use the search function" is there anything at all? I was in elektro, counter-sniping people on sniper hill, when a new spawn bandit appears out of nowhere and says "friendly, new spawn" just keeps talking to me while im scouring the hill. I see 2 people coming down, so I start firing at the two while the new "spawn" says "i'll get them. Instantly sprouts an as50, caps both of the guys. Zeds, storm us, i switch to my pistol, he goes "don't worry", and as each zombie clawed at him, they fell over dead. i'm like sheeeeeeeeeet, this guy is going to kill me now. All of a sudden, shots start hitting around us from the fire station, we start shooting. I'm hitting this guy, the hacker is hitting this guy, and then, the fire station enemy teleports right in front of us. Hacker guy laughs, message says "lol, hack too?" They procede to ask each other if they have team speak, and i stand up and take off on the other side of the hill and log out. Now there is going to be 2 bandits in god mode, weapon spawn and teleporting. Is none of that noticed or tracked in the logs? TL:DR. Grown up QQ about how shitty everything is being regulated.
  7. Going lone wolf, it'd be m4 cco, and DMR. Once you get NVG's you can use them with the DMR, unlike other sniper rifles
  8. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    Stuck unconscious! need some help!

    I'm pretty sure if you are "stuck" unconscious,(timer not going down) then not even an epi-pen will wake you. If you're admin, couldn't you just console code yourself awake or something magic-y like that? Worst case is, since you have a base and your own server, just make a new character and start anew.
  9. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    Zombie Hitboxes?

    Depends on the weapon, as they have different damage. If you had a makarov, it would take a whole clip to down a zombie if it wasn't a head shot. If you're having a hard time stopping zed's, shoot them in the leg. They instantly stop, go prone and crawl towards you=easier head shots.
  10. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    need antibiotics, willing to trade mp5 sd with 1 mag for payment or tons of food(15-ish cans) in elecktro, just pm me since im off for the night and wont be on till tomorrow night
  11. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    Zombies VS flashlights

    nope, sound and movement. light somehow doesn't register to zombie brains.
  12. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    Trigger system for bandits

    The 20 m trigger radius is an absolute no. Itd be just like radar.
  13. xXxCrackSmokerxXx


    Have you ever broken a bone? Pretty painful. Even with a splint, you'd still need crutches, splints only hold the bone in place. I know it'd help with the "realism", but all you're really asking about is if you can get a increase in movement speed so you can find a morphine shot that magically fixes a broken bone. If morphine fixes bones, then technically you could crush up a couple boxes of painkillers and use that in place of morphine, or even a timed, temp fix. Painkillers stop shaking? so should morphine. "oh no, im at 3k blood, but i need to take out this bandit, gonna take painkillers." should be instant knockout due to extreme blood loss and intense amount of narcotics.
  14. xXxCrackSmokerxXx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am currently in fire station in elektro and in need of transfusion, i also have blood bags on hand, just need that special someone. Thanks in advance if help comes.