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Everything posted by ozjace

  1. ozjace

    Where can I find huge tent camps?

    Usually people camp where you yourself would put your own tent. :)
  2. ozjace

    Day Z Videos

    A repost, but seriously funny stuff.
  3. ozjace

    use six update bro. Just delete it and re install the whole lot if you have anything missing
  4. ozjace

    An apology to Silver and Ackade

    How bad do you feel after you get no verbal or text response! And all you can do is save yourself and pull the trigger. RIP
  5. I found a kiwi bloke you will recognise my name. Spent 4-5 hrs from the coast to NW Airfield until a server restart split us up. I forgot your name but it was on the ANZ servers. PM me!
  6. ozjace

    bring back bandit skins

    30 isnt too bad tbh.
  7. ozjace

    this "update" sucks....

    I dont understand how your brain works dude, No more glitches, Zombies run straight, My load time was like under a minute after picking a server? Apart from spawning on the coast I still kept my gear and my ATV was where I left it? No biggy. Great patch! Great Alpha so far.
  8. Yeh my tent vanished with all the contents gone too. Although My ATV still was in the same place with the contents inside. But I was sent to the coast still with my gear.. Strange.
  9. start the beta launch not the standard launch exe? Or change your launch options in steam to launch the beta update version
  10. I never see any vehicles anymore when playing except for choppers that hackers are spawning.
  11. Remove the wire, save the tent. Put the wire some place else that it wont obstruct. I had some clown lay a tent in side my tent and manage to get sandbags over it too.
  12. ozjace

    Artifacts. Still here.

    Yeh usually makes it bigger and worse for me too, window mode does eff all.
  13. ozjace Ate my items.

    Dont get attatched to your gear especially between updates..
  14. Did it still save your gear after moving you?
  15. ozjace

    Bad serial number given in setup

    Same happens with me too but it doesnt seem to stop anything, just annoying everytime I patch
  16. ozjace

    Stuck on Loading

    Stuck on loading too
  17. ozjace

    Arma 2 beta patch 95883

    Same here same problem, have never had a problem with DayZ the entire time apart from this
  18. ozjace

    skins and backpacks

    Take your bag off first before you do any wild changes. Fix
  19. ozjace

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Fantastic! Will it be based on the ARMA 3 engine?
  20. So was was just spawning on the beach running along after being taken to the thunder dome ( Fun times huh.... ) Im running along and see a heli fly over so i called out pick me up! He crashes trying to turn..What ever il just loot him. AS50 TWS + M9 SD ALOT of ammo and ghillie big back pack the works. Cool beans.. Start walking up through the trees and away from the coast. Then a ghillie suit guy with the same loadout as I just had looted off the body shoots me dead. I respawn again and start running when he teleports to me yet again! I asked if he was hacking and he said no ( DURRRP ). I said either spawn me an item or il get your GUID banned globally... He sighs on his mic and spawns an M9SD with packets of ammo.. after tagging with him to follow he spawns a heli and I hopped in for a ride until he crashed it and DCed. If you check the server logs you will see what he spawns. The times were between 8:30 and He DCed at just around 9:35pm EST His in game name is GREG, Most likely the same person who decided to teleport the whole server to the thunder dome. Server is NZ 24 Regular, Hosted by Orcon! Id be greatful if you could ban this time wasting game spoiling humans GUID. Regards, Avid zombie killer. Jace
  21. ozjace


    17 shots in a clip, u will need almost every one to drop a player with chest and head shots. I use it heaps but it feels useless. M9 is tops
  22. They should care otherwise their wasting hosting fees