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    On the Coast
  1. I had about 15 murders with my Enfield, it was the first gun I picked up on that spawn... 4 hours later and I'm running it with an M4A1 SD in a Coyote backpack, picked from a kill of mine at Stary. The Enfield, as old as my character, simply disappeared when stored in the backpack during a log-out (better than losing the SD I guess). Sucks, dual-weapon set-ups are practically impossible at the moment.
  2. Encountered a hacker tonight with a script that allowed him to respawn, fully military-equipped & ghillied, behind players out in the field. In 20 minutes the same ghillie+M14 player appeared directly behind me and my friend in NW Air / Elektro Hills respectively. Knew it was him because he appeared immediately after bottom-left respawn message ('Gonzo was killed'). I was in a very unobvious place on the backside of the hill - not an obvious spawn-in area, at all. Script spawns him in fully geared, lay on the ground facing the player. In the few seconds it took him to get his bearings and aim, I had heard the sound of footsteps and turned around to kill him. His body immediately despawned in the ground. Definite hacker.
  3. Can confirm this, again... lost my lovely Enfield tonight after logging with it stashed in a Coyote backpack. It seems any Coyote backpacks that are looted from other players are incapable of storing/remembering new items on the new player (after a relog, that is). No matter what, whichever weapon is placed in the Coyote pack before logging will have disappeared after. All ammo and other backpack loot will remain.
  4. I completely agree. I spent 40 hours on this game having a great time with friends, gearing up a character and enjoying a real sense of sandbox narrative. However, it was ruined in 5 seconds by a visiting hacker. It really is not proportional: it takes so much effort to survive in this game for any real meaningful amount of time, and yet any script-kiddie can join in and have you dead in seconds.
  5. Excellent responses. Neither have anything to do with the bug. How about you discuss the broken game mechanic rather than trying to prove how your 'way' of playing is the superior one? I have plenty of experience with competitive FPS. If I choose to go to Elektro and kill city-dwellers, so what? I don't want my bags to bug out.
  6. I've been searching hours a day in all major residential spawns and I don't see Camo or Ghillie spawns anymore, ever. Period. Compared to a month ago, before I took my break from DayZ, where I would find one at least every 2-3 days if I was actively looking. They are rare but not-so-rare that you never even see one in days of farming major towns across multiple servers. Funnily enough, what I see instead of clothing spawns now (in popular places like Supermarket and Schools) is tonnes of A.L.I.C.E. packs and melee weapons. It's almost as if the packs and crowbars/hatchets etc. share the same random loot table as the clothing, and have now replaced them. Whereas before an ALICE pack would be pretty rare, now I commonly see 5-6 ALICE packs in one supermarket. I think a ghillie/camo should normally be in there somewhere. So yes, I don't think they're spawning correctly. As ever, though, no word from the DayZ team.
  7. Does anyone here know anything about the 'disappearing' secondary weps when you carry a Coyote around? My day went something like this: Log on, notice I've lost my prized Silenced M4 from my previous session (I died shortly afterwards at NW Airfield so no biggie) Manage to find an M24 sniper pretty quickly after running all the way back to NW Airfield... which is then lost only a few hours later (logged out in town I was in for food/drink w/ my AKM out as primary... M24 gone from backpack when I relog). No worries... head over to my camp and pick up my M107 Sniper... head south to Elektro with AKM as secondary. Run 40 minutes and finally reach Elektro - yes! finally! - so that today I can finally start to have FUN, that elusive game concept. Take out M107 on hill and kill for a while... hear gunshots near to me on the hill: time to get out the AKM... oh, wait! AKM has disappeared from my Coyote. I am now left with just the sniper and my trusty M1911. Not-so-fun. After that I logged out for a while to calm down after all my misfortune, make a coffee and think about which deer stand to visit first... Oh and to make things worse, when I logged back in shortly after, I took 5 steps on the hill I was on and BAM! my 4-day character flies off the hill at 100mph and insta-dies, along with everyone else on the server. 'You are dead!'. Just your weekly brush with hacking, great. So what's the deal with the weapons disappearing? Before anyone asks I am fully capable of swapping out 2 weps and managing my backpack space, I have over 200+ hours logged with multiple guns and it is only recently that I've started noticing valuable weapons go walkabout in between gaming sessions.