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Everything posted by f3rd

  1. Hi, zu aller Erst: da ich ein deutsches Team suche ist dieser Thread ebenfalls in dieser Sprache verfasst. in diesen dunklen Zeiten - also nach dem Ausbruch der Krankheit brauch man mehr als sich selbst. Lange Zeit habe ich nur mir selbst vertraut. Man hörte einfach zu viel schlechtes, wenn Leute aufeinander trafen. Es soll sogar schon Tote gegeben haben, nur weil der Überlebenskampf und die Gier nach Selbstschutz zu groß wurde. Ich bin 22 Jahre alt und verfüge über fundierte Überlebens Know-How. Ideal wäre eine Gruppe, die ein Durchschnittsalter über 18 haben und ebenfalls gutes Wissen besitzen. Dazu wäre es hilfreich, wenn eine Heimat (eigener Server) vorhanden wäre. Einen Teamspeak könnte ich stellen, da ich durch meinen Clan (www.myrabbits.de) die nötigen Kapazitäten besitze. Ich spiele das Spiel seit 2 Wochen nach dem Release, wenn man das so nennen kann. Was bringe ich mit: • Erfahrung in DayZ / anderen Games. • Viel Zeit • Administrative Kenntnisse • Websiteverwaltung • ich würde mich als angenehmen Gegenüber einschätzen Was ihr haben solltet: • einen Gameserver / Hive(!) • eine mittelgroße Gruppe vertrauenswürdiger Spieler • Kenntnisse in DayZ Ich würde mich über Einladungen freuen. Liebe Grüße, f3rd :-)
  2. Once upon a time.. I was walking through Elektro, where I finally reached the train station in the city center. With nothing in my hands I stumbled in and found a nice Lee Enfield with 4 mags. Nevertheless I was equipped well for the beginning time, I decided to have a look into Elektros 1st fire station near the church. While climbing up the ladder into the 3rd floor, I noticed multiple shots somewhere near the docks. It was like 5 or 6 different people shooting each other. When finished, I ran out that fire station and hide myself a few steps north to observe the situation. 5 minutes later, I literally pissed my pants, when a grenade exploded 100 m next to me. . I noticed 4 players running into the fire station hiding from 3 other guys with FAL FN. Actually I felt save with my Enfield, but now I was just f*****. One by one has been killed so only 3 were alive. I decided to climb up the ladder to get onto the roof top where I could spot and kill one of the 3 guys. Two of them saw me, so I threw myself on the floor to hide. I heard them running around the fire station hiding nearby next to an old house. He covered very well so it was hard to take a shot. Finally I was able to and shot into his head. The last one pulled a lot of zombies with his gun, shooting at me. As I saw him running, I gave him a shot into his knee, so he stumbled felt down and was eaten by the Zeds. Lucky catch, I thought. I was equipping myself with the guns of them and I just felt watched. Seconds later I got shot by an sniper... It was a long-range shot. I did not hear any sound of the weapon. When I woke up again I was at the beach – bandaged but nearly naked with nothing again. I guess I was lucky to survive…….. Now a new adventure can start. I am German, so English is not my mother tongue.. If you find mistakes, keep them. ;)