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Everything posted by shadow07

  1. I'll be honest, OP, what your are saying makes absolutely zero sense. This "zoom", I see it as your eyes having the ability to actually focus on an object like you can focus in real life, both 3PP and Hardcore get this "zoom" option, when your weapon is sighted, like said above you can't "zoom" any further unless using a scope. If you want "zoom" removed then it should also removed it from 3PP servers, lets also make it so the camera in 3PP can't go around doorways or over fences. Honestly, with all the respect possible, you sound like you went to a Hardcore server and got owned in a fire fight or something. Please take a moment to sit back, catch your breath and think about what you just posted. So totally cereal. -a person that plays 3PP and Hardcore, enjoy both.
  2. shadow07

    Why I Play As A Bandit

    Great post, Sounds like my experiences in DayZ Beans Sir +1
  3. shadow07

    Don't bother buying

    PvE Servers DO NOT exist.
  4. shadow07

    Turn on post processing

    Thank you for this video, I find it completely amazing you did this and posted it, especially since it took over 2 hours and 30 minutes. Post-Processing though, I don't use it for the reasons Mos1ey stated. Many thanks, have my beans
  5. shadow07

    What desktop should i purchase to run DayZ SA?

    I have seen some that had TP already on the heat sink or CPU, although the last two computers I built didn't. Yes you have to use TP or else heat wont be released from the CPU correctly and the life span will be shortened greatly or you will just straight burn it up.
  6. shadow07

    What desktop should i purchase to run DayZ SA?

    The only thing that I find worry-some about building my own computers, is putting the thermal paste on the CPU and heat sink. Even then though its not that bad. You also save money in the long run if you build your own. Yes, that PC you linked is enough to run DayZ, but it is over priced imo. Currently I am running this: Case: Cooler Master 932 HAF case CPU: Intel® Core i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.7GHz GPU: EVGA GTX670 Superclocked Ram: 12 gigs. Power: OCZ 800watt power supply Mobo: EVGA X58 FTW3 Those are the basics to mine, I probably have about 12-1400 dollars total into my computer, wanted to make sure it would last a long time. DayZ is very CPU heavy and even after "un-parking" all my cores I still get noticeable lag in Cherno and Elektro, but only those two cities. My other thoughts are to try and stick with Win7, I haven't heard anything good about Win8 yet, make sure you get something with a really good CPU and GPU. edit: If you have made your mind up about building your own computer this is my biggest advice TAKE YOUR TIME, do not get discouraged if something does not go exactly right, just take your time and have fun doing it.
  7. shadow07

    The reason why i kill on sight now !!

    I have one very simple KoS rule If the other player has any weapon and it is raised and pointed at me, I will always shoot. Just like real life training, it's all about threat levels. To the OP, I've been playing DayZ since, well, I don't remember when I started but it was long before private hives and extra maps (in the mod). Don't get bent out of shape over a few bad lives, there are people on these forums that have had many many more bad ones then just two and their still friendly.
  8. shadow07

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Hit the nail on the head there, yes I do not agree with certain play styles, but I do sympathize with all play styles and the standalone game has brought out even more play styles, all of which I find amazing. Whether it be players running the coast helping each other, that guy that you get in a fist fight with as a new spawn, or the group that cuffs you and forces you to drink Disinfectant (favorite video to date was Lirik's Tragedy). Yes, all play styles in my book are welcomed (except those hackers, go to hell hackers/scripters), though I may not agree/play those styles strictly per-say, I can see that the 900k people that have bought the game so far are not all the same, everyone has their style and they will play their style, in some cases though they should/may have to wait. on another note: And I actually ended my trek south somewhere near, well, I can't say and I've decided that I'm going to kill coast campers and try helping who I can until my next life. I'm thinking that life will be a strictly survival life.
  9. shadow07

    dayz surpassed in population

    I bought Rust last night to see what it was about and instantly regretted playing 20$ for it. Played for an hour, never go anything more then a stone axe and a bullet to the face. Never again I think. DayZ isn't broken, its actually quite good for an Alpher
  10. shadow07

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    As a player that will NEVER go to a PvE server I will say this: My opinion is that PvE servers should not be allowed at all until private hive servers are. The amount of gear farming from PvE servers and then going to coast camp and shoot new spawns would be atrocious. I fully understand that players want to play the game the way they want to play it I'm all for that, but this is an "Alpher" and until the game is fully released rules must be set in place so proper testing and game mechanics can be evaluated, PvE severs would not benefit the production of this game at the moment. Plus If you as a player want a PvE experience, all you have to do is spawn and run North, I have been North of Stary Sobor for about a week now and still alive and constantly running between NWAF and NEAF while visiting Guba. Although I'm about to head to Kamyshovo or Solnichniy and make at attempt at shooting bandits or helping new players. Let'em play the way they want to play, but only after DayZ is a fully released game.
  11. shadow07

    Tired of this

    Seriously man, you just need to take a break when shit like this happens. Earlier today I "fell" more like skipped out of the apartment buildings north of Balota, of course I died, re-spawned, died again and took a break. Never did get my body back, but in the end it was for the better, I have better gear then I had then and I'm avoiding high rises until the lag is fixed. There is nothing ti rage about, like everyone has said you paid for an alpha and your going to rage about an alpha, then in my opinion, like everyone, you should quit and play again at a later date. Second thought judging by your signature and demeanor I would say your a bandit, and you expect to not run into combat loggers, especially if your rolling 10 people deep and going against 1 or 2 new spawns at a time. Grow a pair bro and go north, or at least find people that are a challenge. edit: Don't try to flame me about judging you for possibly being a bandit, I could care less, I never combat log and I'm neither a bandit or a hero, just a survivor doing whatever it takes to survive.
  12. shadow07

    Character reset again today/Sunday?

    My entire group of about 15 people have been reset, and reset every time they change a server, seems like the hive itself is down.
  13. shadow07

    Character Not saving

    So the hive is down, servers are working but it sounds like the hive itself is down.
  14. shadow07

    Screen freezes regularly :/

    I find that my screen tends to freeze at the exact time the ambient sound loops, meaning it starts over again
  15. Thanks, I simply misread the post as I didn't see the "Experimental" part, my bad for checking the forums while trying to take care of my five month old and spending time with my family. All I care about is bodies not disappearing if and when I shoot some one.
  16. That part I understand, what I don't understand is how did some peoples update, Steam didn't update mine and still didn't update after I "Verified Game Cache".
  17. I'm afraid I'm not fully understanding what your saying here. I know from reading the forums that some people's client was updated, but I asked many of my clan members if they had updated and none had, including myself. our server as well was not updated, though it shouldn't be if its a client update. My question is: Who got the update then?
  18. shadow07

    Who have you killed?

    I've killed two players. The first was day one, a buddy and I were at Zelno, looting around when two players came up on me and said friendly I replied friendly and went north to find my friend. Stopping at the small group of houses just north of Zelno we look back to the pond we just drank from and saw the same two guys that we had just met. Then outta no where a player with an M4 started shooting at the unarmed players. After the fire fight one lay dead and one injured. We watched the player with the M4 ran just west of where we were hiding. As my friend initiated a fire fight I flanked north and planted a 7.62 rnd right in his bean. Later on we saw the injured guy at Pustoshka, we talked for a bit told him we killed the player that tried killing them and proceeded to NWAF. The second one was at NEAF I was alone and looting the airfield on my way to the ATC I forgot to loot the far west military/jail building so I started heading back to it, just as I got west of the hangers I saw 3 players crossing the airfield and they saw me, All went prone and sighted up on me, I ran like hell using the pine trees to hide my relocation. After a few minutes of crouching around I got into position about 500m away and saw them still looking for me, knowing that leaving my position would most likely end up with my death I opened fire on only one guy, shot him with my Mosin and Long Range scope and he fell dead. Fired the rest of my rounds around his body and watched the other two log out. This is my rule: I am a survivor, NOT a hero NOT a bandit I will do what it takes to survive, if you aim at me I will fire no questions asked, so leave those guns down and I'll break out my camping stove and we'll eat, drink, and tell our stories.
  19. shadow07

    Alcohol tincture and sick?

    After using the alcohol it will spam "My wounds feel cleaner" ect...for about 15-20min, once it says your wounds have been healed or what not. You will no longer be sick. Im guesing that using the tincture triggers a "sick" on your character so the game knows to clean the wounds, then after a set time your wounds are cleaned and your no longer sick. More like a feature, not a bug imo.
  20. Hello, I would like to introduce The Bad Company's Private Hive Chernarus Server. remote connection: website: www.thebadco.com We currently run and 96751 beta. Some server information. Regular difficulty with nametags/ranging w/ scroll turned off 50+ vehicles Active Admins Open forum to report issues Server Restarts daily usually every 6-8 hrs Server will never be locked unless for maintenance or testing purposes and will not restarted needlessly. We have 3 simple rules: No foul language in side chat, no combat logging (will result in ban), No hacking/script kiddies.
  21. Some more information I think everyone should know. We don't use any custom loadouts, no extra added vehicles. Our server is stock nothing extra and the only thing taken away was nametags and scroll ranging. So if your looking for a private hive server that doesn't have a bunch of extras stop on by and give us a try.
  22. I have a Red 4 door on our server. It needs engine parts which I can find and also provide 3 jerry cans. PM me if interested.