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Everything posted by BuddyMcFriend

  1. BuddyMcFriend

    Looking for a Partner or Two (Not Pro, Not "Newb")

    Not really interested in joining a clan, I have too many things to do off of the computer screen, but thank you to the guys who offered, really, I appreciate it.
  2. BuddyMcFriend

    Future Suggestions for Standalone DayZ

    Switch to the flashlight with the mousewheel, or take it out by double tapping L.
  3. BuddyMcFriend


    Why not just have an option to choose between survivor and bandit skin when you spawn?
  4. BuddyMcFriend

    The "Official" FIX on trust in DayZ

    You can't change people, change the game and they will adapt to it or quit. Make the game more challenging and people will have to rethink their strategies.
  5. BuddyMcFriend

    I have matches, I have a jerry can.

    This.. Is awesome! I can't see what's bad about it. Sure, you might make a big target for yourself or wherever the fire is, but so is shooting a gun. Risk vs reward.
  6. BuddyMcFriend

    I like the game and all.. But.

    You're an idiot.
  7. BuddyMcFriend

    Remove high-tech tactical devices

    Wrong-o Considering the state of the buildings and how rusted-out the cars are, things like batteries probably would be long buried or dead already by people who would have used them to power their crappy lights.
  8. BuddyMcFriend

    Separate slot for Flashlight in the Inventory

    This is an amazing idea. I'm glad you could come up with this off of what I said, mine was only the start of an idea. All I meant by another inventory slot was how you could switch to the flashlight like how you could switch to the binoculars, but now I realize that it isn't necessary to add another slot. I would go to Publix if there was one in this world, and buy you all the beans on the shelf if I could. Lets keep this topic alive! I don't want it to die, and I will keep it bumped.
  9. 1+ for me, I would love to get out of the 8500k blood region easier without having to phone-a-friend or waste my food. I think even a minimal amount as.. lets say.. +5bps (blood per second)? So people can regen, but won't abuse this during combat.
  10. BuddyMcFriend

    Separate slot for Flashlight in the Inventory

    Haha, I actually have one of those literally sitting on the desk in front of me. My father was in the Army, and I have that flashlight with the colored lenses also. I also agree with you, if you could double tap L (just like double tapping W) you could pull out your flashlight and put away what's in your hands.
  11. BuddyMcFriend

    New item: NOTES :D

    The 'note' idea is awesome!!
  12. BuddyMcFriend

    Separate slot for Flashlight in the Inventory

    The reason it's not working is only because it wasn't coded to function like that, hence, it wasn't implemented before the game's release. I know it would take a hell of a lot of time to re-code a function like that into the source probably, but hey, aren't we trying to make this game the best it can be? I would want to look to this game for all my 'survival game' and military operation wishes.
  13. BuddyMcFriend

    The Road (Movie)

    I know a few people here have seen it because of their avatars, but it is a great depiction of survival in a wasteland, only without the zombies. There are survivors and bandits, and you never know if the man you are near is going to shoot you or steal your things while you sleep.. It's a great one.
  14. BuddyMcFriend

    Separate slot for Flashlight in the Inventory

    Thank you to all the people who have supported this! I'm glad you all like the idea. If we could make this a very popular thread, then it might actually be seen by the development team.
  15. As a Christian and one who love role-playing as well, I support this. I enjoy the fact that people can take something and make something amazing out of it when others see it as a dead-end (speaking to the people who say DayZ will die). As long as we have an imagination, this game will take a long time to 'die'. And if it does, it might just comes back and infect us and start the cycle all over again.
  16. BuddyMcFriend

    Different ideas regarding the Bandit Skin.

    Rocket said in an interview that there might be clothing to compensate for temperature.. Which would be great. And about the Zeds, I say have more of them, but less health, considering the damage of guns now.
  17. BuddyMcFriend

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    You're playing too much DayZ if... wait, you can actually stop playing such a great game? What's wrong with you?
  18. BuddyMcFriend

    Dungeons :)

    Dungeon, instance, same crap man. I've played enough MMO's to know how they go. This is not the right function for this game, you'd be making an entirely new mod after a mod. An ArmA II instance mod where you fight zombies. People shouldn't have to go into dungeons to get the best loot. I enjoy the fact that if I'm careful and patient, I can make my way to a military base and get equipment, but once you make it so that there is a function like an instance just like World of Warcraft where the instances are the only place to get great gear.. Then the magic of the game is lost. Is there anything else to WoW besides crushing through instance after instance to get the gear needed for PvP? No. No one likes the stupid quests that make you kill X amount of X to get X.
  19. BuddyMcFriend

    Zombies never die... hear me out

    Simply, they aren't zombies, they're infected with some sort of virus. As said before, a zombie was once a living thing brought back to life.
  20. Hey guys, I just wanted to make a little poll to see what people prefer more. 1st person? or 3rd person? Please explain why you like one and not the other, or if you're impartial, go ahead and explain why. FOR THE PEOPLE SAYING THE "HEAD BOBBING" EFFECT IS DISORIENTING WHILE IN FIRST-PERSON, THERE IS AN OPTION IN THE 'CONTROLS' MENU TO TURN IT ALL THE WAY DOWN' =-=-=-= My personal choice has been first person as of late, because I've gotten used to 'Mercenary' difficulty servers (which are actually a ton of fun because of how realistic and scary the game becomes) which are challenging. I have a little bit of a thing against third person now that I've gotten accustomed to first person because I feel as if not everyone is at a fair advantage. An example being, a bandit behind a corner of a building will clearly be able to see someone running down the street, ready to pounce because he can see around the corner with third-person, while the other guy has no idea what's coming for him. If they were both in first-person, then the bandit would have to either strafe out to see, or lean, both giving a bit of a fair advantage to both parties. Also, being able to see over the brush while in a prone position and in third-person can give another unfair advantage to the attacking player. In first person, as we all know, we are eating grass while prone, and it's more realistic. Leave your responses below! I would like to see what people like more/less.
  21. BuddyMcFriend

    1st Person vs. 3rd Person

    I sometimes feel as if the game has too many modifications available to the visual options.. I mean yes, I understand that everyone has different computer specs and this isn't an Xbox or Playstation console, but maybe we can find a solid middle ground where the graphics don't need to be changed in order to cope with the game. Make it so that you don't need to ramp up the gamma, make nights possibly just a tad tiny bit less dark (someone said that using morphine basically fixes your broken leg, so this game isn't realistic at all. So don't give me that crap about living in the country and you can't see your hand in front of your face). All I'm really suggesting is that maybe the 'standalone' game can have graphics set to the simple high medium low very low. Turning up the gamma so that night time playing is almost essential if I don't want to bump into a zombie or a stop sign. Yes, there are flares, yes there are chemlights, yes there are NVGs, but if you make these items COMPLEMENT the experience and make it EASIER, then I agree. But when it's UNPLAYABLE at night time without these things, I do not agree.
  22. BuddyMcFriend

    Axe in pistol slot

    Similar to my 'flashlight' topic, I agree. Possibly even a 'melee' weapon slot to also be switched to with the F button?