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About Twi`Naga

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    On the Coast
  1. I was at the NE airfield, prone in the field just to the south of the control tower. I see a man sprinting across the airfield towards the tower, with a large horde of zombies chasing him. He runs inside the doors with zombies hot on his heels. During this time, I'm crawling alongside the building to the ladder on the north side of the building. I start hearing revolver shots as he kills the zombies filtering in to the building from below. When I get up to the top, I can see muzzle flashes on the level below me, through the stairwell. It's at this point, that I decide it's finally time to pull out the frag grenade that I've been absolutely ACHING to use since I looted it more than 4 days ago. I chuck it down the stairs to his level, hear a deafening BANG, and the gunshots and zombie moans ceased. I was in awe of the destruction. Unfortunately, he didn't have much on him. Just a revolver with a few speedloader clips, a CZ 550 with some spare ammo, some food, water, and bandages. Took what I wanted of his rations and ammo, and left his body there. tl;dr If you EVER get a chance to use a frag grenade to kill someone, it's ALWAYS worth it. If only for the story and feeling of shock and awe.