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AOD BlackBox

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Everything posted by AOD BlackBox

  2. AOD BlackBox


    I am an admin and that is not possible. Sorry bro, that happens. if you know who he was feel free to message me and we can talk about it further. But we don't have the ability to grant you your equipment back.
  3. AOD BlackBox


    Just so you hotshots know, has some issues and wont save vehicles... So they are there and if you fix em up they can be yours...We try to be fair. :thumbsup: Just looking for people to play on our servers.
  4. Hey guys! Just wanted to let you all know our server came back online today, We had some minor technical issues but we are LIVE! Please come in and join us @ US 1308. See ya there! :beans:
  5. I am a server admin on US 1308 ||AOD||, And we are looking for a few people that are local to our server to join our clan. We are an East Coast clan, and play mostly in the evenings. Requirements: 18+ (Over 21 even better) Over 1 month of experiance preferred Teamspeak 3 is what we use for voice so a microphone will be required If interested please reply to this post or email us @ AODRecruiting@gmail.com, Check out our clan site @ http://aodrecruiting.shivtr.com/ or stop on by the server and come talk to us. Look forward to seeing you!
  6. AOD BlackBox

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    Lamby, That was a great firefight I swear I hit whoever was behind that tree at least 3 times. Silly M16 is JUNK! That Grenade shoulda had you too! lol It was a good fight and keep the M107...It was amazing to find a squad that didnt disco when stuff went south. It was a great run and I was hyped! I also after killing Daniel M....again ;) found another group of survivors and stole their car and killed them It was a good night!Great work guys and glad to have some people on the server that play the game for what it's ment for hope to see you around. Send me a PM with your squad info and maybe we can set something awesome up :) Also Thanks for the compliment on the server we do what we can and want everyone to have a good time!
  7. AOD BlackBox

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    Hey guys thanks for all the replies. We are trying to stay a small clan so sadly Brudagon prob not the place for you if you are looking for a big clan. Other wise guys Great to hear from all of you will be in touch
  8. AOD BlackBox

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    Fractional: Hey man if you can log into our server with a ping of under 100 we are willing to give it a shot! let me know you, Alternatively can skype me directly at AOD.Recruiting
  9. AOD BlackBox

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    Hey man if you can log into our server with a ping of under 100 we are willing to give it a shot! let me know you can skype me directly at AOD.Recruiting
  10. AOD BlackBox

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    Do you have skype? if so hit me up @ AOD.Recruiting(skype name) look forward to working out the details with you
  11. AOD BlackBox

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    Sorry buddy we are looking for an older crowd, If you can show up in the server and prove yourself we may have another opinion. See you around Looking forward to it aru always looking for some fresh targets ;) :P
  12. AOD BlackBox

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    I am a server admin on US 1308 ||AOD||, And we are looking for a few people that are local to our server to join our clan. We are an East Coast clan, and play mostly in the evenings. Requirements: 18+ (Over 21 even better) Over 1 month of experiance preferred Teamspeak 3 is what we use for voice so a microphone will be required If interested please reply to this post or email us @ AODRecruiting@gmail.com, Check out our clan site @ http://aodrecruiting.shivtr.com/ or stop on by the server and come talk to us. Look forward to seeing you!
  13. AOD BlackBox

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    Mostly on after 5pm during the week but weekends are our busy days, we on most of the afternoons.
  14. AOD BlackBox

    "Player Killed by Player" msg

    bump! This is something that I noticed on our server yesterday, Had a sniper disco as soon as he knew he was dead but he had already killed someone. So if I knew his name he would be banned for alt f4ing when he should have accepted his death. Is there ANYWAY we can make this a reality again? Player kill/death messages need to be enabled! How can I make it happen?
  15. AOD BlackBox

    Bandit/Backstabber hate rant

    Get a mic it's faster than typing, and something I've learned during my time in game, When you see them hide and than call them out. That way you are not standing in front of them exposed
  16. AOD BlackBox

    First day as a Bandit

    Yesterday was the start of my bandit career on this game and let me tell you IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! :D Let me preface this by saying I'm a fair bandit, or about as much as you can be on this game. My friend and I where inside of Elektro hunting bandits and we posted up on the east side of the school. Some time goes by, and we hear the faint sounds of footsteps.... This is it I say to myself, I am going to show this guy who's boss. He comes around the west side of the school going around and around looking for what I can only assume is gear or a survivor. We wait and carefully plan out what we are going to do and finally I see his name Leonard... And then he ducks into an alley way and we loose em... Damn I say to my mate, I thought he was ours. So I go into the school carefully climbing onto the third floor roof when my mate comes up with a great idea. "Why don't you throw that grenade into the bottom of the school... That will make him come around" So I do and wouldn't you know it not less than 3 minutes later he is outside running around making all kinds of noise. I hear my mate say he has him in his sights and before I can even ask where he is, Shots ring out BANG BANG BANG! "Leonard is dead".... This was an awesome trap but not nearly as awesome as what we did next. Having had good luck here we decided to stay here and see what we can find I had no rounds in my pistol and was sitting on the other side of the eastern most wall. Again the calls goes out Survivor... Wait multiple.. three of them at this point I know I am outgunned and switch to a more direct approach, I start talking in the direct chat. "Garcia and Steve Stop moving, Face the wall or I WILL KILL YOU, Don't look around know that you are dead if you get up or move." They slowly comply and start saying how they don't want to die. However their friend (Corey) thought it would be a great idea to start edging around the corner to see if I was serious... Just when he pokes himself around my mate says " Hey Corey you got a death wish? 'Cuz i got my sights right on your forehead and unless you wanna Die I would listen." Directly afterward Corey replies with "friendly friendly I don't wanna die.." and complies they all start talking about how they don't wanna die, Garcia most of all was talking about how he just started the game and did not want to die. My mate and I laughed in private chat about how we both had no ability to shoot these clowns I have no ammo and he can't aim down sights. I walk up to them and tell them they best be on their way before they do get shot and we will spare them this time... But next time someone tells you to do something you do it... They slowly start moving outta town and leave me and my mate to laugh over their misfortune.. They where scared and had no clue what was happening. By far the most enjoyable time to date with this game, I could have easily killed them with another grenade or broke their legs with an axe, but end of the day its more fun to imagine the scared look on their faces when a lone gunman walks up on them with a mysterious sniper for backup.
  17. AOD BlackBox

    First day as a Bandit

    I look forward to that day Ninja. :) I may die, but be warned as you pull your trigger there is already one on its way to you. I have the best cover a man could ask for. :)
  18. AOD BlackBox

    First day as a Bandit

    True story I will make it neat and tidy later, at work and had to type it quick.
  19. AOD BlackBox

    DayZ Stories

    Here is my story of death and destruction, I was working my way into stary to the military tents, Loaded for bear I had a M14 with a red dot. My fellow survivor and I slowly worked our way into the tents, Once Inside I see it, A zombie is sitting inside the tent I slowly back away but as I do he turns and sees me I hear him howl and I take off. I tell my mate to stay tight I was going to take him to the top of the hill to rid of us this problem and move on with searching the tents. I run as fast as my little legs would carry me and now I'm making more and more zombies angry and they start following me up the hill. I make it to the top and turn to see a small herd of 5 or 6 zombies. I turn and start walking slowly backwards, after I catch my breath I start letting the rounds fly 6 zombies down with 8 bullets. I count my blessings that there was not anymore and run back down to the tents. I tell my fellow survivor that I am coming back down. I go back to the tent and... There he is again... Still in the tent breathing all heavy like he ran a marathon so I grow inpatient and move around the back sides of the tent and work my way to the back door. I find a m9 load it and get ready to claim what is mine! I hear the soft patter of foot steps behind me and just as I'm about to take the shot I get annihilated by an AK74. As I go down I scream out to my mate that I'm dead... He plays it safe and waits for the bandit to loot the tents and when he gets ready to loot my body, 2 shots ring out and drop the bandit in his tracks. All I have to say to that bandit(imagirldonthurtme You got hurt... and you broke my heart...), should have checked your corners.. Thank God for back up I still lost all my stuff but you get what was coming to you. Next time maybe you'll ask to see if people are friendly before blasting them away. Side note: Directly after this I spawn in and run full sprint to Mog, Once there I meet up with my teammate and we move on to loot Zub and log, This morning I figured that I would loot a little bit and log into a server only to find my character has been reset and i am back to square one.. Although this game can be aggravating I've never felt such a close connection to my survivor’s life. I will play on and most likely die again, But it’s gotten me hooked Great work on the MOD!