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Everything posted by Syrell

  1. Hello folks! Im asking myself... Why they created Industrial areas , Military areas and Prison, Hospital etc, when there is now no specific loot there? There is no reason to travel anymore and no more thrill in old dangerous areas. U cannot go somewhere for specific loot that u really need atm. .."Let me travel to the big industriaI area in the north. Its a long way but maybe I find the spraypaint I need." Not" Or I need a ammo mag , I dont know where to go. I need spraypaint I dont know where to go. I need morphine I dont know where to go. I need a Hoe. I don't find one at 50 Farms. I like the Zombies and the lack of Food. But I also enjoyed missions, I set to myself, like go into dangerous areas when I was forced too, but there are no more dangerous areas where players go! Every house has the same lootchance >>really boring, no high frequented areas anymore. All the variaty of buildings with all implemented details is pointless now. Why go to the big hospital in the big town for morphine ? U will not find any medical stuff there anyway! This broke a big part of the game for me atm. I dont want to find 10 morphine injectors in a farm buidling. Hopefully it will be changed again into some building loot logic
  2. where did u got that?
  3. I exspect more farming loot at farming buildings than military loot or medical. But travelling to specific areas is senseless. Some will like this. I dont like it, that the loot has no logic at all atm. And all buildings have the same function now, local specific areas at the map are pointless. @Bean King: What about short term evacuation of areas? Most things are there, where the people left them. Like Pripyat/Tchernobyl was a real life situation, evacuation and fast fleeing.
  4. Syrell

    Garden Plots growing rotten food

    Same issue with green pepper
  5. Syrell

    0.55 loot spawns!

    No Industrail loot in indurial areas, same with military areas. Why they implemented this areas, when there is no specific loot. I love the zombies but the random loot is really annoying. I play for some years now and first time im depressed from the game. Goind into risky loot areas should be awarded by better loot, or the loot u search for. No u run thru every town looting like a norrabin- I really dont like the new loot spawning system
  6. My backpack disappeared on server US 1046 a minute later a player named BOND was kicked by battleeye because of script use. I think he stole my backpack. I was alone on the server. I was running through the woods looting nothing it was at time 4:31 GMT-8
  7. Syrell

    Hacking is getting out of hand.

    i think ur damn right with the f*** hackers
  8. There are still cheaters on they have helicopter and cheats golden revolver to tents , and teleport all players to one place and kill all. They are still on the server. there are 2 hackers in the heli. They can port. time 15:10 p.m CET suspicious player names danieel Horst [TiW]Kevin395
  9. I hope the inventory system im dayz standalone will stay the same. It is part of the thrill to loot slowly ohter players and loot. It is realistic to spend so much time for looting! i hope this will never be changeg tor lootin in 1 second
  10. Hi! I just logged in today and respawn on the coast day 17 , only gulliesuit on, But my whole items are gone, weapons, backpack everything. This is f*** annoying! Is there something i can do? cu Syrell
  11. everytime i run to the north, after relogg im somewhere at the coastline kamenka , cherno, elektro. I have my old gear but why i'm alsways respawn. This is very annoying . It goes the whole day , 5 times today.
  12. meat is great ingame, u can stay in the woods
  13. now, after the new patxh everybody seesm to repsawn at the coast
  14. it dont see any diffenrence in the colours of the temeperature indicator. And a minute later its blinking and im ill or coughing. pls change the colors to more seeable ones. deep blue and deep red or something
  15. hi! i have a problem with the temperature indicator. I dont see any changing in colour. At night and rain it has the same colour as at daytime. And suddenly it begins to blink an im ill. what can i do to see my temperatur my sec question: Is it possible to set the ocupacity of the hud to 100% visible thx Syrell
  16. ok so im not the only one - having problems with the damy indicator colour that i can not differentiate
  17. hi! I runnin al the time through night but my temperature low down and then even begins to flash - there was no rain i alsways run. Is this normal? cu
  18. Syrell

    Tents resetting after reboot

    is the tents eating items problem solved?
  19. there are also many players without strong pc's there. With high requirements these players cannot play CryEngine or somesthing. Arma2 Engine is quite well!