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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Drblodski u mad, u should don't talk to a forum, u don't know me, i didn't do anything to you so don't be like that U resolve nothing, ur comment is useless, like u maybe :) Okay i'm a newb about Arma 2, i'm not very well in english, i maybe don't know perfectly how to use SixLauncher/Updater but it's not a reason for be disrespectful like that UK105, i tryed again, with full updated game/mod, it's still a bad version DE4 is working
  2. play a different game is the easy answer, think different bad troller. if i came here, that's because this game is actually the most liked for me, and because theses server problems are so embarrassing, more than cheaters, glitch, bugs... it's look like the dev team just care about the in-game experience, but for me the in-game experience looks pretty good compared to servers actually i have a lot of exemple i play with friends we make a camp with tent on a server, they patched yesterday, but the patch before, and today a new patch, It's been a week since we can no longer to get there, one of my friend managed to go yesterday, he told me that a tent had disappeared and another was completely empty, there was the empty cans in it so it is impossible it can be a thief player i shooted a player in a huge lag, at the end of the lag, they died,but there was no longer at the position that i shooted, it's not normal to allow server like this ! my friend also tell me there was no sound (M105) Yesterday, i was close to cherno, i go in a working server, when i am connected i died (someone had to kill me when I load the game) I was hidden in a forest There is also the bugged teleport ,sometime when i respawn for find the good spawn, i go in a no-man's land without any tree around, just nothing. it's also a lot of time lost... all of these things is really damaging the game experience i know it's an alpha, but most game, even beta/alpha have less problem even before the game begins server outdated, bad settings ,Battleeye problem, host not responding, loading lockscreen, reset location, wrong GMT (normally its the day and its the night), laggy server, server with password ( Oo ?!? ) etcetc... we go already has enough time to walk around this huge map while being careful, I do not want to spend as much time searching for servers