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Everything posted by Grocs

  1. I've only ever had this happened when I've logged out while still in shock (the white icon that doesn't look like a broken leg)... if you wait for the shock symbol to go away before you log out you shouldn't get the unconscious timer.
  2. Thanks Dylon - it is actually on your server i'm having the issue but I don't think I've got the same ARMA II version as your server. I'll try and correct this now. Cheers.
  3. I've had this problem too except it seems every time there is a server restart I get a quick message to say I'm dead (when I'm not) and then when I log back in I've spawned at the shore with none of my gear (inventory completely empty). This has happened four times in the last 5 days. I am hoping someone can shed some light on this because I've never had this problem before.
  4. Hi all, Some friends and I were playing on US 238 server and after seeing a couple of weird messages appear everyone suddenly got killed off in one instance as the server went down. This is incredibly frustrating as I had managed to get a fair amount of supplies and equipment. I'm pretty gutted. Can anyone tell me if this is a common thing? It appeared the server was getting hacked or something... I really like the challenge of this game but to suddenly be killed off through no mistake of your own - that is just pretty disheartening. Grocs.
  5. Thanks for the offer Fonz - I'm GMT +10 (11pm here). Hopefully we can hook up sometime - I'll try and get some morphine and blood packs...
  6. As you've already said - that wasn't my intention. Where are the hacks normally reported? To be honest I wasn't even sure that was what it was - until now.
  7. Thanks for the replies - it sounds a bit more common than I was hoping for... I'll just have to keep an eye out for other weird messages in future and leave the server as soon as it starts...