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Posts posted by Grocs

  1. all you are doing is posting up a sweet success story for the hacker to fawn over, report hacks in the correct manner and stop advertising their activity, when you post about it here all you do is add to the problem (not your fault, just the truth)

    As you've already said - that wasn't my intention. Where are the hacks normally reported? To be honest I wasn't even sure that was what it was - until now.

  2. Hi all,

    Some friends and I were playing on US 238 server and after seeing a couple of weird messages appear everyone suddenly got killed off in one instance as the server went down.

    This is incredibly frustrating as I had managed to get a fair amount of supplies and equipment.

    I'm pretty gutted.

    Can anyone tell me if this is a common thing? It appeared the server was getting hacked or something...

    I really like the challenge of this game but to suddenly be killed off through no mistake of your own - that is just pretty disheartening.

