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Everything posted by JaxElite

  1. I know that parts of this suggestion have been made before but parts are also completely new. So the following is my personal idea of the system of food drinks blood etc. I will handle the parts in the order they are shown ingame: Temperature Bad symptoms from overheating caused by infections or staying too long too close at a fireplace. Symptoms would be something like: - sweating, causing the player too dehydrate faster - slowed down reaction (equals slower mouse settings, delayed shooting, kneeling or laying down) - blurred vision Overheating caused by an infection will come and leave with the infection or you can temporary cool down by cooling ureself with water (lakes or bottles, bottles will be emptied due to this and your thirst will stay). Overheating caused by fireplaces can be cooled lasting with water, or any other way to cool down your body temperature. Also i think everyone has noticed that the body temperatures are slightliy off, causing our characters to be almost death all the time^^ Food Does cooked steak saturate you the same amount then cold beans does? I dont think so. Food should not be filled completely by eating just a can of pasta. Starvation starts way too fast. A normal man could survive a few DAYS without food, not just a few hours. Of cause this will be bound to symptoms of starvation being shown in order of apperance while you stave: - stomach growling - pain - slowed down movement - liability to infections - blurred vision - loosing your balance (falling down, loosing ability to move straight) - loosing "blood" - passing out - eventually dying Drinks Drinking should add the same symptoms which should be added to eating but the tyme it takes you to dehydrate should stay the same. Blood is ok the way it is Rest Rest is a completely new part of the game. Your character will get exhausted over time showing the following systems: - slowed down reaction (the same as with overheating) - slowed down movement - cooling down - shaking - liability to infections - blurred vision - loosing your balance (falling down, loosing ability to move straight) - passing out The first symtomps will occur afte 1-2 days without rest. Notice that you can not die even if you never rest but your chances to survive will decrease radically. Symptoms can partly be cured by simply waiting without moving but you can only stop every symptom and refill your rest if you sleep. How long you have to sleep to sleep to regain rest depends on the time you spend without rest ingame and the ground under you. You cannot disrupt your sleep manually, but a friend/bandit/zombie/animal/daylight/flare etc can when producing light on you or sounds close to you. To make it not too boring you can sleep while being offline but note that your body will stay on the server where you disconnected and can be killed or looted. The rest system would make it harder to survive but would add a huge amount of realism to the game and will force players to move more tactical - searching for relatively safe or remote places to sleep. And the last thing is: haters gonna hate - i dont care
  2. JaxElite

    The ultimate answer to Banditry

    go find us^^ big loaf - but remember, after you did, you are a bandid......irl
  3. JaxElite

    Overhaul of the needs of players

    ....right - i am not sure about the resting part myself now^^ i thinik i should cancel that idea in my head but i would like to see the symptoms in something like "hardcore" or sth like that. have recruit regular veteran expert and hardcore...(btw where the hell is the difference between expert and veteran?)
  4. JaxElite

    Overhaul of the needs of players

    which parts do you mean?
  5. JaxElite

    Overhaul of the needs of players

    any other idea how to rest without watching your chara sleepa few hours? I also dont like the idea of being killed while being offline but i have no other solution