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Everything posted by Hetsin

  1. Hetsin

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    After being afraid of the new update and finally manning up, I have to say I love the new zombie count. Hell, I actually want more*. Can't say much about the respawn rate as I've been stealthing since the update and only had to kill one zombie. One thing I noticed or just had horrible luck with is: crossbow bolts aren't recoverable from walls anymore; they just leave a 'bullet' mark. They are still recoverable from zombie heads though. *More, but balanced. A small barn in a remote location shouldn't have 6 zombies hanging around. Maybe 3 if all the farmhands got transformed at the same time. Likewise people should avoid major cities like the plague unless they are teamed up and geared and/or suicidal. My feeling on the zombies: they should be an environmental hazard, not the antagonist.
  2. I've been getting stuck in debug forest all afternoon and evening (3 to almost 10 PM PST) with a few exceptions. One thing I noticed that may be related is when the initial mission download is 0 or 24 kb, it's off to debug forest, but when it was 42kb things when smoothly, as far as I recall. It could be nothing but peak time issues, but I thought it was odd that those 3 numbers kept coming up.
  3. Hetsin

    A persistent cache

    A simple, but probably unviable, idea. Place a backpack on the ground, select an option to turn it into a cache, the now cache would be linked to your character. This suggestion assumes only one cache per id mainly to save master server bandwidth. You change servers, the cache follows you into the server where you placed it. You die, it unlinks and turns into a normal object that'll despawn (assuming things despawn) if no one is around to 'refresh' the area. I am aware that you can do this on a server by server basis, but crashes happen and having one 'safe', but lootable place to store things could introduce new player behaviors. Foreseen implications include home bases with guard detail and scavengers trying to find caches after spotting people without packs. It give a bit more immersion as well; after all would you go into a zombie infested town with narrow doorways with a backpack full of rattling cans and ammunition or drop the pack outside of town first, preferably in a concealed area? If this has been suggested already, I apologize, I must have overlooked the thread somewhere. =\