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Everything posted by puppetworx

  1. puppetworx

    Epic places

    Maybe you get in my van. Maybe I show you how to have a good time.
  2. puppetworx

    Has DayZ started a trend?

    I no longer fire my Lee Enfield in the high street either.
  3. puppetworx

    My first humanitarian act

    There is something more fun then sniping in DayZ? Who would've thought? :D
  4. puppetworx

    Awesomeness of the NWAF

    If you want gear go hunting for tents, it's far more profitable.
  5. puppetworx

    Last day of DayZ: Last Death.

    Death by beans induced diarrhea, it is the only way.
  6. puppetworx

    Most zombie kills you've had

    The highest I've noticed is 600+ with 5 bandit kills. Normally I just evade them but when I'm bored I'll destroy a town full for fun. I've probably surpassed that number now but I don't play with the debug monitor on now and it always resets on me when I open it anyway.
  7. puppetworx

    Looking for a best friend on DayZ

    Maybe DayZ should have public restrooms for people to meet others in. Go in, pick a stall, read the names and numbers on the wall, maybe look through the hole in the wall and see if anyone is in the next stall, exchange personal effects through the hole with each other and then leave quickly before the missus wonders where you are. GayZ
  8. puppetworx


    Was hoping this was a Ron Paul thread.
  9. Trizzo although you managed to pump out a myriad of grandiose sounding words like they're going out of style in your behemothic diatribe...you still manage to miss the point of the 'COD kiddie' comparison. It has nothing to do with teams or free-for all which is all that you can seemingly talk about. It's about the fact that CoD is a competitive PvP game. Team based, or free for all, the game is to shoot as many of the other guys as possible and finish high up on the leaderboard: Call of Duty is the name, fragging is the game. Is DayZ clearly a competitive PvP game? Does it give you better weapons and perks for killing other players? Does it reward you for killstreaks? Does it 'rank you up' with the more kills you get? Does it have 'achievements' which you unlock by killing other players? No. Other then killing a player for their equipment there is no reward in killing another player in DayZ. It's not overtly competitive at all. DayZ isn't pure PvP nor is it pure PvE. It's not a win-lose game, it can be win-win. But to a Pavlovian trained kid who has played nothing but CoD and other competitive PvP games for the last 5-10 years he kills anyway, he feels good about it and he screams into the microphone about how you're such a "fucking noob" when all you had was a Makaroni and a bandage. Whatever way you look at it that's quintessential CoD kiddie behaviour. Why would you not call it what it is?
  10. puppetworx

    The Horde

    I've noticed that the Mk 48 on full auto for a few seconds will attract almost every zombie in a big town. I've been surrounded by 40-50 zombies due to this a number of times. The plus side is that if you can evade them then you've just pulled every zombie in a 200m radius to one spot and are free to wander unperturbed.
  11. Rocket has said specifically that the whole zombie AI is being reworked for the standalone. At the moment the zombies work on the soldier AI from ARMA2 which is modified, as much as it is possible for DayZ. This is why they serpentine run etc. When they have their own AI and don't have soldier AI which is modified by scripts they will be a lot more efficient and lot more like zombies. He's also stated that zombies will be able to attack you while you're running, something which hasn't been possible to achieve in the mod.
  12. What Vilayer is doing may be bogus but rather then calling for a boycott of DayZ Commander how about calling for a boycott of Vilayer and requesting that the dev team remove Vilayer from the server hosting pool?
  13. puppetworx

    One wolf does not a pack make.

    Tougher zombies - which can hit you while running - should raise the bar on difficulty. It should make opening fire and staying hidden from other players a tougher proposition in turn. Hopefully that will take the game from being a competitive death-match with zombie backdrop to being a zombie survival game with a competitive death-match backdrop. Scarcity will have an effect too - once the object-oriented loot system is implemented. Suddenly death will mean something significant again when you can't just rely on picking up an AS50 from a body in town and you will have to work and fight for your arsenal. I think it will make people more paranoid about other players, but also make it more rewarding to team with other players of similar skill level. So I'm not sure if the fixes will hurt or hinder teams or lonewolves, game theory is a bitch. I can't wait though.
  14. puppetworx

    I die everytime I team up with Hetstaine

    Is there anyway your frolicking can somehow be captured on some sort of video capture device and then uploaded to some sort of server for hosting such video captures which will allow me to denigrate and ridicule you both in a self-satisfying and very public way? I would be very much interested in seeing that happen.
  15. puppetworx

    Why Reddit?

    Because /v/ hates DayZ? In all seriousness he probably uses Reddit because this forum is slow as fuck.
  16. Sounds weird I had the wrong CD key thing when I first got the game. You have to actually open up both ARMA2 and ARMA2:OA one time before it let me play. If you've done that have Steam check the integrity of your game files and then try the manual patch again (http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php make sure you get it from here). Also Six Launcher is kind of retarded and will roll you back to whatever version it thinks you should be on whenever you open it. Use DayZ Commander instead.
  17. puppetworx

    entrenching tool

    The trick is to acquire both an Entrenching Tool and Sandbags before you die and lose your loot. Easier said then done. 'Engi pack' was a retard comment but if you don't like Skyrim you can just suck a bag of dicks kind sir. Epic thread derail.
  18. puppetworx

    Why no IP bans for hacking?

    Be honest? Okay, you're uninformed and your opinion is valueless drivel. Most IPs are dynamically assigned which means unplug your modem for a minute, replug and voila! New IP. I'm sure that will stop cheaters right in their tracks! If you can find cheats for games online you can find this trivial piece of information, guaranteed.
  19. Yeah I worry about navigator too. I posed a question to rocket about it because if it's working by packet-sniffing then the only way I can imagine solving it is to re-write the networking part of the code from ARMA 2: OA (which they have stated no intention of doing, in fact the opposite) or by encrypting the network traffic which may not be so easy. I don't know, I'm not an expert on coding but as far as I know those are the only options. So far no reply, but I'd really like to know if this non-scripting exploit is going to be addressed or not in the standalone.
  20. OP is right, for the wrong reasons. Right about one thing anyway. Okay he's not really right at all. OP is mostly wrong. Anyway what sostronk is saying, which I sympathize with, is that the only enjoyment he gets from the game is from killing people, every other avenue leads to dissatisfaction. That's probably because the the thrill of a gunfight gives you a surge of adrenaline and all kinds of good shit, whereas building up a base only to have it raided is like a slow burn which abruptly fizzles out completely. The real draw of the game for beginners is that intensity brought by avoiding zombies, but now everyone knows you can just sprint right through them all that is completely lost and you have to get your kicks elsewhere. That said he's putting all the blame for his dissatisfaction on the lack of invulnerable storage, that's dumb. Skiddies and weak-ass zombies are far greater factors and the standalone address these. This thread is 57% QQ, 42% "u mad bro?" and 1% fallacious statistics that I'm making up as I go(u mad rocket?).
  21. puppetworx

    How to hide a camp?

    When I go looking for tents I go from hill-to-hill and pond-to-pond using the map: so don't place your tents on the top of a hill or around a pond. Tents on the top of hills are especially easy for helicopters to spot. I will then look from the top of the hill for any tents on it's slopes and across to the slopes of nearby hills: don't place your tent on a hill's slope unless you're sure it isn't visible from the top or from another hill. The most populated areas will obviously be a riskier place for a tent. Around big cities, military locations and castles are a bad idea. Traveled routes: use the DayZ DB map to imagine the routes people will take between locations. Examples: Up north water is scarcer so people will take direct routes from popular locations up there to the nearest water source (pond or pump), routes/treelines between deer stands, routes to vehicle spawns, etc. Just as you don't want to place your tent on a peak you don't want it in the valley either, these have high visibility. So what you're left with is placing your tent somewhere not traveled often, neither in a valley nor on a peak and inside a cluster of fir trees or bushes. I've done this and have yet to have my tent discovered. The other thing I do is only keep one tent in a given location, redundancy is key don't put your eggs all in one basket. I also keep tents in the same location on other servers so if my tent is emptied by looters or by a tent glitch I can switch server and get some other stuff from there (some might consider that server-hopping though). This only works to an extent. Everytime I discover a good cluster of fir trees I mark it on the map as a potential tent location which I will then check from time to time when traveling between places. Good luck.
  22. puppetworx

    hacker, or strange nice guy?

    Sure you can, Coyote backpack bro.
  23. puppetworx

