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Everything posted by puppetworx

  1. puppetworx

    DayZ Standalone . Test Period .

    One presumes in the fullness of time.
  2. puppetworx

    Best Place To Build a Stash?|

    1. Get a helicopter 2. Steal everyone elses stuff 3. Fly your chopper over Cherno with your Beans pressed against the window 4. Prophet Helis will always find your stuff. You must become the heli and then ye shall know peace.
  3. puppetworx

    I need some help with framerates

    I just got a GTX 660 and now run these settings: I spent a half hour in the Editor messing with the settings and these had the best combination of appearance and performance in all locations (towns, open fields, forrests) however I do get a few frame drops when in fast cars or helis, so perhaps set the AA and 3D resolution a little lower if you can tolerate it. A few things to note: I have the 3D resolution set above the native monitor resolution (133%) - this is sometimes called over-rendering and it has the same effect as anti-aliasing but it keeps the original sharpness of the picture, it also hardly impacts FPS at all, PPAA hits FPS zero but it also doesn't work nearly as well as AA - no harm in turning it on or off depends what you prefer, keep Video memory on default or it will be capped, raising anisotropic filtering has no effect on FPS but improved image quality significantly, ATOC makes trees and grass look bearable when combined with AA at High or above - AA will hit FPS mainly in forrests and open fields I found High and very High to be sufficient when combined with over-rendering, shadow detail had no impact on FPS, terrain and specifically object detail hit FPS when not set at Very Low - get them as high as you can I have object detail low but it doesn't look too bad possibly due to the over-rendering, I would prefer to have it higher though, disable PP effects and set HDR to normal. That's more notes then I meant to give but I hope that helps. I'm running my GTX 660 with a Intel Q6600 at 2.4GHz and 4GB of DDR2 so you should be able to run it like this pretty nicely.
  4. puppetworx

    Poll of best mid range weapon

    >midrange >winny u havin a giggle m8?
  5. puppetworx

    Opinions on this behaviour

    Was that fake laughter or are you slightly special? It sounded nuts and all you did was shoot an unarmed guy in the head, not like it was an especially eventful moment...
  6. puppetworx

    Poll of best mid range weapon

    No FN FAL? ur 1 cheeky k*nt m8
  7. O rly? I've played maybe 10 hours now on DayZ+ and I've picked up 2 x M249 SAWs, Mk. 48 Mod 0, 2 x M24, M14, FN FAL from choppers. Other then ammo amounts loot seems about the same as regular DayZ.
  8. Yes this still goes on. Things were getting better and then the latest patch dropped and a lot of people came back or got the game. About a week after the patch dropped the exploits were figured out and there were scripters everywhere again on public hives. Battleye hasn't updated in forever so that probably doesn't help. It seems private hives is the only way to go.
  9. puppetworx

    Don't logout in vehicles

    I got kicked from a server once for 'hacker damage' or some such as I drove my V3S into a fence in Dubrovka. I rejoined and I seemed to spawn in right in the center of the V3S and I couldn't get out, seconds later my legs broke and then I died. I sprinted north and 30 minutes later I found my V3S still there, half on the road, engine running not a single thing missing. Thank god too because that thing is loaded with gear.
  10. The community build has some pretty major changes planned for version 1.7.5 and to be blunt - I think some of them are beyond stupid. Let me be absolutely clear - I fucking love 90% of the proposed changes, they're awesome, I'm excited and can't wait to play using them - but the changes to the food/blood system specifically...they sound like a joke, they're just terrible. 1. [NEW] - You can no longer to eat/drink within ten mins of eating/drinking. Sounds fine, it's a minor change and it stops people from getting absolutely destroyed and then recovering in under 10 seconds by eating every tin in the supermarket or an entire cow, fair enough. 2. [NEW] - Blood from food is now random. Example(Cooked meat would have a max blood of 800 but lowest of 1 so blood gained would be from 1-800) This change just seems to be arbitrary variation for experiential reasons i.e. people getting lucky or unlucky with food may randomly effect how they feel and behave in the game. I'm in favor of that. In terms of health it effectively reduces how much blood is gained from an item by half (on average 100 from tinned food and 400 from cooked meat). 3. [NEW] - You can no longer regain blood from cooked food for 1 hour after eating. (ie spamming cooked meat to regain hp) So, in one hour of play time you can recover 6-1200 blood (600 on average) from 6 tins of food, or 1-800 blood (400 on average) from 1 cooked meat. Looking at the averages that's the equivalent of recovering from 2-6 zombie punches in one hour of play time, recovery from a single sidearm wound taking over 2 hours, recovery from a single STANAG round: 6 hours, single Lee Enfield round: 11 hours, single M14(7.62mm) round: 14 hours. That's just when you consider the damage from the impact and doesn't account for any loss from continued bleeding.Well that certainly makes things closer to real life(excluding change 1), but it sure as hell doesn't make a better game. Fourteen hours of active gameplay to recover from a single gunshot if you're a lonewolf? Why not just kill yourself and run back to your body? That'll take at most 45 minutes and even if you don't make it you can get on with enjoying life, you can probably gear up completely in 2 hours anyway. If the game has come to your best option being death then the game is broken - by anyone's definition. So let's talk bloodbags cause I know you're all thinking it. If you're not a lonewolf you can literally run outside, get shot centre mass with a Lee Enfield, maybe taking out a few ribs or collapsing a lung. Then you can walk back inside, have your buddy bloodbag you instantly back to full health, walk back outside 10 seconds later and get shot again, then repeat to your hearts desire. Compare that to the 11 hours of active gameplay that a lonewolf would have to play for him to recover one time from ONE shot. Food isn't anymore a broken system then bloodbags, here's why and how to fix it: 1. 12000 blood per bag According to Wikipedia (which knows a shitload of all kinds of more biology then I do) a human body has approximately 8 pints of blood and the typical size of a bloodbag is 1 pint. Blood-loss is also usually life-threatening when over 40%. Let's assume that 50% bloodloss kills a player in DayZ then it should take four typical bloodbags(4 pints) to restore all their blood to the naturally maintained healthy level(8 pints). Fix: Given that a player in DayZ has 12000 blood bloodbags should restore 3000 blood. 2. Instantaneous administration There's a five second animation time for the giver and the person receiving the blood can still turn around and fire their weapon. In reality transfusing large quantities of blood usually takes hours and requires the receiver to remain relaxed and still, even if they're squeezing the stuff into you it's not an instant fix and requires great care. Fix: Make a blood transfusion administer the blood over 10 minutes for the first minute of which you cannot move. Bloodbagging to full health (12000 blood) now takes 40 minutes of active gameplay. In addition make food restore your blood over 10 minutes rather then all at once. 3. Can't be used by a sole player If a heroin addict can manage to inject themselves intravenously on a daily basis then all but the very sickest of players in DayZ should be able to also. Fix: Allow players to self-transfuse as long as they have more then 3000 blood (the level at which passing out begins), players receive a message saying 'You cannot find a vein because your blood level is too low'.The food and bloodbag system are equally broken, true - but fix only one of the systems and you break the whole game. Without implementing changes to the bloodbag system the game will shift horribly and inevitably break to where lonewolfs are suiciding to obtain health and group players are walking around performing miracles on one another.
  11. puppetworx

    Blood: Let's get this right

    If you have no issue with the substance of my complaint or my proposal then why shouldn't I be highlighting it for those who are competent coders? You would be a lot more eager to complain about the mod if I was the one writing the code for it I can assure you, but that doesn't make anything about my analysis false.
  12. puppetworx

    Blood: Let's get this right

    Try reading. The changes make the food system many times more realistic and leave the bloodbag system complete fantasy. Harder doesn't make better and their implementation of harder is harder for one subset of players: lonewolves. Make the zombies do real damage (which is like a change of a single variable in the code rather then this proposed change which is like 3 new sections of new coding) and you instantly have a harder, better game. DayZ+ being the obvious example.
  13. Loving DayZ+ so far. I'd taken a break from DayZ and when I fired it back up a few days ago I remembered why. DayZ+ presents a fresh challenge and I'm enjoying the game a lot more then regular DayZ now. I do agree that making zombies stronger doesn't fix them entirely but it's a big step in the right direction.
  14. I played about an hour before I died - my downfall being lighting a fire in Kamyshovo which attracted two dozen zombies and blocking my only escape. Loot seemed about the same to me, no harder to find. I had fun and I definitely like the stronger zombies. I think I'll give it another shot later tonight on UK1.
  15. One question: Am I still invulnerable to zombies inside a bush in DayZ+? I quit playing the DayZ mod around the end of November as I'd pretty much used up all my enjoyment in the game given the limited challenge that zombies pose. Time to check out some of the mod's mods. P.S. - Can anyone hook me up with a decent DayZ+ server? I'm UK based.
  16. puppetworx

    monky antihack

    Try doing a search in these forums for Monky Monitor. It's malicious, deleterious, spread by scripters and it doesn't prevent hacking. Ask here for real advice.
  17. Missing the holiday game sales frenzy is kind of a bummer for BIS I bet.
  18. puppetworx

    Buy Arma 2: CO again or wait for standalone?

    Buy ARMA 2: CO again, then <snip> The standalone won't be so easy to cheat in and expectations are that gameplay will be significantly harder and more complex then the mod. Since you couldn't hack the mod in the first place (pun unintentional - but brilliant) don't bother with the standalone.
  19. puppetworx

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    She really knows how to polish a barrel - if you know what I mean.
  20. puppetworx

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    A green man suit will suffice.
  21. puppetworx


    Devils Castle.