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Everything posted by puppetworx

  1. puppetworx

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    Thanks OP. Made me lol.
  2. Emotions can be generally split into two categories (though different languages and cultures have established many different words for the degrees and subtleties of these emotions), these emotions are 'good' feelings and 'bad' feelings. These emotions were originally the source of our morals. The powerful in the community enforced their standards of 'good' or 'bad' (what felt good or bad for them) onto the weaker members. With language and time the young were indoctrinated to believe that these standards were facts, devine truths and violent enforcement of these rules was only very infrequently needed. Often the ancestors who originally derived the standards and ingrained them most effectively into the community were deified. The weaker weren't always complacent and when there feelings were breached sufficently they struck back and quashed the harsh rules or the powerful who enforced them. Modern societies still operate in this way. The reality is that there are no absolute morals. There are only mutually beneficial rules of society. Killing another is neither right(good) or wrong(bad) except by subjective standards. For an effective society mutually beneficial rules of non-violence is the optimum for the society, not necessarily for the individual. This is what is so great about DayZ you are thrown into complete anarchy, there are no established rules of society. The rules you play by are your own, by your own judgement and with the ability to make your own mistakes and fortune - both good and bad.
  3. puppetworx


    Here's my rule of thumb: If weird shit is going down don't stand around going 'lol this is so randum you guize!' Alt+F4 the fuck outta there. I've already been stung once, but more important then losing my shit I don't want to give these kids the satisfaction.
  4. puppetworx

    Zombies? What zombies? This is pure PvP.

    I have a few suggestions which wouldn't impact the game too much but I think would make it a little better. (Take it or leave it IDGAF I already love the game as is.) >The occasional zombie strolling through the woods/down roads(would keep us all on on edge a little more) >Zombies can detect survivors more easily >Some (low % of) zombies can sprint faster then you for a period of time >Zombies can be knocked out and have limbs broken >Primitive weapons for survivors (fence post, brick, etc) which has a percentage chance of knocking out, wounding or breaking a zombies limb but doesn't kill them >Survivors scream in pain after being shot or breaking a limb (attracting zombies) >Infection risk
  5. puppetworx

    First, you must become the cow

    It's real, I became a goat and was then teleported to the roof and killed - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3FJPPR9q-o - others on the server also had this happen. Apparently it's hackers(script kiddies) amusing themselves.
  6. puppetworx

    Sardines > Beans

    Question: When does rocket intend to activate Bear Grylls mode? (aka 'eat other survivors and drink your own piss mode')
  7. puppetworx

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    Really? OP confirmed for elitest 1% oligarch New World Order Illuminati. First you mercilessly rape the 99% and leave us with neither our beans nor life and then you complain that you are too rich and have no way to destroy your masses of wealth? Now you know why we took over your cities. - OccupyCherno signing off
  8. puppetworx

    Last night I killed a man.

    kill a fool for shining a light in your eye? you a cold sunuvabitch. this just goes to prove how paranoid this game makes you. i had to cross through a park in the dark last night after playing DayZ and found my self scanning the horizon for silhouettes of fuckers trying to take muh beans. i had my ghillie suit on tho so no biggie.
  9. puppetworx

    Becoming a Goat

    The thing that made me think it was a bug was that it happened to a bunch of us just as we entered a building. I'm sure a hack could work like that too though, it didn't occur to me anyone would do that. What the actual fuck.
  10. puppetworx

    Cant Join Any Server

    Forgot to mention that those of you using the Six laucnher can manually roll back your beta version by deleting the 'beta' folder in your Operation Arrowhead's 'Expansion' directory (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion - for steam) and then grabbing a previous version of the beta from here - http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ Six Launcher will update you immediately if you laucnh it though so you'll have to launch manually or with a laucnher that doesn't auto-update.
  11. puppetworx

    Cant Join Any Server

    Just installed this and binned Six Launcher thanks, it's really nice software too.