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Everything posted by puppetworx

  1. puppetworx

    is the m4a1 camo sd worth the risk?

    It's more the fact that it's range is only 200m and the bullets like a stone due to being subsonic speed.
  2. puppetworx

    is the m4a1 camo sd worth the risk?

    I imagine he uses it just for taking down zombies that get too close with a headshot, that's what I do. If I'm going into a heavy PvP zone I'll switch to my primary weapon which is currently the AK-74 Kobra, it takes a few more shots to down a player but it only agros zombies 80m or closer.
  3. puppetworx

    Rocket is bean-rich

    With so many beans to practice flicking no wonder the ladies love him.
  4. puppetworx

    Funny and Mean?

    Nice. Probably my favourite thing to do in DayZ is watching unarmed players run about like a chicken with their head cut off looking for mad loot. Inevitably someone always wants to shoot the poor fellows, and that's where I like to step in and shoot the would be murderer. Then I fire a few shots in the newbs direction too so he stays in cover and doesn't get any ideas while I make my escape.
  5. puppetworx

    firing range practice

    Do this first if you haven't played ARMA 2: OA (which I'am assuming you haven't). Then open the game go to the Armory, pick a DMR and click Try it.
  6. puppetworx

    How not to survive

    This story gave me haemorrhoids.
  7. puppetworx

    What should I do?

    Stalk people.
  8. puppetworx

    Team Size?

    Why is food even an issue? Just shoot a couple of cows everyday. Everyone eats.
  9. What are you a communist? Stop trying to always level the playing field. DayZ is an anarchist world and nothing in it is fair, deal with it. When you play at night with NVG's you must assume that everyone else on the server also has NVG's, otherwise you will die. It's hardly plain sailing. Yes you have an advantage if you come across someone without them but you still need to take precautionary measures when playing. I'm fine with NVG's requiring batteries - so long as flashlights and GPS also require them.
  10. puppetworx

    Ramdisk question

    Yeah I'm not sure about how much moving the ARMA textures to RAM actually helps in multiplayer (it apparently works great in singleplayer) because servers can limit the draw distance. Good info on moving the DayZ folder though, I'd heard it helped but was skeptical, I'll try the same and see what results I get.
  11. puppetworx

    Have a question, NEED HELP!!

    Are you cereal?
  12. puppetworx

    okay, so i just started..

    I spent about 4 hours crawling along the ground trying to not agro zombies and looking for a gun, never found one until about my 3rd life and was then killed about 2 minutes later by a hacker with an axe. Welcome to DayZ they said. It's an alpha of a mod they said. You can tool up in 10 minutes from spawning they said.
  13. puppetworx

    Click It....

    Seems legit.
  14. puppetworx

    where to find canteen and matches?

    Residential buildings are your safest bet. Survivor bodies too.
  15. Let the delivery commence.
  16. puppetworx

    The Best Start Ever!

    Ripping good tale.
  17. puppetworx

    guys...any idea where the fuuuu I am?

    >2011 >not drinking mountain dew and and eating pasta from a tin for dat authentic realism >ISHYGDDT
  18. puppetworx

    hackers...do u guys feel the same

    DayZ needs to move to password-protected community servers at this point. I don't like the idea, in fact I thoroughly dislike it. But considering the rampant up-tick in scripting and the decision not to respond to the problem by BI it's the only way DayZ characters will have a modicum of security. This trend towards community based servers is already happening and will increase significantly in the following weeks.
  19. puppetworx

    Best Hacker of All Time... Scariest Moment Ever.

    I stopped thinking scripting was cool or funny about 4 deaths ago. Who actually stays on a server with blatant scripting happening? I guess people who want lots of hits on their YouTube vids. Update: Just watched part 2 due to all the hype. HOLY FUCK! That was the tits! Maybe try and hide your server list from your stream though.
  20. I've been hacked to death by a guy with an axe after putting a full clip of ammo from a Winchester into his chest point blank (and I mean point blank), turned into a goat, rained on by buses and watched automatic grenade launcher fire rain down in Elektro.
  21. puppetworx

    m14 aim or mk48 mod 0 ?

    Maybe you should just give that M14 to me. I'll take good care of it.
  22. puppetworx

    To the 2 bandits of Electro

    Nice story. I can imagine the counter-butthurt these guys faced after getting killed with their own weapons from behind.
  23. puppetworx

    Ramdisk question

    You want all the textures on the RAMDisk as loading these is where the real bottleneck is at in ARMA for some reason. I believe DayZ primarily uses the ARMA 2:OA textures so that would be the folder to move or symlink.
  24. puppetworx

    My First Murder (Video Included)

    You straight up murdered his ass. That'll learn him not to sit on top of ridges.
  25. This is when you choose to use your powers not for good but for vengeance. You form a new posse, a stronger posse, tool up again and gather intel on your former. Then you clinically and coldly destroy your former posse, you take their shit and distribute it to total newbs telling them who the guns came from. This completes your cycle of vengeance.