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Everything posted by puppetworx

  1. XP doesn't support DirectX 10 or 11 and plenty of other games already do not support XP (such as as Battlefield 3) so if you want to get the best graphics available then you need to move away from XP in any case. My suggestion is get 7 now or if you can deal with the interface pre-order Windows 8 upgrade, it's only like £/$30.
  2. puppetworx

    This is my dayz life

    You probably don't need their names if you know the time that they logged out and the time that they got shot at.
  3. puppetworx

    The Story

    WTF am I reading?
  4. puppetworx

    Haters gonna hate (AS50)

    >acquire AS50 from a body >think it's legit ISHYGDDT
  5. puppetworx


    Cannot discern if sincere..
  6. puppetworx

    My first hacker experience xD

    Lost my shit at 'nyan dog'.
  7. puppetworx

    Please Explain inventory

    I had a similar glitch although for me it was my primary weapon. I had about 4 different primary weapons and everytime I logged I lost them. When the character died so did the problem so it must have been a glitch with the character/the character's database entry on the hive. Try putting all your gear in a tent and then respawning.
  8. puppetworx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Antariuk helped me a few hours ago with the broken leg I was dealt in the middle of the map. The server was really glitchy with him but he endured it all like a pro while he assisted me. After I could walk again we hit a few deer stands and then raided Stary together, I'm now walking and nicely decked out. Very dependable player. Thanks again.
  9. puppetworx

    run rabbit

    I spotted a guy in Elektro running into the office building. When he got to the roof he turned himself into a rabbit to check what loot had spawned without becoming an easy target. Becoming a rabbit is the hackers new Alt+F4/god-mode.
  10. The only problem with OPs solution is 'who watches the watchmen?', but if it's managing to tip the balance back in favor of the honest player then I'm inclined to support it even though it's far from an ideal situation.
  11. puppetworx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi, I just got ninja'd by a zombie in Rogovo which broke my leg (the one time I head north without first stocking up at a hospital) can anyone provide medical assistance? My blood is fine morphine is all I'll need. PM me if you can help. BTW I've been thinking of joining you, or at least bringing supplies up north for members when I make the trip. Is a role like that needed?
  12. puppetworx

    Staff banning for exploits

    I'm fine with banhammering exploiters. You can never be 100% sure you have eliminated all exploits from a game and while features are being added more potential exploits are also added. Therefore prioritizing the patching of exploits over adding features is a ludicrous suggestion (at this stage). Exploiting is using non-intended game mechanics - the use of exploits therefore gives bad data to the developers about how gameplay is affected when they tweak game mechanics, it in turn makes it harder for the devs to create a satisfying game. Disincentivising exploitation through bans means the devs can get on with their jobs of advancing the gameplay. Punishing exploiters also makes sure that other players (who do not have or desire the knowledge to use unintended game mechanics - read: most people) are not disadvantaged and continue to test the game the way it is intended to be played. Stop being so narrow-minded. The most exploiters can ask for is a limited ban of say 3 days, doubling with each repeat offense.
  13. I was about to agree with you wholeheartedly OP, but then I read this: Which totally discredited everything that you's said prior.
  14. puppetworx

    Hacker that was slightly entertaining

    Well played for Alt+F4ing immediately I don't understand these people who stick around to be 'entertained' by hackers.
  15. puppetworx

    In game GPS

    Well this sure thread sure explains America's propensity for friendly fire. By the way the reason we drive on the left in Britain is because we were never defeated by Napoleon - who implemented driving on the right (previously driving on the left was the default). Of course you Americans were so dead scared of being invaded by Napoleon that you just drove on the left anyways.
  16. puppetworx

    I'm gonna help everyone I can...

    Take stuff from the relative safety of a building and place on an open rooftop for other people's welfare. Seems legit.
  17. puppetworx

    I just got hacked!

    FUCK OFF IT'S ALFALFA DEAL (this is how you respond to threads in general discussion these days right?)
  18. puppetworx

    FI23 Survivor in Kamenka

    Maybe he thought you were being really clingy.
  19. puppetworx

    Packs of Wolves? Just throwin this out there...

    Wild packs of animals? Yes. Yes. Do this. Yes. More enemies = more better.
  20. puppetworx

    is the m4a1 camo sd worth the risk?

    Damage IS based on ammo (and barrel length etc) and STANAG SD =/= STANAG. SD rounds are subsonic so as to be 'silent'. It's perfectly logical.
  21. puppetworx

    is the m4a1 camo sd worth the risk?

    That's old. The weapons were nerfed and now look like this AKs less powerful then M4s and other hilarity.
  22. I started with Six Launcher then went to manual installs after it Six updated my client ahead of every server, then I tried DayZ Commander and I always use it now simply because it is the tits.