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Everything posted by puppetworx

  1. So according to this video (jump to 3:54) heroes run faster then bandits. What about regular survivors do they run as fast as heroes, as slow as bandits, or somewhere in between?
  2. puppetworx

    Computer Spec's

    It's a few years old and power hungry, make sure it has at least 1GB and don't pay a lot for it. A $120 AMD Radeon HD 7770 will be slightly faster then it (5-10% ?)and will have DirectX 11 and OpenGL 4.2 support for the future (versus DirectX 10 and OpenGL 2.1 of the GTX280). It will also use less then half the power (80 watts) of a GTX 280 (200+ watts), if you're putting a GTX 280 in your current PC it's highly likely that your power supply isn't powerful enough for it which will lead to crashes and/or the computer blowing. It's not really a good choice, unless it's very cheap and you can afford a better power supply to go with it.
  3. Usually I spend a moment figuring out where I got shot from and then swear that I will never be so obvious again... After spawning I like to dip into the nearest town with a supermarket to pickup a bigger backpack, that's my only real priority. I don't roll with a group normally or have a base due to the saving bug so I normally do something different every life, therefore I don't really have a set routine beyond that.
  4. In scripted Chernaurus you fall from sky!
  5. puppetworx

    Ammo crate spawn

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYorl8V8zEU 10/10 would laugh again.
  6. There are probably more scripted weapons then duped ones in the game at this point. I'm still itching to play the game as you describe it though, with true weapon rarity.
  7. puppetworx

    My Best KILL so FAR

    They probably found a scripted goodie box on the coast. There's one on every server.
  8. I'm really not onboard the underground train yet but I'm willing to test. Personally I want non-instance based treehouses, but I'm aware that there are significant complications with that. I just can't seem to get excited about digging tunnels.
  9. puppetworx

    What gun from downed heli?

    They're not in boxes they're lying around the helicopter. Sometimes the weapons spawn partially or fully submerged underground depending on the location. Scan the ground around the perimeter of the chopper and see if the 'Gear' icon flashes up.
  10. puppetworx

    Is it possible to get on the..

    Have you already tried a rocket jump?
  11. puppetworx

    How did your most recent character die?

    Zombies for a change. Though he did glitch through the stairs and break my leg...
  12. puppetworx

    The Sad Realization.

    The last two paragraphs are similar to my experience these last few days and I'll be dialing back my play slightly too. It's an entirely natural thing though, you play a game, get really into it and then hit a wall after which you just play less. It's unfortunate that like so my first person shooters out there that the 'wall' is rampant scripting but if it wasn't that it would be something else. I'll be playing less but when new features roll out I'll be testing then the fuck out.
  13. puppetworx

    What gun from downed heli?

    I usually pair a FN FAL or M14 (Lee Enfield if I just spawned) with a M9 SD whenever possible. Versatile as balls. Their ammo packs more then double the lethality of a STANAG round great unless you want to spray and pray against enemy or use your primary weapon against zombies.
  14. puppetworx

    Have you ever found loots in doghouses?

    I've never been able to loot them because the loot seems to spawn in the air if there is a building behind the doghouse and you cannot access it.
  16. puppetworx


    2. ?
  17. puppetworx


    Thread not as exp-HHNNNNGGG!!!!!!
  18. puppetworx

    Sorry I couldnt Avenge you

    Damn man you could've got laid.
  19. puppetworx

    Age limit to Clans/Groups.

    Just lie about your age. I've met some people in games who have shocked me with their age which if I had known upfront I would've written them off. You will probably have to live the lie though because I usually block anyone I meet in games who turns out to be younger then 18. I find hanging out with school age kids to be creepy as fuck and is generally frowned upon by adults, just so you know.
  20. The funny part is that you seem to be trying really hard to justify yourself to others who you made the game worse for. Your actions were selfish and self-centered and the only ones who will think you were justified in them are the equally selfish and self-centred, only them. Maybe that makes your life more comfortable knowing that others have as low standards for themselves as you do for yourself though :-) 6/10 for the troll though, I did try to counter-troll here afterall.
  21. Let's use an analogy to explore OP's claim of doing no harm to other players, we'll use society as the example. Suppose someone thinks that the employment system in society is unfair because it doesn't cater to them. By OP's logic that person should just go and print counterfeit money for himself and friends so that they can buy whatever they think they deserve to have. OP argues that counterfeiting doesn't harm anybody so they should be allowed to do it. That's a good argument, for a child, adults know that counterfeiting is theft on the micro-level, it steals a little bit from everybody. Scripting in items is the exact same thing. The weapons you script in inflate the weapons available in the game and just like with money the highest value weapons are the ones counterfeited the most. The increase in these high-powered weapons in game mean that everyone is at more risk of getting killed, but the risk is only slightly increased. When other children copy OP's reasoning they then go out and do the same, overall increasing the risk for everyone by a large margin. The game then becomes what it is today, a long way removed from the original intent of the developers, and the community. Way to go OP.
  22. puppetworx

    Where are the best places for loot

    Berezino beats both the Southern cities for loot by a frikkin mile. Hospital, two supermarkets, industrial buildings out the ass, tons of barns, military tents, deer stands, player camps in the woods, helicopter crash sites nearby, under-visited vehicle spawns close, NEAF nearby etcetera, etcetera. Don't tell anyone though. Okay?