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Everything posted by puppetworx

  1. Sniping is fucking retarded.
  2. puppetworx

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    Apparently OP has been taking morality lessons from Gandhi, and he's dead: score Bandit killers 1 - 0 Gandhi.
  3. puppetworx

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Sniping should be made harder, I'd like to see wind implemented. Sniping at range is not something that anybody can just decide to pickup and do.
  4. puppetworx

    RANT because I can

    Disconnect filth. You make me puke.
  5. puppetworx

    So I found an MK-48 Mod...

    That thing is one sexy beast. It rattles around a lot if you fire it while standing so you will want to be crouched when you are more then 100 metres from the target. Go prone and she's steady as a rock, plenty of power and range. Loud as hell, it's a man's gun.
  6. Berezino has a hospital but that's some way from where you are going. You will find medical supplies at military locations from time to time but you can't count on it.
  7. puppetworx

    I dont even..

    You must have accidentally.
  8. puppetworx

    Entitlement, Rocket and the Mod

    Why did you make me scroll so much ? too spaced: did not read;
  9. puppetworx

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    You didn't hack shit skiddy. Thanks for ruining the game for everyone else including the developers by inflating the weapon supply and availability of very high tier weapons though. You make me puke.
  10. puppetworx

    Still haven't found...

    Sounds like luck. I've been playing a few weeks and have found tens of Ghillie suits and Camo Clothing, never in a Military location btw. Cafes, red brick buildings or offices are where I've found them all. Usually I give them away though because they just make me a target. I found no vehicles for weeks and then I finally found an ATV, a few hours later I found a bus and a chopper too. Luck is all crazy and such.
  11. puppetworx


    I'd back organ transplants as a feature.
  12. puppetworx

    How can you still enjoy this game?

    I more concerned about scribting. EDIT: But OP's point is a good one. The primary focus of the game seems to be acquiring loot rather then survival at this moment. When I first spawn I don't care too much about living or dying, only about acquiring decent loot...so that I may acquire better loot... When I die I don't care about the death of my character, I care about the loss of all that loot that I worked for. That's something I'd like to see change. I'd like to care more about my character dying. There are many ways of doing this and I hope we see some of them experimented with in the future.
  13. puppetworx

    Are heli crashsites completely random

    I've no idea if this is accurate but it gets recommended from time to time. I've certainly never found a crash site outside of what this map shows.
  14. puppetworx

    Rare Zombies

    You find these orthodox priests close to churches, much like you find military zombies close to military locations. I was a little surprised the first time I saw one too.
  15. puppetworx

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    The M4A1 CCO SD was a major disappointment. Unlike a lot of you I never found the M9 SD to be all that inaccurate, no more so then a Makarov anyway.
  16. puppetworx

    So whats your loadout??

    AKM, PDW and an ALICE pack full of food, drink, med supplies and STANAG ammo. Not been running long, I've been looking for crash sites but no luck as yet. I've found that the PDW is actually a pretty nice gun. It's utterly useless in full-auto spray the target mode but semi-automatic it's great for headshotting zombies and a real plus is that it can use PDW, G17, M9, M9 SD, MP5 and MP5 SD mags so it's easy to top up on ammo. Not as good as the M9 SD because people can still hear it some distance away but it's now my favourite alternative.
  17. puppetworx

    Supercars and map related ideas.

    Super cars would be ridiculous and if you have them then it would be logical to include tanks also, just go and play GTA if you want that. I don't think it fits well in a post-apocalypse survival game in the least. I would love to play in a big city though, it would be incredible.
  18. puppetworx

    Mountain Dew bad luck?

    Mountain Dew: not even once.
  19. puppetworx

    Medic signature

  20. puppetworx

    very serious counter hacking :)

    This thread is giving me diabetes.
  21. puppetworx

    Computer Spec's

    The 550 Ti is a lot better in terms of power use (~110 watts) and is DirectX 11 compatible. It's at least 15% slower then a Radeon HD 7770 though. The