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Everything posted by puppetworx

  1. puppetworx

    Best DayZ YouTubers

    I like PsycoRevolution but he doesn't post as often as I'd like. I really like his voice-overs. FRANKIEonPCin1080P and CHKilroy too.
  2. puppetworx

    [Video] The moment I quit DayZ

    Protip: driving over train tracks (even extremely slowly) with a dodgy wheel on an ATV has the same result as driving over an IED. What I don't understand is how the physics for the ATV can be so horribly fucked yet the bicycle and motorbike and every other vehicle can be totally fine.
  3. I keep both on me, it only takes one inventory slot. If you are up north you better be wearing a Ghillie suit. If I'm in the south I'll switch to the hero skin, it gets me shot less then a Ghillie suit when in big cities.
  4. My PC crashed and when I logged back in game the bicycle I was on was gone. Will it be at the last place I saved it?
  5. puppetworx

    Where is my vehicle after a PC crash?

    Nevermind, I found it about 100 meters away in a bush. Lucky!
  6. puppetworx

    Why do I keep losing my hero skin?

    It is glitchy I had the same thing happen to me, sometimes I would be wearing the hero skin sometimes not. Eventually after continuing to grow my humanity it permanently switched.
  7. puppetworx

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    Yeah I thought Armour was turned off on ll DayZ servers, therefore it doesn't work as in ARMA 2.
  8. I wonder how many deaths are due too skiddies? 3 minutes of math, oh gracious!
  9. puppetworx

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    Implying aviators and rags on your head don't protect bandits from harmful UV radiation.
  10. puppetworx

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    It's called an experiment brah.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYorl8V8zEU
  12. puppetworx

    i'm looking for vehicles

    I'm in the same boat. Speaking of which all I've seen since the update are 3 boats on the land down in Kamenka and a PBX with a bicycle on top of a mountain up north. Scripters must have got a bit excited at the prospect of vehicles that save and so teleported them all to their location. I've found 20 high value tents in the north but have yet to find a vehicle at any of the camps. I would've thought I'd see an ATV at least, starting to think they're all being hoarded off map.
  13. puppetworx

    What would you do?`

    I usually evade anyone who doesn't respond within 10 seconds. The times I haven't done this I've ended up dead. If they then follow me I'll kill them. I'll lure them to where I have good cover and they're exposed and then pop out. But I find it very easy to evade people in this game, maybe it's that I learn maps pretty quickly or maybe it's that people suck at shooting, most of the time I can just duck and weave and they lose them as easily as zombies.
  14. puppetworx

    Nice to know that 2,000 bans do nothing

    Someone robs me ergo it's okay for me to rob someone else. Ergo mofo.
  15. puppetworx

    Nice to know that 2,000 bans do nothing

    No you wrote it out of context. Let thine bean shower commenceth!
  16. puppetworx

    Nice to know that 2,000 bans do nothing

    Sounds like you've already been cheating. Did you get banned and now you're mad?
  17. puppetworx

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    And people complain about the DayZ loading screen. These people do not even know what aggravation is.
  18. puppetworx

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    You old gits make me laugh, learn2cassettetape. Spectrum 128K master-race reporting in. Come at me.
  19. - Tried to fly a chopper from Petrovka to the NWAF on two jerry cans worth of gas facepalm.jpg - Tried to kill a guy following me in Elektro with a Satchel Charge and set it off while too close. He was on the other side of a wall, although he was closer when it went off the wall dampened the explosion on him and I got the majority of the blow, we both went unconscious but he woke up before me and killed me. He did get quite a scare though, I laughed the whole time. - Rode an ATV with a dodgy wheel over train tracks and was vaulted a hundred feet into the air landing in a firey explosion
  20. puppetworx

    Bottled Water?

    Coffee bean > Baked bean
  21. puppetworx

    An official representative needs to make a statement

    Rocket has been addressing these threads in the last couple hours, just look through his post history or search for 'banned'.