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Everything posted by puppetworx

  1. puppetworx

    Ok I have had enough....

    Motion to change the label on cans of beans to read "Bean's" adding grammar flaws to the game, making it far more realistic. :beans:
  2. puppetworx

    Should I hear someone sniping at me?

    The 'crack' originates from the bullet not the gun, it is the result of a sonic boom which occurs when a suitably large object travels through air at over the speed of sound. You hear the crack as the bullet passes you, or comes close enough to you. The bang of course comes from the explosion of the cartridge within the gun. With most weapons the bang and crack arrive within a very short space of time. Sniper bullets travel at extremely high velocity and if they travel far enough the crack and bang may be separated by a few seconds of delay. If you didn't hear the crack but did hear the bang this could be because the guy was hitting trees or the ground between you and him. Bullets that land short of you would produce a much quieter crack then bullets that pass you by, theoretically. I have experienced the 'lack of a crack' while being sniped at on occasion also and presume this is the reason why.
  3. puppetworx

    Friendly Fire..

    That one has got to sting. I remember how I lost my first heli. I found it fully repaired at a base near Petrovka. It was completely out of fuel and I had 3 jerry cans on me - "That will be enough to get me to the NWAF to refuel" I told myself. It was not.
  4. I've ignored this poll because it's based on two massive fallacies which make the thing completely bogus, but I'm sick of seeing it on the frontpage so it's time for some of you to to go back to school: The first fallacy is that anyone is in a position to judge the value of a feature which they have not even experienced yet. Even if you really, truly believe that your opinion reflects exactly how the experience of dogs in DayZ will be, you are wrong. No-one can fully evaluate a feature simply by simulating it in their mind, you must experiment with them. The second fallacy is that 2 months of solid development time has been spent on dogs - as if the DayZ team hasn't been breaking serious balls juggling PR, bug fixing, feature development and working to make the standalone a reality these past two months. This poll is based on two presuppositions, both of them wrong.
  5. puppetworx

    Bad CD- Invaild CD Key.

    Why did you change your copy? Did you get globally banned for scripting on your original copy? Probability says that's exactly. I'd help you get your new key to work, but I'd prefer to keep skiddies out of the game so I'm not going to. I hear WarZ is nice, maybe try and get in on that. Bysey bye.
  6. puppetworx

    Farewell DayZ...

    Combat logging.
  7. puppetworx

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    You have stated that the standalone will be locked down from scripting. There has been lots of talk about packet-sniffing exploits, do you know about this, and intend to address the issue for the release of the standalone?
  8. puppetworx

    Bad CD- Invaild CD Key.

    How this conversation should have gone: Friend: Run this file. You: Why? Friend: It makes you a better player. You: How? Friend: It lets you get your stuff back after you die and see where vehicles are and stuff. You: So it's a hack? Friend: Yeah...but it's okay. We're the good guys. You: You're a douche. I laughed at your 'misfortune' OP. I have no idea if your friend told you to run something or if you chose to yourself but either way you're naivete is hilarious.
  9. puppetworx

    Tent Help

    >on our way up the west coast >way up the west coast >west coast >west >coast
  10. Play DayZ without crying, I've never actually seen it though.
  11. puppetworx

    Q&A: Ask an Ex Infanteer about tactics and help

    OP I'd like to know how to make a visual sweep of large areas. Generally what I do is find a high vantage point and pull out my binocs, but what if the area is mostly flat forrest - what is the most efficacious method of sweeping in this situation? Others' opinions are welcome too. It's like the Bay of Pigs all over again.
  12. puppetworx

    R.I.P. Shaun

    How high do I have to be to enjoy this thread?
  13. puppetworx

    Serious questions for Rocket & Battleye

    Battleye has to work on vanilla ARMA 2 and all mods so it cannot create rules just for the DayZ Mod that would end up breaking stuff in other games. Okay they probably could make DayZ exclusive rules but it's unlikely that BI have or will sanction Battleye with such a task for the mod. Interesting link by the way OP. I've played on servers which drop everyone from the server if scripting is detected and it's very effective, has saved my life many times.
  14. puppetworx

    At last, I have taken up banditry

    I say, I find the content of this discussion to be most unfortunate. Murder is a savage occupation and I will play no part in such musings. Good day sir. A pox be on you!
  15. puppetworx

    Haunted bikes in rog castle?

    Don't worry, it was clearly just some cyclepath.
  16. puppetworx

    WTF is that?

    That was pretty creepy the way they all just stood there looking about, looked like the debug area for that map. All those dead bodies in a pile behind them though...the fuck? I would've turned and run! Also suki clearly wants to give you suki, if you know what I mean.
  17. puppetworx

    50 Jerrycans?

    You could easily gather 50 over time by legit play. My first thought would be that these guys have a chopper somewhere which they're driving to and refueling. Probably way off map, but it might be worth trying to follow them, it is a chopper afterall.
  18. puppetworx

    I want a bayonet on my gun.

    I want to kick zombies heads clean off.
  19. puppetworx

    Hacker Prevention.

    I have played on servers (such as UK 25) where they drop connection with you as soon as scripting is detected on the server. It has saved my life on at least on occasion. They also have side chat enabled which helps identify suspected scripters.
  20. No, this does not reflect my experience at all. You know holding right mouse zooms in slightly yes?
  21. On high population servers the problem is obvious. Running north will only result in a lot of wasted time running and instadeath from a scripter. People stay in the South so they can enjoy their life while it lasts.
  22. puppetworx

    Makaroni Duel with a Desert Bandit

    The pistols have been ridiculously nerfed in ARMA 2, that's the problem. The best sidearm is the revolver which deals 1300+ damage, all the others deal 899. One mag of Makaroni to the chest should be enough to knock you unconscious. Headshot and you're dead.
  23. Does this work for heterosexuals also?