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Everything posted by puppetworx

  1. puppetworx

    Awesomeness that is L85A2 AWS

    The Thermal is nice for when you need to scan and clear areas quickly, but the gun isn't all that great. NVGs are going to require batteries in the standalone so presumably so will Thermal sights. That should take the edge off of it.
  2. puppetworx

    You know you play to much DayZ when...

    I'm always looking at buildings now. I saw a silo out in the country and had the instinct to press B to check for snipers.
  3. puppetworx

    FN FAL the best all rounder?

    FN FAL all the way baby. I used to roll M14 AIM but once it gets out to 300m the accuracy of the red dot sight is awful. The FAL has very accurate sights, just like the AKM - another favourite of mine. I killed 5 bandits in Elektro yesterday with the FAL, one of them thought I was a sniper and the other two asked me what gun that I was using because "it sounded like a cannon" - intimidating as shit to the coastal dwellers.
  4. puppetworx

    Question to Rocket: Gun nerfing

    The nerf has actually been a very good thing for my weapon skills, but it does have it's problems.
  5. puppetworx

    Something that would be AWESOME.

    Don't forget to ask what the deal is with Mountain Dew and Green Mountain too.
  6. puppetworx

    Best 'nade throw ever? XD

    inb4 I once shot down a heli with a Makarov
  7. puppetworx

    Heli Crash Sites

    There's almost always a downed heli around Stary/Novy, if not there are 3 spawns on the way to Gorka and 2 between Gorka an Polana. That route works well for me. Most Northerly one I found was SE of Gvozdno. Scared the shit out of me too because I logged in about 30m away.
  8. puppetworx

    Heli Crash Sites

    I find buttloads of DMR mags in industrial and military buildings, I don't know why FAL ammo only spawns at choppers. I will roll with a high capacity sidearm for killing zombies when packing a FAL. That gun's louder then a cockney hooker.
  9. I've always wondered if you spawn in the least populated part of the map at the time because that seems to be what happens to me. E.g. If shit be going down in Elektro I'll end up spawning at Kamenka. Maybe that' just superstition though.
  10. puppetworx

    Alright do you think I should do it?

    Edit: My pictures never show anymore. The fuck?
  11. puppetworx

    Heli Crash Sites

    They've always been there, you just didn't know where to look. P.S. - I killed 2 bandits popping AK rounds at me today in Elektro with my FAL. Feels good man.
  12. >It's the noobs fault that the sniper pulls the trigger. They wouldn't get raped if they didn't dress like that... Stop posting.
  13. puppetworx

    Why don't people put tents on top of map?

    Asd? Like I said it depends on the server. A few days ago I met some random and we teamed up to raid the North from Misty Peak to the East edge of the map. We found over 30 tents with medium to high tier loot. The corners of the map probably have tents in them, but they're probably also abandoned because they're such obvious places to raid or server hop too. You might get lucky but we found 30 tents in the NE corner alone, all abandoned, and that matches with my experience on other servers. The only rough pattern I have found is that camps are most usually amongst pine trees (duh) and typically north of a water source. When that far north water is as scarce as it gets in DayZ and unless you have a vehicle you will be sprinting a lot and will need to drink regularly. North of Petrovka, Pobeda Dam, Black/Willow Lake and to a lesser extent Skalka are good places to search in the North. Use the wiki map instead of DayZDB. I've noticed most online maps are cropped on the West or North for some mysterious reason.
  14. puppetworx

    Define a bandit

    You're talking to people who believe that KOS is the only way to play the game. Don't expect miracles...
  15. I don't care if they're in the game or not so long as they're rare (which they will be once scripting is suppressed) and ideally if sniping at range is made proportionally more difficult to match with reality (i.e. wind and greater instability).
  16. There's a lot wrong with what you say, mainly due to excessive generalizations. The fallacy I'll pinpoint is the idea that people head North to avoid contact. I'm friendly as shit and the reason I go north is so I can attain gear to defend myself with when I roll into town. My FAL or M14 beats your M16 or AK-74 on anyday. I don't go North to avoid contact, I go North so I can survive contact for longer anybody with any brains does the same.
  17. Yes. Zombies can't attack you while moving just now but as soon as they can we're in for a world of hurt.
  18. puppetworx

    Why don't people put tents on top of map?

    I still find tents up there. I've probably found more up there then anywhere else. It depends on the server and it's users.
  19. Use it as bait. Park it in Cherno and shoot the tyres out. Follow whoever fixes it up and takes it, they may take it to their base.
  20. puppetworx

    Where can I find...

    Just a warning: you can buy ARMA 2: OA keys from hackers online for $5, they harvest the keys from people who download cheats so the keys are often banned or sold repeatedly (the same key cannot be used by more then one person at one time). The guy offering might be legit, or he might be offering one of these stolen keys, or he might be offering the key from his already banned account. I felt a duty to let you know the risks.
  21. puppetworx

    Only FN FAL's past 3 helicopter crashes?

    I used to roll M14 but the FN FAL has just recently won me over. The iron sights are more precise then the red dot, the stability is great and the rate of fire is really nice too. It's a hugely under-rated gun. It's loud and the ammo is rarish but if I'm out to kill players this is my weapon of choice. The AKM is the other under-rated gun - most versatile gun in the game. If I had to choose just one gun to play DayZ with my first choice would be AKM, my second: FN FAL.
  22. puppetworx

    Be honest have you ever died from....

    Not yet. Maybe food and drink should be harder to come by and store.
  23. puppetworx

    DayZ Random Acts Of Kindness

    Giving someone a Ghillie suit or Camo is probably the best way to build trust and loyalty with a random survivor, at least in my experience. Possibly it's because it's high-tier loot but they can't kill you with it. I never use that shit unless I'm up North so if I find it I give it away. So far it seems to be a great pacifier. I'll also point people towards tents/campsites that are close by, offer to heal/bloodbag people (I have hero status) and help them to loot places until they're geared. In this game friendlies are just happy to not be shot in the face when they come face-to-face with someone outfitted with high-grade equipment.
  24. puppetworx

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    It's a mid-December release or bust according to rocket.
  25. puppetworx

    Betrayed. On tape.

    So, not killing everyone you see = killing everyone you see... Do you even think before you start typing?