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Thrack (DayZ)

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About Thrack (DayZ)

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  1. Thrack (DayZ)

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    old? I'm 50 lol
  2. Thrack (DayZ)

    Crashed Choppers Sites - Smoke glitch?

    I have seen multiple times, smoke coming from crashed loot choppers. When the crash spawns it smokes, at night it also has a glow. The length of time it stays like that I have no idea. Yep fresh crashed choppers with smoke = fresh spawn.
  3. Thrack (DayZ)

    Hacking, what is in store for the future?

    Ran into one of these last night.
  4. This bug is running rampant now, same thing happened to me last night. Lost both weapons, backpack, tool belt, all I had was a few ammo left, same as you.
  5. Thrack (DayZ)

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Just happened to me, logged off for a break, logged back in and lost Alice pack/items, Main weapon DMR and NVG. Logged in and it put me on beach, crazy thing is still have my DMR ammo minus the gun. Also interesting, I was receiving group chat spam and was invisible also, just like the above posters.
  6. Thrack (DayZ)

    Clearing out zombies - crash site

    Smoke grenades as previously stated and you can also wait a few minutes and they will wander a safe distance from the wreckage.
  7. Thrack (DayZ)

    I have become a monster..

    "I can feel your anger... it gives you focus, it makes you stronger!
  8. Thrack (DayZ)

    Anyone in Cherno? The Good Old Dayz.

    I miss the side chat also, was entertaining sometimes. Should just bring it back with an option to turn it off.
  9. Having all high end gear, running across a field with NVG, cut into some bushes....only to hear both legs break, then instant death. Seems there was a small rock in those bushes!!!! I survived 16 days with snipers and zombies, only to be finished off by a little rock. I stopped playing for about 3 days LMFAO!
  10. Thrack (DayZ)

    weapon switching?

    Yes you can have another primary rifle, that when stored in your backpack that will take 10 spaces. A secondary pistol takes 5 spaces in pack.
  11. Thrack (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I can confirm this, been to three servers and very little loot spawning. Same, mostly watches, one makarov and cans.
  12. Thrack (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    The first person view of the new double barrel shotgun is "off". The barrel tilts way too much down, can't tell where it is aiming. Doesn't have a similar graphic like the others. Also noticed if I remove the flashlight, it also empties the surrounding items, such as bandages and handgun clips. I love the new zed behaviors. I was in a grocery store, when a heli flew overhead. The whole town started screaming and chasing the heli's sound, near the store I was in...lol. It was nuts, was like a scene out of a movie lol! I think their detection range is a tad bit too much, but I'm learning and adapting to it. Thanks for the fun!
  13. Thrack (DayZ)

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    This is a Ghillie suit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghillie_suit
  14. Thrack (DayZ)

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Ghillie Suit? Holy shit !
  15. Thrack (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Maybe add a buff of sorts to positive "Humanity" levels, such as higher degrees of blood (endurance).