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*Regulator* Mikey

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Everything posted by *Regulator* Mikey

  1. *Chorus* Regulator Medic Outpost*Chorus* Quick Facts: - Not server bound. - Medical support. - For new spawns food avaible. - For Bandits free bullets and painful deaths. - A safe zone (We do the best we can.). - Marked by Flares on roof. - We will never shoot on survivors unprovoked, if we shoot at your direction ... then it could be, that you are hunted by zeds. How get i healed? Well, thats a excellent question, old chap! How it works: - Yell "friendly" in the range of the building, lower your gun and wait for answer. - Follow the instructions inside the building. If anyone force you to lower your pants ... then ... - You have to drop all your weapons in a specific room inside the Outpost (Because we don´t really trust you ...nothing personal, dude.) - You get medical support and/or food. - You leave the Outpost escorted ...WITH your guns. Important Note: Allways make first a contact in Direct Chat! Where it is? - If [Regulator-Medic] Mikey and/or [Regulator] Jerry are on your server ... it is found here:
  2. *Regulator* Mikey

    Medic Outpost - Not Server bound!

    Outpost Setup 30.08. - 21:00 EU-based time - Server: Will be announced
  3. *Regulator* Mikey

    2 new gun suggestions

    Fine! Good gun choice.
  4. *Regulator* Mikey

    Best Weapon for a Hero?

    His brain ...
  5. *Regulator* Mikey

    What Is Your Favourite Weapon?

    Usually ... AKM: mid-long range AKs74U: Close-quarter-combat High end? Uhm ... i think the FN FAL or Mk48 ... both are fine. EDIT: Lee Enfield to light up snipers on +400m... ironsights FTW!
  6. *Regulator* Mikey


  7. *Regulator* Mikey

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Can i sell you Camo Clothing? What can i get for it?
  8. *Regulator* Mikey


    ... pls add to medic ... "Shoot down "towel heads" ... and use their organs to save poor survivors." ... thanks.
  9. *Regulator* Mikey

    Medic signature

    Thats pretty cool, dude.
  10. *Regulator* Mikey

    So whats your loadout??

    There it is ... Armament Main: AKM / Lee Enfield / AKS 74U Secondary: Revolver / Colt 1911 / PDW - 2 or 3 Clips max. Toolbelt Knife / Hatchet / Map / Clock / Matches / Binoculars Backpack Czech or ALICE, filled with medical supplies, food, drinks and a waterbottle. ... that was it.
  11. *Regulator* Mikey

    Medic Outpost - Not Server bound!

    You are welcome. Mostly we taking place for a hour+ on servers (Watch the playerlist- Mostly LU or DE-servers) ... but there will be greater operations in the future and we will announce them. So, we will post it here ... and then you can pay a visit, with your tasty, taaasty beans. You also can become a Regulator and join our Outpost-Team. ;)
  12. *Regulator* Mikey

    bandit beginner

    ... cupcakes ... filled with the broken dreams and hopes of dead survivors ... glaced with their tears of misery. D: *endless fear*
  13. *Regulator* Mikey

    Which shooters did you play before Dayz

    OPF, Vietcong First Alpha, Battlefield Vietnam, Call of Duty (first one) & United Offensive, Battlefield BC 2 & Vietnam.
  14. *Regulator* Mikey

    A Simple Question.

    What he say, but i think... it getting better with the KOS (Thanks,, Humanity and Skins). But only slow ... but there are more and more survivors for working together as before ... and less backstabbing.
  15. *Regulator* Mikey

    Should I player hunt during day, or night with this setup?

    My friend, i dont know not one bandit ... not one ... that hunts players to survive. (Sure, i could be wrong .. but IMO the most do it for fun.) ... and when you dont like the close-quarter-ambush ... then you can use a DMR, M24 ... or even a M107 ... but the AS50 TWS ... please ...
  16. Strolling around the coast ... found supermarket in elektro, go inside ... take happy all the stuff (even the Chemlights). Dont think about to secure the rooms with my AK74u ... got a bullet in my head from behind. The end.
  17. *Regulator* Mikey

    Should I player hunt during day, or night with this setup?

    I don´t complain about the fact that you are a sniper ... AS50 TWS? ... your weapon choice is bad, and you should feel bad. Get a M4A1 or a AK and hunt players with your NVG´s ... more thrill and it shows a lot more ballz of steel than a ... AS50-Hurrdurr-TWS. Where the hell are all the "good" bandits ... :(
  18. That are a pretty good idea.
  19. *Regulator* Mikey

    Medic Outpost - Not Server bound!

    Thanks all! /SIgn ... we can handle the most sniper spots at this position. Sure, maybe we can´t kill a long-range-sniper ... but we have our ways be out of his crosshair. Hackers/Script-Kiddos are the main problem (... we got allready killed by one), but ... its the daily life in DayZ and they can´t be everywhere.
  20. *Regulator* Mikey

    M107/AS50 and Skill; do they go with one another?

    Last, but not lost ... a answer. /Sign ... if you get shoot by a sniper, it´s your fault. Maybe i have misunderstand that line ... sorry. IMO is just the use of the 50.cal´s in closer range (50 - 400 meters) just a shooting on sitting ducks, because the gun fires damn fast ... its like a spray&pray. The only thing is ... the 50.cal bullet kills you with one hit ... so proper aiming is nearly not required in these ranges. I only say what my experiences with these guns is ... and nope ... i dont say that. "Earnestly ... there are some real snipers and bandits, they know how to use that gun with all his benefits ..." <- my words ... and that is the good use of this poor gun. There is no rage, only these little question "was that really necessary?" ... If a new player found a gun and running in your direction ... take em out, its your bandit-job and okay. But IMO shooting on new spawns with the words "He could be threating me ... in future ... maybe ..." makes for me no sense. Sad, but true ... so looking forward for the standalone.
  21. *Regulator* Mikey

    M107/AS50 and Skill; do they go with one another?

    He ... hehehe ... ha har HAR! ... sure, you can avoid the crosshairs by using every cover ... but there is no single encounter, where the AS50-Guy proves me his skill. It was more like: "OH MY GOSH!!! THESE SNEAKY SURVI HAVE ENTERN MY PRO-5N1P3R-CAVE ... better i try to quickscope him with my powahfull CoD-Skillzzzzz! ... OH NOES, his AKM tearing my anus apart! I can´t hit em with my SECOND silencend militarygrade assaultrifle! OH, the PAIN!!! ... *gasph*" Seriously ... there are some real snipers and bandits, they know how to use that gun with all his benefits ... but 98% of the users are griefers or "I am so badass"-Kids. Don´t misunderstand me, i like the thrill of the Sniper-Terror in Citys and open range ... and i like good bandits ... but i don´t like "Bandits" with kill-scores filled with random-kills and new spawns. The 50.cals are legit ... but they should rare, like a can of tasty mountain dew!
  22. *Regulator* Mikey

    Medic Outpost - Not Server bound!

    Thank ya, maybe we survive long enough to help someone ... :thumbsup:
  23. *Regulator* Mikey

    Killing new players? Someone explain it to me...

    You sir, got a lot of beans for free ... *Clap Clap*
  24. *Regulator* Mikey

    Killing new players? Someone explain it to me...

    ... uhm, well ... then
  25. *Regulator* Mikey

    Why do people do it?

    except ... we few, we happy few, we band of brothers ... who's don't kill everything on the first sight ... ... and some decent bandits ... a rare species around the coast ...