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About paradox666

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. paradox666

    DayZ Inventory Redesign

    Looks really good dude. Great redesign IMO!!!
  2. paradox666

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    There are so many guns we need to have combinations! I think if Rocket implemented dual wielding this game would be much better!!!
  3. paradox666

    Different Map

    Where abouts is your servers located Anthrax?
  4. paradox666

    Different Map

    So I know this is a common topic, and I know Rocket gets shitty about mentioning playing on another HIVE but nonetheless. I want to know the opinions of the DayZ dev team and the community on this. I for one am bored of Chernarus and I wanted to try Lingor Island however I'm retarded when I comes to doing that. So yeah just leave your thoughts on having new/different maps. Cheers
  5. paradox666


    I rage really, really fucking hard at the bugs in this game. But never, ever ALL CAPS hard. It is still in alpha and as irritating as dying to a door is, we gotta cop it now, so later it's good.
  6. paradox666

    So, how is Arma II?

    Hmm, sounds interesting, I'm not so interested in the social aspects I kinda just want to get into intense CQC firefights, but with the whole 'having to find food, water, bandages, morphine and weapons" kinda thing. Know anything like that? :P!!
  7. paradox666

    So, how is Arma II?

    This is exactly what I want. I think the zombies in Day Z ruin it (yeah gimme a sec). At this point the zombies are so broken and buggy I do not find any enjoyment out of them what so ever. What I want is a game/version like Day Z where you have to collect loot, weapons etc, set in a urban environment (that map with all open buildings) with the main focus on PvP less on survival. Preferably there would be less open 'waste' area. I read somewhere about these non-hive servers like this but I'm in Australia for one (don't think there will be any) and don't know how to get on these servers. (If anyone knows how they should totally tell me :) )
  8. paradox666


    That is a fucking amazing idea. Like a bike but you have to feed it and it could feed you if shit got rough. I'd imagine it would need you do make/get a saddle of some sort. You could even store a rifle in its ass.
  9. paradox666

    Fighting bandits with... dogs!

    How about fix or better the current issues in the game before we go and add a huge feature that will be undeniably buggy as fuck?
  10. paradox666

    Remove sniper rifles..more realistic...

    When I first read this topic I laughed at its stupidity. Then I thought about it and I actually would prefer the game without snipers. This is my view... There's nothing like the intensity of firefights in DayZ. I think the awesome factor of shootouts in this game is sticking around a 10. Snipers just click on button and you're dead. That's no fun! It will never happen but I can dream
  11. I was in Cherno and I actually found a gun.
  12. The new super-zombies are a total joke. You want your pistol back? You gonna need some fucking Kryptonite for these niggers.
  13. paradox666

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    I thought the forums were a place to voice your opinions. Apparently it is now a place to voice your opinion and get shot down by a bunch of l33t rocket-fanboy asshole... And to think I actually thought this game would have a good community.
  14. paradox666

    what about night googles

    Maybe we could also add rain googles, they are kinda like swimming ggogles but insted when you wear my raing googles the rain diapers.
  15. paradox666

    dual weild pistols?

    God I hope you are 'trolling'.