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Lukaz (DayZ)

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About Lukaz (DayZ)

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  1. Lukaz (DayZ)

    Duping/Map Hack on US599

    How do you know that the people you mentioned are using spawned vehicles and weapons? They could just be people like you who just happened upon the gear lying around.
  2. Lukaz (DayZ)

    This game has the wrong name.

    Calm your vagina it's a joke...
  3. It should be changed to "Loading screen: The Game."
  4. Lukaz (DayZ)

    Stuck at loading screen

    EXACT same problem here. Haven't played for a few days, patched everything up manually, and am now unable to load into any server.
  5. Lukaz (DayZ)

    Randomly warping to the sky and falling

    You can get that stuff in a couple of hours...
  6. Lukaz (DayZ)

    How can i respawn/restart?

    Seriously like you didn't ever do that...
  7. So last window as in the very last "repair glass" on the list?
  8. Lukaz (DayZ)

    Having multiple characters

    I would love this too, but prepare to see a huge uprising of bandits running around cherno killing noobs and not giving a F#$k
  9. Lukaz (DayZ)

    What has happened to this community?

    Exactly what I was going to say. Now you are one of "those guys".
  10. Yup in the last hour (12-1am GMT +8) All the ANZ servers have had the same thing.
  11. Lukaz (DayZ)

    ANZ - 4. Entire server killed

    The entire server died.... Like as in there was 49 pissed off people in the group channel. Someone said it might have been someone called George or something but that could be completely wrong. Can't be hard to check the logs and see that everyone died maybe with the exception of one person.
  12. Lukaz (DayZ)

    ANZ - 4. Entire server killed

    What else can I say. Just happened again. Everyone dies. Someone is using a kill script on that server at around that time. There is no more info....
  13. At approx 12:10 am (GMT +8) everyone on the ANZ - 4 server was killed by a kill script. Pretty sure no admins were online. Edit: ANZ - 8 at 12:45am was also wiped out and crashed. Edit: According to group chat on ANZ - 8, most of the other ANZ servers are being hit by this as well. I trust Battle eye has the logs.
  14. http://www.twitch.tv/grumpysnorlax1# Feel free to chat, give advice or suggestions!
  15. How is not being able to join a server because of high ping then finding a better one something to complain about? I am completely confused as to what you are complaining about. You got owned in the cheat reporting btw. Nice work looking like the twat that you are :)