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About Smokeydubbs

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    On the Coast
  1. Me and a buddy were running SW from the NE airfield. We had a group of zombies on our ass so we just kept running. Found a giant rock to loop around and one of us pick off the zombies. After decking about 15 zeds, I notice the rock has an incline that it look like we could run up. Well it had an invisible wall to block running up, which I should of taken as a hint, but I vaulted on the rock. Instantly break my legs and pass out while bleeding out. I was able to wake up only to die instantly. My buddy tried to reach my body, only to surcome to the same fate.
  2. Smokeydubbs

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    For most ARMA players, $50-60 is nothing. Which is why the population will move to ARMA 3 and in response to the players being in ARMA 3, the mods will come with it. The cool thing about Dayz is that Rocket and team have access to the ARMA 3 engine noe, so they could potentially be the first mod in the game.
  3. Smokeydubbs

    1hr 17min hatchet chase

    I laughed pretty hard at "He did eventually run off after saying "Fuck you" in German." What an asshole though. I would be pretty upset after an incident like that.
  4. Well I was on my 10th day of living on one character, then the change to zed detection and the nerf to prone happened. This patch also had major bugs in it to where zed aggro'd from WAY far away. Also loot was broken for a bit. (funny part about this patch, it's when they changed beginner gear, and I laughed at that thinking I would live forever, whoops) Well I loaded up, did what I was used to when it came to avoiding zeds, well I pulled one and had to fire my DMR to kill it. Pulled all of Stary, died quick. So my guess on the declining life expectancy, which I have noticed as well, is the community getting used to the new zed mechanics, and not spawning with a gun.
  5. How about using your head and scouting before advancing? If you know players are somewhere and you are unarmed, stay out of sight. There are plenty of smaller towns to find a pistol or food. The cities are supposed to be dangerous and if you are unarmed going into one, prepare to die.